Category Archives: Lifestyle

Bye Bye 2016


Can you believe that another year is gone? 2016 was a year of major changes in my life, there were hard moments and happy moments. However, I feel that whatever I mention the fact I became mum just always tops it up.

When I found out I was pregnant in December 2015 I knew back then things will never be the same and was not sure what to expect. So my 2016 was full of adapting during pregnancy and even later when the baby arrived. At the start of the year I still managed to attend London and Milan Fashion Week but fighting the nausea and growing belly just made it not being the same as before. That does not change the fact I had such a great time. When I was five months pregnant I still managed to squeeze in a press trip to Berlin and then at seven months our holiday at Santorini. I knew after that I was going to be “stuck” in London. Partially it is because I am working on getting new passport with my new name through embassy and also sorting out passport for Liam. I am honestly counting days for this to be done. So I can travel again (Czech system is just soooo slow). I have a feeling that 2017 will be a lot about travelling again (maybe I will change my mind after first flight with Liam LOL).

One thing I can clearly state is that the baby did not stop me from doing things I love. It just slowed it down and made it more difficult and opened new doors. I have worked with brands that are not just fashion, I started to work more with beauty brands and also baby related brands. That does not mean this is changing into a baby blog. My goal is to actually do more fashion and prove that mums can look good and keep a great style. They just need to adapt for a bit and then they are back on track. I have worked with some fantastic brands including Bulgari, Tom Ford, Cybex, Charlotte Tilbury, Pinko, Farfetch, Armani Exchange, Johnsons & Johnsons and many more on exciting collaborations and some are still in the process (I do not want to say too much yet). I found more time to continue writing my first book and that is in the process too so I have a feeling that 2017 will be big. One of the biggest things I learnt though is the type of love you can only feel when you become a mum. The first weeks were hard and Liam is still eating at night so I have not slept straight for longer than 5 hours but I feel I love him everyday more and more. It is just incredible feeling and I am enjoying every moment.

I am thinking to start youtube videos again. I kind tapped in to it but it so much hard work. I am though ready to work hard. Maybe harder than ever and with that I believe that 2017 will be amazing. So lets cross the big fat line behind 2016 which has been shocking in general and so much bad stuff happening in the world and let’s start fresh and stay positive. I am ready for an amazing year full of exciting collaborations, time with my boy and my family and travelling.

Ani se mi nechce verit, ze uplynul dalsi rok. 2016 byl pro me zlomovy a to hlavne diky tomu, ze jsem se stala mamou. Ja clovek, ktery nemel zadne materske pudy, ale proste jsem si rekla, ze starnu a nemuzu tyhle veci nechavat nahode, protoze bych asi jednou litovala. Deti jsem chtela vzdy, ale prijde mi, ze jsem to kazdy rok odkladala, protoze jsem si proste uzivala svobody a zivota. Mozna, kdybych vedela tenkrat, ze detmi zivot nekonci, sla bych do toho uz driv. Posledni rok se hodne udalo, ale prijde mi, ze vsechno zle i spatne stejne predci fakt, ze jsem se stala mamou a tak se vlastne cely rok tocil bud kolem tehotenstvi a nebo miminka. 

Kdyz jsem zjistila koncem roku 2015, ze jsem tehotna, tak jsem se bala toho neznama. V tom roce jsem opravdu hodne cestovala a nechtela jsem se toho vzdavat a i kdyz jsem jeste par cest behem tehotenstvi zvladla, tak mi cestovani opravdu chybi a v roce 2017 si to vynahradim (treba zmenim po prvnim letu s Liamem nazor haha). Na zacatku roku 2016 jsem jeste stihla Londynsky a Milansky Fashion Week, ktere jsem si opravdu uzila a v patem mesici jeste press trip do Berlina. A taky babymoon na Santorini ve 27. tydnu. Pak uz jsem radsi nic neriskovala. Vse se i po narozeni zkomplikovalo, protoze vyridit pas s mym novym prijmenim na ceske ambasade je opravdu mise sama o sobe. Zacala jsem na tom pracovat nekdy v kvetnu a teprve ted si ho mam jit vyzvednout. Uff. No a momentalne se snazime vyridit pas Liamovi. Zaciname Irskym, protoze cesky pry trva 8 mesicu a jako druhy vyridim jeho britsky pas. 

Kdyz se clovek stane rodicem, hodne se zmeni. Pro me to bylo zpocatku tezke a hlavne i tim, ze tady vlastne nemame zadnou pomoc. Spolehame se jenom na sebe a bud hlida manzel ci ja. Na druhe strane me to nezastavilo v nicem, jenom trosku zpomalilo. Nejela jsem na zadny fashion week, jen se v rychlosti mihnula na tom Londynskem, ale co se tyce spolupraci, otevrelo mi to nove dvere. Mam za sebou uzasne spoluprace se znackama jako Bulgari, Armani Exchange, Farfetch, Tom Ford, Charlotte Tilbury, Cybex, Johnson & Johnson, Pinko a dalsi. Bylo jich opravdu hodne a momentalne mam stale v procesu opravdu uzasne projekty, takze rok 2017 bude urcite uzasny. Mym cilem je urcite nezmenit tento blog v typicky maminkovsky blog, spise se ubirat stale smerem mody a kosmetiky a promitat obcas detske clanky. Konecne jsem si nasla vice casu na psani me knizky a slibuju, ze v roce 2017 bude hotova. Radsi at si to dam cerne na bilem a to me opravdu donuti. Haha

Ja vam nevim, mam proste tuseni, ze 2017 bude rok uzasny a  rok vzestupu. Kdyz se tak podivate tak 2016 nebyl obecne pro svet nic moc a vsechno spatne musi prece jednou skoncit. Je to uzasne, kdyz muze clovek udelat velkou caru a rict si, ze zaciname s cistym stitem, nemyslite? 

A tak jsem pripravena vkrocit do roku 2017 tou spravnou nohou.

A co vy?

Love Glamazon xoxo 

Merry Christmas


Merry Christmas to all of you. Although I am in the laziest Christmas mood I had to wish you lovely holidays. Turkey is almost ready and yesterday we had Czech Christmas dinner. So we get to celebrate twice. I hope you are having the best time ever and all your dreams came through this Christmas.

Enjoy every moment of  this peaceful holiday season.

Vesele Vanoce vsem. I kdyz mam tu nejlinejsi Vanocni naladu, chtela jsem vam poprat krasne svatky. Akorat pecu krocana, sunku a vse kolem a vcera byla samozrejme ryba a salat. Docela se mam, ze muzu slavit dvakrat, i kdyz toho vareni je opravdu hodne.

Pevne doufam, ze se vsem splnily veskera prani a uzivate si tyto krasne svatky pohody

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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Favourite Corner in the house


I am sure we all have favourite spots in our houses where we love to spend time and we appreciate the comfort and the design. Mine is actually brand new as I finally got a great and comfortable armchair for nursing. Yes, finally.

I wanted one for such a long time and I finally found it on DFS. It has been a journey though. I was deciding also in between this DFS armchair and this armchair.  In the end it was the colour scheme and the measurements that helped me to decide.

Since Liam’s nursery is too small to fit anything else in there I decided to leave it in our bedroom. It was the best decision ever. This chair turned out to be the most multifunctional piece in my house and I totally love it. I use it for those moments when I want to watch something. I work whilst sitting in this chair, use it for shooting products for my blog or Instagram or leaving my handbag on it when I come from somewhere (yes guilty of that).  That already ticks so many boxes.

And I actually realised that it is so important to really think about what you are getting. In the past I would just do quick decisions and went for that quick and cheap alternative but moving forward I am sticking to clever and smart purchases. That could actually be my New Year’s resolution. As after getting this gorgeous chair I found out that it is a long term investment. It is such a beautiful piece and I know when we move in future it will always have some great spot in our new home.

So how about you and buying things for your home?

Mate svoje oblibene misto u vas doma? Ja ano ale je teda docela nove. Konecne jsem si po tak dlouhe dobe poridila kreslo na kojeni. Neni teda specialni na kojeni, ale vzdy se mi libila myslenka hezkeho kresla, kde bych travila klidne chvile s miminkem. 

A konecne jsem si vybrala tohle krasne kreslo a nelituju. Dokonce se z nej stalo nejvice pouzivane kreslo u nas doma. Nejen ze v nem kojim, ci krmim Liama, ale cteme mu v nem pohadky pred spanim, divam se v nem na Netflix a taky si do nej rada sednu, kdyz pracuju a pisu na blog. A v neposledni rade se z nej stal odkladac na kabelky (ano priznavam se). Zkratka jsem se do nej zamilovala. 

Moje drivejsi nakupovani nabytku bylo spise o cene, ale v posledni dobe jsem se opravdu polepsila a porizovala veci, ktere vydrzi a jsou lepsi investici. Clovek nechce vkrocit domu a zjistit, ze ma vse z Ikei. Drive kdyz jsme si pronajimali byty, tak Ikea to vzdy resila, ale pomalu uz v byte mame vse vymenene a investujeme do veci, ktere nam vydrzi i kdyz se jednou prestehujeme. Bude to takove moje predsevzeti a to nakupovat nabytek a veci do bytu s rozumem a s ohledem na budoucnost.

A jak to mate vy?

Love Glamazon xoxo

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Christmas Gift Guide for Her

1 Valentino Bag


Chanel Watch

Tom Ford Perfume

Burberry Scarf

Gucci Card Holder

Jimmy Choo Trainers

Jo Malone Candle

Alphabet Candle

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