Category Archives: Lifestyle

Happy and Healthy with HAYO’U Method

Hands up for those who can say they never feel stressed? Not many of you right? We all handle things differently. Somebody gets stressed just by missing a train and somebody gets stressed only when major issues appear in their life. However, as we go day after day these small things pile up and one day they have an impact somewhere. Whether that is back pain, skin issues or much more serious and difficult illnesses. My mum always says that all illnesses are caused originally by stress.

And what do you think at those moments when you are felling under pressure? My first thoughts are always like I wish I could be on a relaxing beach and this all would go away? Well, that is one way to do that and probably pretty expensive way. Or you can start to meditate but the question is how many of us has got that luxury of spare time for doing this? Some people to chose to go to GP and get some medication but that is definitely my least favourite choice as I believe there are no pills that make this go away.

Well, I have a solution for you. You may or may not have seen on my snapchat (evaglamazon) last week that I had a meeting in Notting Hill. I did not tell you much about it but it was my consultation with lovely Katie Brindle. She is a Chinese Physician and one of the most passionate people I met. She loves Chinese medicine and her job and it is so refreshing to meet somebody with that sort of attitude and love for something.

Katie put together her knowledge of eastern world medicine and designed HAYO’U method. Now that is perfect for somebody with two jobs, social life and busy lifestyle like myself. All you need is few minutes a day to get rid of the stress that has piled up inside your body. And you can do this thanks to one minute rituals. They are so quick and easy to do and you will find short videos and demonstrations on Katie’s website. It is set of drumming, shaking and breathing techniques to help you literally to shake the stress out of your body.

I have been doing this now for few days and what a great way to start a day! You can do it whilst your coffee machine is on or even when you are getting ready in the bathroom. It is very easy to fit it even in a busy day. My favourite technique is the breathing. I feel people underestimate the power of correct breathing and Katie advised me to try big deep breaths and when you breathe out just imagine big smile across your abdomen. I would never think something this small could have such a huge impact. Now this is something you can practice even on the way to work. You will feel energised, fresh and ready to go.

You can find all the information here where Katie explains the benefits and what is hidden behind each technique. And if there are non-believers in Chinese medicine just think about how many years this has been practiced and the results. Katie will be also launching soon range of products that can help you to improve your health even more so keep an eye on it.

It will not kill anybody to at least try. I will definitely include these short rituals in my morning routine as it makes me feel good. And isn’t that what we all want after all?

Ruce na horu ti, kteri mohou rict, ze nikdy neciti zadny stres? Moc vas neni, ze? Kazdy reaguje na problemy jinak. Nekdo nevydrzi napriklad fakt, ze mu ujel vlak a druhy se stresuje, az jsou problem mnohem vetsi. Kazdopadne jak dny ubihaji, tak nase telo a mysl je neustale vystaveno problemum, stresu apod. A za nejaky cas se tyhle momenty bohuzel nekde musi objevit. Ja napriklad hned pocitim tezky tyden ve svych zadech, ktere zacnou neskutecne bolet. Obcas je to neprijemna unavana, ale nekteri z vas urcite znaji lidi kolem sebe, kteri trpi zavaznejsimi problemy. Jak rika moje maminka…vsechny nemoci zacinaji hlavne kvuli stresu a myslim, ze na tom bude neco pravdy.

No a co si v takove momenty prejete? Mate predstavu jak se stresu zbavit? Ja se vzdy snazim myslenkama utect na krasnou plaz, predstavit si zapadajici slunce a zkratka krasne uklidnijici momenty. Ale to je ve vetsine pripadu nemozne. Nejde se jenom tak sbalit, odejit z prace a vyhodit problemy oknem.  A co treba meditace? Ale kdo ma dneska tolik casu? 

No myslim, ze mam pro vas reseni. Nekteri vas, co me sleduji na snapchatu mozna vite, ze jsem mela nedavno schuzku v Notting Hill. Mela jsem konzultaci s uzasnou Katie Brindle. Katie se venuje uz patnact let Cinske medicine a je opravdu nadherne se potkat s nekym, ktery ma v sobe tolik vasne a lasky pro to, co dela. 

Katie prisla na trh s metodou Hayo’u. Spojila sve znalosti vychodni mediciny a vytvorila minutove ritualy, ktere pomahaji se zbavit stresu. Na svych strankach demostruje v kratkem videu jak tyhle ritualy provadet. Jedna se opravdu o par minut denne, ktere vam pomohou nastartovat den pozitivne a citit se lepe. Muj nejoblibenejsi ritual je dychani. Priznavam se, ze obcas zapominam na to jak napriklad spravne dychani muze cloveku ulevit. Je opravdu jednoduche tyto ritualy zaradit i do takoveho dne, ktere mam ja.

Staci praktikovat dychani a ostatni ritualy pri ranni hygiene, ci kdyz cekate nez se vam uvari kava. A v tom je to kouzlo. V dnesni uspechane dobe je cas jedna z nejcenejsich veci. Ja ritualy provadim uz nekolik dni a muj den hned zacina lepe. Za zkousku prece nic nedate.

Love Glamazon xoxo 

Travel: Santorini Photo Diary

It has been a while since I published any travel/photo diary post and because I am pregnant this may be a last one for a while. I am definitely planning to travel with my little one after birth but I think I will need a bit of time to adjust to my “new” lifestyle.

Anyway, I wanted to publish some of the photographs from our trip as Santorini truly is magical island. Endless stunning views, white houses, amazing food and unpredictable geology around you. I went to the red beach and visited beaches with black sand and everywhere you go there is another surprise. It would be a great trip for girlfriends just for few days as the island really is small so it is enough time to see everything.

I swear after three days we have seen everything so we decided to go back to places we loved the most like Amoudi bay. That is definitely my favourite spot. If you go do not forget to do your research about where it is good to watch the sunset as that is one thing you should do when visiting Santorini. You may use help of online tips or just ask the locals.

There is enough to do and enough to see. One thing I stayed away from was actually hiring the donkey. I am not a huge fan of using them going up and down from ports back to town. They always look so sad poor little things. Although I appreciate years and years ago the locals had no other option. Well, it still does not change the fact I do not want to support this.

Anyway, I hope these photographs will at least a bit show the beauty of this island and bring its atmosphere to your homes.

Uz je to nejakou dobu, co jsem vydala posledni travel post a jelikoz sem tehotna, tak letos cestuju opravdu mene a myslim, ze to chvilku potrva i po porodu. Budu se muset holt prizpusobit novemu zivotnimu stylu, ktery me ceka.

Kazdopadne jsem vam chtela ukazat par fotografii z posledni dovolene na Santorini. Je to opravdu prekrasny ostrov a rada bych se tam vratila. Myslim, ze uplne idelani by byla holcici dovolena na par dni, protoze ostrov je opravdu malicky a ctyri dny bohate staci. Santorini ma co nabidnout, ale nejvice jsem asi ocenila ty dechberouci vyhledy a dobre jidlo. Navic najdete v kazdem koute ostrova neuveritelnou geologii a v nekterych castech i velmi rozmanitou. Navstivila jsem red beach i plaze s cernym piskem a vubec kazdy kout prinesl neco noveho. Je to podle me idealni misto na holcici dovolenou na par dnu. Myslim, ze tyden je na ostrove docela dost vzhledem k velikosti. Mela jsem pocit, ze za tri dny jsem byla vsude a pak uz jsem se chtela vracet jenom na oblibena mista jako napriklad Amoudi bay.

Take se vyplati najit nejake dobre misto na sledovani zapadu slunce, ale o tom vam kazdy pruvodce ci mistni reknou sve. Jedna z veci, ktere jsem se vyhnula byl pronajem oslika. Nejsem fanousek toho, ze se pouzivaji na noseni zbozi a lidi a prijde mi, ze v ktere zemi jsem, tak vypadaji tak strasne smutne. Nemaji to v zivote jednoduche. I kdyz chapu, ze pred lety to byl jediny zpusob dopravy z pristavu nahoru na skaly a take zpusob jak dopravit zbozi do mesta.

Doufam, ze vam fotografie alespon trosku priblizi krasy ostrova.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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My pregnancy so far

I have been sharing bits and pieces about my pregnancy with you however I think it is just about a time for a next post as I am currently 8 months pregnant. One of the most popular articles so far was this one. And as it has been a while it is time to share a bit more with you.

I feel every day I am being asked questions like…are you excited, how are you feeling, how long will you be on maternity and so on. And the answer is I do not know. I always thought that once I am pregnant I will be one of those super pregnant women running almost until birth and drinking healthy juices. And the reality was different so I decided not to plan when it comes to maternity at all and just go with the flow. Why would I plan if I know every woman has got different pregnancy and we just have to wait and see. It is not such a long time ago when I was still naive and thought I can go to few shows during fashion week this September. However after few people literally laughed at my I took those rose tinted glasses off and jumped right back to reality. LOL

Second trimester was really good. The only thing I had pretty much was being tired all the time. But that could be caused just by my lifestyle. Not much has changed. I still work 5 days a week and run this blog. I leave house at 6:40 and do not return before 7 pm. That one thing I had to take easy is the amount blog related events after work. I used to pop to meetings over lunch or after work sometimes even 4 times a week. Now, I have to be very selective. There is no way I can run around with that bump and extra weight and work with the same level of productivity.

So far I gained 9 kg and still so many weeks to go (scary right) and it really becomes more challenging to dress, to travel on London public transport and keep the activity levels up. And did I mention I feel I look terrible in everything? LOL I am sure lot of women out there do understand me.

I am really trying to relax over the weekends but it is not easy it sounds. I am still committed to do all blog collaborations to a good standard, see my friends and run the household. I am not going to lie…I am very behind with baby stuff preparations and really should prioritise this over the next weeks. Well, time to get serious right?

Zatim jsem s vami sdilela par pocitu a informaci o prubehu tehotenstvi, ale jelikoz jsem momentalne v osmem mesici, tak jsem si rekla, ze je mozna na case napsat dalsi clanek. Zatim asi nejpopularenjsi post byl tento. A to uz je nejakou chvili, co jsem tomuto venovany clanek vydala.

Kazdy den mi lide kolem polozi hodne otazek typu jak se citim, jak dlouho budu na materske, jestli se vratim do prace, zda se nemuzu dockat apod. A ja vlastne nevim. Myslim, ze materstvi a veci ohledne materstvi se nedaji planovat. Kazda zena ma uplne jiny prubeh. Pro me byl zatim nejhorsi prvni trimestr, kdy me opravdu hormony rozhodily tak, ze jsem nebyla schopna niceho a k tomu nevolnosti a silene zimni pocasi. Ja jsem si totiz vzdy planovala v te svoji hlavne, ze az budu jednou tehotna budu ta super zdrava a skvele vypadajici zena, ktera beha skoro az do porodu a vypada u toho jakoby prave vystoupila z modniho casopisu. No a vidite vubec tomu tak neni. Tak jsem se rozhodla radsi si nic neplanovat. To vite, ze jsem jeste nedavno sedela na ruzovem oblacku a rikala si, ze stihnu navstivit v zari na Londynskem fashion weeku alespon dve prehlidky, ale to se mi vetsina lidi pekne vysmala, takze radsi uz nerikam vubec nic. LOL 

Musim rict, ze druhy trimestr byl ale vyborny. Sice se od zacatku citim unavena, ale to je mozna i pracovnim vytizenim. Prakticky se na mem zivotnim stylu az tak moc nezmenilo. Rano vychazim do prace asi v 6:40 a vracim se nejdrive v 7. Drive sem sice mela treba tri nekdy i  ctyri akce po praci, ale ted si peclive vybiram kam pujdu a davam hodne na sve pocity. Kdyz opravdu citim, ze si potrebuji lehnout, tak jdu radsi domu. Ono s tim velkym brichem uz to neni zadna slava. A navic mam uz 9 kilo nahore a tahat takova kila navic, kdyz si vlastne v tydnu behem dne ani neodpocinu je pro telo uz samo o sobe velka zatez. A jsem z toho cela takova nesva. Ve vsem si prijdu priserna (to urcite byvale i soucasne tehulky chapou) a svou chuzi bych uz nazvala spise valenim. 

Vikendy se snazim travit odpocinkem, ale i to se mi nedari, protoze je tady blog a pracovni zavazky ohledne blogu a take chystani veci pro miminko. V tom jsem opravdu pozadu a asi bych mela pritlacit na pilu. A navic se nechci uz ted osizovat o spolecnost pratel, protoze myslim, ze po porodu to bude chvili trvat se vratit do starych koleji. 

Myslim, ze ted je na case se venovat pripravam a ujistit si, ze je vse nachystano na prichod prcka. Co myslite? 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

Tip of the week: Sunset Taverna by Paraskevas


What a place!!! Under the red cliffs of Oia there is this stunning romantic spot called Ammoudi bay. A dream spot for food lovers and people that appreciate fresh sea food and romantic atmosphere. I loved this place after visiting one day and this gorgeous taverna got my heart so much we had to come back. Sunset Ammoudi taverna is a place we just came across but after having quick lunch there one day we decided to come back for full dinner after trying many places on Santorini. This restaurant is definitely at the top of my list. It is a fantastic spot to watch sunset but be aware if you want to experience this it is definitely important to actually book a table in advance.

There was just something about this lovely taverna. It was not just about good service and fresh sea food but the fact you feel you are almost dining in the sea. Everywhere you looked there was something beautiful to see and I could not stop soaking in local atmosphere. If I ever come back to Santorini I will come back. I had a thing for calamari on this trip and this placed served the best I tried on the island. However, their other sea food and other Santorini specialities are worth to try.

We really loved everything about this place and hopefully the pictures can bring you closer to this picturesque place.

Pod utesy Oia, ktere maji specifickou cervenou barvu, ktera se casto nachazi prave na ostrove Santorini, se nachazi tohle prekrasne misto – zatoka Ammoudi. Romanticke misto, ktere asi oceni hlavne milovnici morskych plodu a romanticke atmosfery. Behem naseho pobytu na Santorini jsme se zde stavili na lehky obed a hrozne mi tam chutnalo. A tak jsem jednoho dne rozhodla, ze bych chtela Tavernu Sunset vyzkouset i na veceri. Spousta turistu na ostrove si rezervuje stul v podobnych restauraci a ceka na proslaveny zapad slunce. A proto pokud se chystate na tyhle mista kolem osme hodiny tak urcite potrebujete rezervaci. 

Ja jsem se nemohla nabazit mistni atmosfery a pocitu, ze si uzivate vyborne jidlo temer v mori. Myslim, ze jsem nikdy nejedla tak blizko more. Mela jsem i pocit, ze kazdou chvili muzeme spadnout do vody, ale zkratka to melo neco do sebe. Servis, kvalita jidla a vyhled se opravdu neda srovnat s nekterymi misty, ktere jsem navstivila. 

Doufam, ze fotografie vam alespon trochu priblizi vyborne jidlo a tuhle prekrasnou zatoku pod utesy mesta Oia. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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