As many of you may have seen on my social media my husband and I had a new arrival of baby Liam Tadhg on 28th August. I am planning a big post about my birth story but firstly I wanted to share with you Liam’s lovely Silver Cross nursery. I have always been huge fan of white and grey tones and neutrals in general. I find these tones and colours calming when it comes to home deco.
So I naturally picked this gorgeous Notting Hill Nursery that met my expectations when it comes to design, practicality and colours. The set comes with spacious wardrobe, cot and a changing table with drawers that gives me great storage for things like nappies, muslins and so much more. The wood has got gloss finish which is easy to look after and gives the whole collection lovely feel. One of the reasons why I picked this set is also the cot can be later changed to a normal bed so that will save you time and money once your child is older and needs a bed instead.
One of my favourite things is definitely the amount of storage this set offers. When you have a baby you start acquire lot of stuff including toys, clothes, nappies and so much more. And storage is one thing you will need. All of a sudden you have this extra room in your house and extra stuff and that needs to be organised. Well, at this point we do not have lot of toys but I feel there will be still enough space to put them somewhere. To match the whole feeling of the nursery I also picked lovely bedding from Silver cross. Wish Upon a Star screams luxury and goes perfectly with the whole nursery deco. Liam is too small to enjoy his Musical mobile but give it few weeks and I think he will appreciate it more. LOL Well at least I hope so.
You are probably asking about the day bed in the nursery. That is not part of the collection but I felt firstly that I may need somewhere to sleep or guests staying with us may use it as well. I tried to keep everything tone in tone and went for white. What a surprise.
I am very happy with Liam’s room as it looks chic, cosy and meets all my expectations when it comes to being practical and looking good at the same time. I think Liam loves it too (or he will once he can appreciate it). He is today 5 days old today and I am not going to lie things are challenging but then things can only get easier and better. It is a huge learning curve for me and my husband and it is good to at least have a great environment and comfortable nursery room. Every small thing can make things much easier for you.
Jak mozna vetsina z vas videla jiz na socialnich mediich tak jsem spolecne s manzelem privitala na svet naseho chlapecka Liam Tadhg. Liam se narodil 28. srpna a urcite bych rada vydala cely post venovany porodu a jak to u me vsechno probihalo. Timto nechci blog zmenit v typicky maminkovsky blog, ale Liam bude soucasti meho zivota a tim se prirozene na blogu vzdy nejakym zpusobem promitne.
Dneska jsem vam chtela predstavit jeho Silver Cross Nursery/Pokojicek, protoze je to zkratka novou soucasti naseho domova a zivota. Kdyz jsem planovala pokojicek tak jsem chtela udrzet veci, ktere mam rada. Chtela jsem chic nabytek, neutralni barvy idealne sede a bile tony a zachovat i prakticknost. A proto jsem se rozhodla pro set Notting Hill, ktery mi vsechny tyto veci nabizi. Jsem hrozne vdecna za dostatek ulozneho prostoru, barvy a take fakt, ze postylka se pozdeji da promenit v normalni postel az bude Liam vetsi. Tim usetrim jak cas tak i penize a nebudu muset kupovat vetsi postel.
Soucasti tohoto setu je skrin, prebalovaci pult s uloznym prostorem a postylka. Vse je v bilem provedeni s leskem, coz se bude urcite lehce udrzovat. Od Silver cross jsem si take vybrala povleceni a doplnky jako tento krasny kolotoc, ktery hraje. Liam je zatim malicky, aby tohle vnimal, ale doufam, ze za par tydnu si bude vsimat vice.
Mozna se ptate, proc mam v jeho pokojicku jeste postel, ale ta tam slouzi pokud bude treba nutne aby tam nekdo s malym spal a nebo kdyz budu potrebovat nekam ulozit hosty, kteri u nas budou pres noc.
Love Glamazon xoxo