I had the craziest and the busiest days at LFW however you can share with me this amazing experience and thanks to Burberry Fashion show that starts on Monday at 2 pm UK time. I am sure it will be stunning collection so make sure you do not miss out. Thank you Burberry for this amazing opportunity.
Mela jsem neuveritelny a hlavne nabity vikend plny prehlidek a mody. A samozrejme se nemuzu dockat Burberry show, kterou bych s vama chtela sdilet live. Takze urcite sledujte tady na blogu v Pondeli ve 2 hodiny britskeho casu (coz jsou 3 hodiny odpoledne v CR). Slibuju, ze vam prinesu uzasne posty z celeho tydne mody a spoustu inspirace. Ostatne jako vzdy. Mate se na co tesit.
Love Glamazon xoxo
Eva, thanks for sharing this.