Category Archives: Lifestyle

Liam’s Silver Cross Nursery


As many of you may have seen on my social media my husband and I had a new arrival of baby Liam Tadhg on 28th August. I am planning a big post about my birth story but firstly I wanted to share with you Liam’s lovely Silver Cross nursery. I have always been huge fan of white and grey tones and neutrals in general. I find these tones and colours calming when it comes to home deco.

So I naturally picked this gorgeous Notting Hill Nursery that met my expectations when it comes to design, practicality and colours. The set comes with spacious wardrobe, cot and a changing table with drawers that gives me great storage for things like nappies, muslins and so much more. The wood has got gloss finish which is easy to look after and gives the whole collection lovely feel. One of the reasons why I picked this set is also the cot can be later changed to a normal bed so that will save you time and money once your child is older and needs a bed instead.

One of my favourite things is definitely the amount of storage this set offers. When you have a baby you start acquire lot of stuff including toys, clothes, nappies and so much more. And storage is one thing you will need. All of a sudden you have this extra room in your house and extra stuff and that needs to be organised. Well, at this point we do not have lot of toys but I feel there will be still enough space to put them somewhere. To match the whole feeling of the nursery I also picked lovely bedding from Silver cross. Wish Upon a Star screams luxury and goes perfectly with the whole nursery deco. Liam is too small to enjoy his Musical mobile but give it few weeks and I think he will appreciate it more. LOL Well at least I hope so.

You are probably asking about the day bed in the nursery. That is not part of the collection but I felt firstly that I may need somewhere to sleep or guests staying with us may use it as well. I tried to keep everything tone in tone and went for white. What a surprise.

I am very happy with Liam’s room as it looks chic, cosy and meets all my expectations when it comes to being practical and looking good at the same time. I think Liam loves it too (or he will once he can appreciate it). He is today 5 days old today and I am not going to lie things are challenging but then things can only get easier and better. It is a huge learning curve for me and my husband and it is good to at least have a great environment and comfortable nursery room. Every small thing can make things much easier for you.

Jak mozna vetsina z vas videla jiz na socialnich mediich tak jsem spolecne s manzelem privitala na svet naseho chlapecka Liam Tadhg. Liam se narodil 28. srpna a urcite bych rada vydala cely post venovany porodu a jak to u me vsechno probihalo. Timto nechci blog zmenit v typicky maminkovsky blog, ale Liam bude soucasti meho zivota a tim se prirozene na blogu vzdy nejakym zpusobem promitne.

Dneska jsem vam chtela predstavit jeho Silver Cross Nursery/Pokojicek, protoze je to zkratka novou soucasti naseho domova a zivota. Kdyz jsem planovala pokojicek tak jsem chtela udrzet veci, ktere mam rada. Chtela jsem chic nabytek, neutralni barvy idealne sede a bile tony a zachovat i prakticknost. A proto jsem se rozhodla pro set Notting Hill, ktery mi vsechny tyto veci nabizi. Jsem hrozne vdecna za dostatek ulozneho prostoru, barvy a take fakt, ze postylka se pozdeji da promenit v normalni postel az bude Liam vetsi. Tim usetrim jak cas tak i penize a nebudu muset kupovat vetsi postel.

Soucasti tohoto setu je skrin, prebalovaci pult s uloznym prostorem a postylka. Vse je v bilem provedeni s leskem, coz se bude urcite lehce udrzovat. Od Silver cross jsem si take vybrala povleceni a doplnky jako tento krasny kolotoc, ktery hraje. Liam je zatim malicky, aby tohle vnimal, ale doufam, ze za par tydnu si bude vsimat vice. 

Mozna se ptate, proc mam v jeho pokojicku jeste postel, ale ta tam slouzi pokud bude treba nutne aby tam nekdo s malym spal a nebo kdyz budu potrebovat nekam ulozit hosty, kteri u nas budou pres noc. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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Top 5 Tips to Make your Mornings Nicer

10 (Image via Pinterest)

I am a morning person in general. I have usually lot of energy and always prefer to do work in the morning whether that is to create content for my blog, meet people, go to the gym or any other activity. However, some people are the total opposite and they absolutely hate mornings. Whether you are like me or the others I believe it is about positive attitude and bringing lovely routines to make your mornings better.

So I decided to put together few tips and suggestion of things you can try to make your mornings nicer. Obviously you may not be able to fit all of this in on a weekday but you may pick one to try and do the rest on Saturday or Sunday.

  1. Move your body – It can be a morning walk or a run or any other sort of exercise. I guarantee that if you do this first thing in the morning you will feel so much better.
  2. Try new methods like Hayo’u Method – A while back I wrote this article about this fab way how to start your day and shake the stress off your shoulders.
  3. It is all about the small things – Whether you like a nice cup of coffee or a hot shower do it. Whatever makes you happy. I love having a nice cup of coffee. It seems to trigger some sort of satisfaction and happiness.
  4. Plan the night before – I am a typical planner and it does help in life a lot. I set targets, goals and prepare strategy to achieve things. It is so much easier to know what you need to do that day rather than having chaos in your head already.
  5. Healthy touch – Ok, I mentioned coffee in a point three and that is not the healthiest thing on the planet. However, another thing I love is to start to healthy. I love to have a warm water with lemon or a nice green juice. There is just something about starting your day like this.

You all may have different ideas and routines however the point was to share mine. Hopefully we all get to the point when we love to wake up each day and with a big smile.

Jsem typicke ranni ptace. Rano mam vzdy nejvice energie, vstavam brzo a rana mam k vsemoznym aktivitam. Jsem schopna se v nedeli brzy vzbudit a napsat hned za sebou nekolik clanku na blog, jit cvicit, jit s nekym na snidani a mnohem vice. Ale na druhe strane jsou lide, kteri rana nesnasi a dela jim problem se vyhrabat z postele. At uz patrite do prvni ci druhe skupiny je dulezite si rana zprijemnit a prinest trosku rutiny, at vkrocite do kazdeho dne tou spravnou nohou.

Samozrejme kazdy je uplne jiny a ne vsechny nas bavi stejne veci a tak mozna v tydnu si muzete vybrat jednu z techto veci. Ale o vikendech urcite zvladnete i vice.

  1. Hybejte se – Miluju ranni pohyb a je uplne jedno, co delate. Nekdo rad plave, nekdo si jen radsi zajde na prochazku ci behat. Ten pocit kdyz skoncim nejakou aktivitu je k nezaplaceni.
  2. Zkuste nove metody jako napriklad Hayo’u – Nedavno jsem napsala clanek o nove metode, ktera trva par minut a pomuze vam zbavit se stresu.
  3. Male veci, ktere udelaji radost – Ranni kava, dobra snidane ci sprcha. Muzou to byt male ritualy, ktere vam zprijemni rano. Ja mam pocit, ze dobry salek kavy mi dodava takovy prijemny pocit radosti.
  4. Naplanujte si den predem – Ja jsem typicky planovac. Stanovuju si cile, strategie a vetsinou vim uz rano, co musim udelat. Je urcite lepsi vstat z postela a mit pevnejsi plan nez chaoticke myslenky a nevedet, co musite udelat prvni. 
  5. Zacnete zdrave – Vim, ze jsem v bode 3 zminila kavu a to asi neni ta nejzdravejsi vec na svete, ale rada zacinam den zdrave napriklad teplou vodou s citronem ci cerstvym dzusem. Neco na tom zkratka je, kdyz si prvni rano vypiju neco zdraveho. Mam pocit, ze jsem pro sebe neco udelala a den je pak zkratka jiny.

Mozna mate jine male ranni radosti a ritualy, ale chtela jsem sdilet ty me. Snad se jednou dopracujeme k tomu, ze kazde rano bude prijemne a vykouzli nam usmev na tvari. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


Tip of the week: The Polo Bar


Girly nights are the best and even those that involve few hours of chatting in the bar and enjoying some delicious cocktails (non-alcoholic for me at this time of course). The more pregnant I get the less I go out however that it is natural when you are 8-9 months pregnant right? You have all the discomforts, you are huge and all you want is your bed and have your feet up. Well, I know I will have to give up evenings like this at least at the start of motherhood so I  decided to spend some quality time with my friend Helena. We met in a lovely Westbury Hotel bar The Polo. A great spot just off new Bond Street for pre-dinner or pre-theater drinks with friends or your partner.

And we had a great evening just as expected. Not one of those wild nights but just a nice evening with some good nibbles and drinks. Helena and I tried some mocktails and cocktails that were recommended to us like Tea Breeze, Pomegranate Deluxe, Secret Tree or Summer in Warsaw. And it would not be a proper evening if we did not have some food and platters to try. OK, the menu was quite limited for a pregnant lady but we still found some great options. My favourite ones were definitely the prawns as that is something I love in general.

If you are ever in the area and you want to find a chic spot for few drinks you should definitely give it a go. And remember there are some great shops on new Bond street and why not to end your shopping experience with a drink or two especially when you have this just round the corner.

Holcici vecery jsou nejlepsi a hlavne takove, kdyz mate moznost si s kamaradkou moznost popovidat a popijet dobry koktejl a jist dobre jidlo (pro me samozrejme nealko drinky v tomto obdobi). Cim vice mi roste tehotenske brisko tim mene mam silu nekam chodit coz je asi pochopitelne. Vetsinou se vidim maximalne doma na gauci s nohama nahore a necim sladkym. Porad vas nekde neco tlaci, jste strasne unavena a kdo vi co jeste. Kazdy to asi proziva trosku jinak. Takovychto veceru budu mit asi nejakou dobu na zacatku materstvi asi malo, tak jsem se sesla s kamaradkou Helenou v hotelovemu baru The Polo.

A vecer se nesl presne v takovem naladeni jak jsem doufala. Zadne tancovani na stole, ale prijemny klidny vecer na miste, kde na sebe nemusite kricet a popijite dobre koktejly. Cisnik nam doporucil vyborne mixy jako Tea Breeze, Pomegranate Deluxe, Secret Tree or Summer in Warsaw. A nechybelo ani dobre jidlo. Jedine, co mi moc nechutnalo bylo kure na reckem mezze. Nejak jsem tomu nemohla prijit moc na chut. I kdyz castecne za to muze i tehotetnstvi, protoze mi v tomto obdobi kure az tak moc nechutna. Nejvic mi chutnaly asi krevetky, ale to je tim, ze je mam obecne moc rada. 

Kdyz budete nekdy kolem, treba na nakupech ve Victoria Secret (vim kolik Cechu si tohle v Londyne nenecha ujit), tak se urcite na par koktejlu zastavte. Velke nakupy se nejlepe ukonci dobrym jidlem a pitim. Nemyslite? 

Love Glamazon xoxo

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How to afford a designer bag?

1 (pictures via Pinterest)

I cannot even count how many times I have seen on other bloggers’ social media feeds and blogs questions about how do they afford designer bags. We all have different ways how we get things and although some things may seem to be out of your budget it is great to have dreams and make them happen.

When I was still at elementary school I remember how I used to get summer jobs, worked all summer to buy that one thing I loved. I had a passion for good and expensive things even in my early teens. Instead of spending days at local lido I was selling ice cream to buy a pair of shoes. And yes we are all different. There may be some of you that finds it weird however different people are into different things. As long as your actions are not hurting anybody why not.

So how do people afford expensive things? Some may be very fortunate with good jobs, some work hard like most bloggers that made it in the industry and there are some of you that may have to find different ways, sacrifice elsewhere and start to really focus on that one thing you want to purchase.

  • Pick the item and visualise it – I am a huge fan of law of attraction. It helps me to keep focus on that one thing I want and it helps me to keep the motivation up. Print out a picture of the bag you want and look at it every day. That is your goal and that is what you want.
  • Prepare a strategy of how you are going to save money for your wanted bag – there can be number of things you can do such as: selling old clothes or items you do not need, giving up something you buy every day (Starbucks coffee as an example), ask everybody for money for Christmas or birthday to put money against your bag, get a second job even for a short period of time, put all change in your saving jar every day, giving up for a while pleasures like going out and spending money on drinks with colleagues or friends, cooking your lunches at home. There are endless options that can help you to achieve your goal.
  • Consider second hand bags – One of the ways how to buy an expensive bag is to buy a second hand one. You just have to be careful about the authenticity of the bag however google is your best friend. There is know how – spot the fake from the real thing all over the internet.
  • Wait for sales – You may not get your classic Chanel bag on sale as the real classic pieces are rarely on sale and if they are they are gone within seconds however there are number of great designers that sell great bags in the winter or summer sale. I mean this black Fendi bag or Rockstud Valentino bag are great examples.
  • Think about cost per wear – Are you the type that has got 6 bags from Zara? How much did you spend on them? Even if they would cost around 50 £ each that would be already 300 £ for your dream bag. I could not count how many times I actually wore my Chanel bag. It is so classic and its price goes up every year. It was expensive but worth every penny.

So perhaps it is time to act instead of just asking. You may have to give up a lot but if the bag is something you really want you should go for it.

Myslim, ze bych nedokazala spocitat, kolikrat jsem videla u druhych blogeru bud na blogu ci instagramu a jinych socialnich mediich tu samou otazku. Jak si muzou dovolit vsechny ty designerske kabelky? Kazdy ma asi jine zpusoby, jak si poridit drazsi vec a i kdyz se nektere veci zdaji nedosazitelne, je hezke mit sny a ty sny si postupne plnit.

Ja jsem vzdy mela rada krasne veci a nikdy nezapomenu, kdyz jsem jeste na zakladni skole pracovala cele leto na brigade a pak si za nasetrene penize koupila treba jenom jednu vec, ktera se mi libila. Moda byla vzdy neco, co mi delalo radost. Jsou lide, kterym moda nic nerika a radsi penize investuji do neceho jineho a pro ne tento clanek asi nebude relevantni. Ale jsou i ti, kterym prave krasne a luxusni veci delaji radost. Nevidim na tom nic spatneho, protoze kazdy zkratka ma jine priority a pokud tim nikomu neublizujete, tak proc si si sen o krasne kabelce nesplnit. Otazkou je jak na to, kdyz vam z vyplaty moc nezbyva.

A jak si teda lide mohou dovolit drahe kabelky? Nekdo ma zkratka dobre placene zamestnani, nekdo to v blogovani dotahl tak daleko, ze je bud dostava zadarmo ci tak dobre zaplaceno, ze se jim sbirka designerskych tasek rozrusta jako houby po desti. No a pak jsou tu lide, kteri si ji preji a musi trosku vice zabrat a hodne si odeprit, aby si splnili svuj sen.

  • Visualizace a koncentrace na specificky produkt – Ja jsem velky zastance zakonu pritazlivosti (pro ty, kteri necetli knihu Tajemstvi je to o tom podvedome pritahovat veci do vaseho zivota). Vyberte si kabelku, ktera je vasim cilem a na tu se soustredte. Vytisknete si obrazek a kazdy den se na ni soustredte. Pomuze vam to jako motivace.
  • Pripravte si strategii jak ziskat penize na vysneny kousek – Existuje velke mnozstvi zpusobu jak si pomalu nastradat  potrebne finance. Pravdepodobne vam to muze trvat nekolik tydnu, mesicu ci dele, ale musite neco obetovat. Co treba zkusit nasledujici – vytridte satnik a take i dum a prodejte veci, ktere jiz nepouzivate ci nenosite, zkuste si odeprit neco, co si denne dopravate na nejakou dobu (treba kazdodenni take-away kava), k Vanocum ci k narozeninam si prejte pouze penize, ktere muzete pak pouzit k nakupu kabelky, co takhle si pripravovat obedy do prace doma a nebo se vzdat vikendovych vecirku a doprat si treba jenom jeden za mesic. Znam i par holek, ktere se vzdaly permanentky na metro a jezdily i v desti na kole do prace i z prace.
  • Nakup kabelky z druhe ruky – Tohle je dalsi moznost jak si vysnenou tasku poridit za mene penez. Mozna se bojite toho, ze by mohla byt falesna, ale google vam urcite poradi, jak rozpoznat falesnou tasku od prave. Nosena kabelka vam hodne usetri a presto zaruci kvalitu. Nekteri majitele se totiz o sve krasky velmi dobre staraji.
  • Pockejte si na vyprodeje – Myslim, ze opravdu klasicke a nadcasove kousky se ve slevach tezce shani, protoze poptavka je velika, ale daji se najit nadcasove kabelky v letnich i zimnich slevach. Na klasicke modely Chanelek asi zapomente, protoze ty spis rostou na cene, ale daji se najit jine a vytecne modely. Napriklad tahle cerna Fendi nebo tahle Valentino.
  • Hodnota za jedno noseni (cost per wear) – Mozna jste jedni z tech, kteri maji doma napriklad 6 kabelek z retezcu jako je Zara. Jenom kdyby jedna v prumeru stala 50 £ tak 6 takovych uz vas vyjde na nejakych 300 £. To jsou vsechno finance, ktere muzete radeji pouzit k nakupuju jedne, ale drazsi kabelky. Ja jsem napriklad velmi spokojena s klasickou Chanelkou 2.55, protoze ji nosim opravdu casto. Ke vsemu se hodi a nakupu tohoto modelu opravdu nelituju. 

Mozna je na case vzit vse do vlastnich rukou a neco obetovat. Pokud je draha kabelka vasim snem a neni ve vasich financnich moznostech, bude to bolet, ale odmena bude sladka. 

Love Glamazon xoxo