Pregnancy the time of your life which some of us love and some of us not that much. Do not get me wrong I know I love that little munchkin inside but pregnancy is probably not that glamorous and great as some people say. We are all different so this is only my subjective perception and experience. You may be one of those that feel sexy and great at all times and have not experienced anything bad. So what have I gathered so far now when I am starting month 6 of my pregnancy?
- You can’t plan anything – I remember I was dreaming that one day I will be that super healthy and super fit future mum to be. Well, the reality was different and instead of green juices and long runs I felt so sick that it was hard to make myself a cup of tea. I craved different foods and by the time I got myself mozzarella and tomatoes I craved something else. I also went to gym few times but no matter which time of the day I went after 5 minutes I felt I will empty my stomach right there. And I could not start a date without fruit although before I was more a vegetable kind of girl. Well, that tells me do not plan your pregnancy as your body may be heading totally different direction.
2. Hormones are so powerful – Nobody prepared me for this however I was asking myself several times a day who are you? Hormones had very negative impact on my mind and body. I hated everything including things I normally love like blogging, social media and going out. Everybody was highly annoying and I did not enjoy anything at all. It was very scary as I am otherwise very bubbly and positive person and this was impossible to control. January and February was the hardest as I got also very bad cough and it would not go away and I had zero support from the doctors. Luckily, I have a supportive husband and I also watched lot of series that helped me to get through this period. When I hit 14 weeks it changed and I am back to happy myself.
3. Babies will become a topic of your conversation – Another shock for me! I never got those people that could talk about this for hours! Well, I do like kids do not get me wrong however I did not have that much of maternity instincts. However, the mother nature is powerful and somehow naturally I just do not mind it now. I try to learn as much as I can and get all information possible. Although, I still love my cool London spots, good food and fashion! I promise I am still the old Eva.
4. You are not yourself and your memory is not as it was before – Wow, another unplanned thing entering my otherwise organised life. I hate feeling weird and not myself and unfortunately it happens quite a lot. And my memory got worse. I am otherwise so proud of my great skills how to organise and remember and pregnancy changed everything. And I am not even talking about being clumsy. Now that is one thing I had before but it just got worse. Oh dear!!!
5. Your body is changing and there is only very little you can do – When I found out I was pregnant I felt straight away I was fat and had a huge bump (I actually had few dreams about it too). As all expectant mothers I also want to have a healthy baby and that is what matters but also I do not want to over eat and be unfit. I soon realised that your body shape is given and we are all individual. I eat more at weekends and events but during the week I try to eat balanced meals and healthy snacks. And I am still pilling up the weight in super fast speed. And there is that awful cellulite? How on earth it became so bad? I literally panicked the other day and texted all my friends about it. All I can hope is that all this will go away after birth but I just may have to work a bit harder.
Well, to summarise this I am excited to meet the little one but there are all those unexpected things during the waiting for this arrival. You cannot change most of them but hope for things to be back to normal soon.
And I am happy to read about your personal experience as perhaps you are one of those super fit mums to be. LOL
Tehotenstvi je obdobi ktere mnoha zen miluje a na druhe strane jsou zeny, ktere jsou rady, kdyz to maji za sebou. Ja jsem asi spise v te druhe kategorii. Nemejte mi to za zle…tu malou mysku uvnitr miluju uz ted, ale tehotenstvi urcite neni az tak uzasne, jak nektere zeny tvrdi. I kdyz kazdy vnimame veci jinak a kazdy ma rad neco jineho. Tohle je zkratka moje osobni zkusenost. A ted kdyz zacinam sesty mesic tehotenstvi tak jsem se chtela podelit o par poznatku.
V tehotenstvi nejde moc planovat – Pamatuju si jak jsem si rikala, ze az budu tehotna, ze budu ta super zdrava tehule, ktera bude pit green juices kazde rano, zajde si zabehat a bude vypadat vyborne za vsech okolnosti. Jak jsem se v tomhle mem malem planu mylila. Prvni tri mesice mi bylo tak zle, ze jsem si nemohla udelat v nektere dny ani caj natoz tak vybirat, kterou zeleninu si odstavnim. Do fitka jsem se vydala nekolikrat, ale pri kazdem pohybu jsem myslela, ze vyprazdnim zaludek na kole nebo na pase a tim moje aktivita rychle zkoncila. Chute na jidlo se neustale menily a nez jsem si stihla jit koupit vec, na kterou jsem mela chut, tak jsem mela chut uz na uplne neco jineho. Prvnich 13 tydnu jsem nemohla zacit den bez stavnateho ovoce. A pritom drive jsem byla spise zeleninova. S tehotenstvim se zkratka vse meni a planovat je temer nemozne pro mnoho z nas.
2. Hormony jsou hormony – Asi tak desetkrat denne jsem se bala sama sebe a ptala jsem se, kdo ze to vlastne jsem? Tohle byl asi nejvetsi sok pro mou mysl a vnimani. Zatimco jine zeny se raduji, ja mela docela silene obdobi depresi, nezajmu a negativity. A to pro me pozitivniho cloveka bylo opravdu neco. Nepoznavala jsem sama sebe a to me hrozne desilo. Nic me nebavilo, veci ktere jsem milovala me nebraly a dokonce jsem mela sileny odpor k blogu, socialni mediim a vubec vsemu kolem. Kazdy a vse mi lezlo na nervy. Strasne jsem s tim bojovala, ale vubec to neslo prekonavat. Leden a unor jsem byla navic docela dost nemocna a tohle obdobi jsem prekonala diky podpore meho muze a take vsem moznym serialum na svete. Pri sledovani televize jsem proste na vse zapomela a bylo to jedine obdobi, kdy jsem se citila normalne. Nastesti uderem 14. tydnu se to vse zmenilo a vse je zpatky jako drive.
3. Mimina, porod a vse kolem bude velmi casto tematem vasi konverzace – Dalsi muj sok!!! Ja clovek, ktery sice ma deti rad, ale nemusi se bavit o plenach a prdikach. Uff!!! Ale priroda to tak zaridi, ze nakonec chcete vedet vse a tohle tema vam najednou prestane vadit. Prestoze jsem moc materskych instinktu nemela, tak se to docela zmenilo a jsem dost zvidava, co se miminek tyce. Ale to nemeni nic na tom, ze stale miluju to co drive…jidlo, restaurace, spolecnost, modu a deni kolem. Jeste ze tak!
4. Clovek neni svuj a dokonce i pamet selhava – No tak to je neco pro me! Citit se v nektere dny pekne divne a navic ztratit vase jinak skvele organizacni schopnosti a pamet. Ja jsem clovek, ktery se pysni tim jak umi planovat a organizovat a ted se to nejak vse hrouti. Normalne zapominam, coz se mi jinak nestava. Pletu si datumy a strasne moc veci si zkratka nepamatuju. A navic jsem jeste vic nemotorna nez drive. Pevne doufam, ze tohle po porodu prejde.
5. Telo se vam meni pred ocima a nejde to moc ovlivnit – Kdyz jsem zjistila, ze jsem tehotna, tak sem mela sileny sen, ze jsem tak obrovska, ze se neunesu. Zdravi ditete je pro me nejdulezitejsi, ale kdyz vidim jak se mi telo meni pred ocima, prestoze jim zdrave a vyvazene, tak je to trosku desive. Priznam se, ze o vikendu si dopreju vice, ale v tydnu si hlidam slozeni a vyvazenost potravin a konzumuju okolo 2 tisic kalorii denne. Vzdy premyslim o tom, kolik tohle ci tohle da diteti zivin. Bohuzel, nekdy se chute na nezdrave veci nedaji moc ovladat, ale snazim se co to jde. Navic jsem si uvedomila,ze pribirani v tehotenstvi je opravdu individualni. Jsou zeny, ktere nepriberou v prvnich dvaceti tydnech kilo a jsou i takove, ktere priberou deset. Ja jsem neco mezi, ale i tak je to trosku sokujici si stoupnout na vahu. A pak je tu ta silena celulitida, ktera se mi udelala. Uprimne jsem se tak lekla a rikala jsem si, jak tohle pak dam dohromady, to teda nevim. Ale jedine je pevne doufat, ze se to pri trosku silne vule vrati vse do normalu.
A abych to tak nejak shrnula…na mimco se tesim, ale tehotenstvi urcite neni obdobi, ktere sebou neprinasi ruzna prekvapeni a obeti. Mozna patrite mezi ty super fit budouci maminky a urcite si rada prectu vase osobni zkusenosti.
Love Glamazon xoxo