Category Archives: Lifestyle

Cannes Hotel Martinez

As most of the people I like to be spoiled. Sometimes I do not need much however it is great if you have a chance to enjoy life and enjoy lovely things that cross your path. If you are a regular reader you may remember that South France is one of my favourite European spots. My dream is to have a holiday home there. During my last visit I also stayed in Cannes and this time I picked luxury hotel Martinez. Situated on the promenade it is literally few steps to the beach and it has got some of my favourite shops on it’s door step. It does not matter if you are a Celine lover or Zara lover you will find anything there.

And oh yes I was very spoiled. I stayed in a top class room with even better views on the sea and enormous terrace. Who would not like to soak the sun rays on your private roof top deck?

We also could not get over the huge breakfast choice. You cannot ask for more…sipping your morning latte and looking at the sea and sun coming out. I came to Cannes for relaxing weekend and that is what I got.

And I am definitely trying out their beautiful spa during my next visit as it does deserve special attention.

I hope these pictures can bring a bit of french sunshine and Martinez vibes to your homes.

Jako vetsina lidi se rada rozmazluju. Umim byt i nenarocna, ale kdyz ma clovek moznost si zivota uzivat tak proc ne. Pokud tento blog ctete pravidelne, tak vite, ze jizni Francie je jedno ze mych nejoblibenejsich mist a pri posledni navsteve jsem si na cast pobytu zajela i do Cannes, kam se moc rada vracim.

Je to mesto kde clovek ma vsechno a nikomu nic nechybi. Jsou tu plaze, restaurace, krasna mista a dokonce i fantasticke obchody. Tentokrat jsem se ubytovala v hotelu Martinez, ktery se nachazi na promenade. A tady jsem se rozmazlila mozna az moc od snidane s obrovskym vyberem az po pokoj s terasou z prekrasnym vyhledem na more. A jak vidite asi z fotografii pocasi se vyvedlo a o to byl nas pobyt jeste lepsi. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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Winter Escape in the French Riviera

Wearing: T-Shirt: Disrupt, Jumper: H&M, Bag: Rebecca Minkoff

Weekend escapes are one of my favourites especially when they involve time to relax, good food and my favourite locations. French Riviera may not be a first place you think of for a November escape however I decided to see what it is like in the winter. I stayed in my favourite Nice Hotel Palais de la Mediterranee and you may remember my previous stay when I came there for Cannes Festival.

And I was pleasantly surprised. The place is lively, so much to do, the restaurants are still buzzing and the weather is very good. I think it could become easily my favourite weekend winter sun break. And what does a blogger like myself do on a trip like this? I hope these pictures say it all.

Prodlouzene vikendy mam ze vseho nejradsi a hlavne pokud muzu odpocivat na miste, kde je trochu slunicka a da se tam relaxovat. Francouzska riviera je jedno z mych oblibenych mist a kdyz to neni prvni misto, ktere vas napadne, kdyz chcete jet za slunickem v zime, tak jsem se rozhodla jet prave sem. A opravdu toho nelituju. Prvni den jsem stravila v Nice v mem oblibenem Hyatt Regency Nice Palais de la Mediterranee. Mozna si pamatujete muj predchozi post, kdy jsem prijela letos na festival v Cannes.

A jak vypada takovy muj den na francouzske riviere? Snad vam fotky trochu napovi. 


The hotel balcony is a great place for my editing, writing and social media updates.
Hotelovy balkon s vyhledem na bazen je idealni misto na psani a blogovani.

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Sunny Bournemouth and The Blogger of the Year

Wearing: Coat: Burberry, Sunglasses: Rayban, Shoes: Zara, Top: Asos, Jeans: F&F, Bag: Valentino

On Saturday morning I jumped on a train and headed to sunny Bournemouth to visit my dear friend Christina. Every time I leave London I cannot get over how many beautiful places there are. The weather could not be any better on that day so after great lunch and some bubbles in Jazz Cafe we went for a walk on the beach.

The place is just incredible…sandy beach, sun, beach front cafes, gorgeous houses and all I was missing was Mitch Buchannon in his red shorts! LOL

Well, maybe next time Mitch! I dressed up very comfortably and after a long time I wore my classic Burberry trench. As I spent few hours on a train heels and skirt was the last thing I would wanna wear. I will keep that to the next London hot spot opening.

Hopefully, this post will bring a bit of sunshine to your houses!

PS: Thanks for your votes again to win the blogger of the year in Czech Republic. I made it to top ten and there is a final voting for the number one. I would love if you can support me once again. You can do so here.

And this is how to do it. It will be harder for my foreign readers as it is in Czech. Once you find Glamazon Blog click on the  Icon saying Hlasovat you need to fill the first line with your full name, second with your email address and third with mobile number. Unfortunately the English numbers do not fit there so just drop the zero at the start and last digit and it will work. You will then get an email where you need to click on the words saying Tento Odkaz to confirm the vote. It may be difficult but thanks everybody for the support. I am not sure why it is so complicated however I appreciate your support very much.

V sobotu rano jsem skocila na vlak a vydala se na denni vylet do slunecneho Bournemouth. Pocasi mi opravdu pralo a po obede jsem se sla na delsi prochazku po plazi. Pokazde si uvedomim jak je dulezite odpocivat a uzivat si krasy okolo nas. Tahle pisecna plaz me dostala a navic bylo opravdu nadherne. 

S udivem jsem obdivovala nadherne domy na plazi a cekala kdy na me vyskoci Mitch Buchannon!  Mozna priste.

Protoze jsem stravila nekolik hodin ve vlaku tak jsem se chtela obleci pohodlne. Po delsi dobe jsem si oblekla muj Burberry kabatek a samozrejme pohodlne boty. Nedovedu si predstavit chodit po plazi v podpatcich. To si necham asi na pristi navstevu baru ci restaurace. 

Doufam, ze jsem timto postem prinesla do vasich domovu alespon trosku slunicka! 

Strasne vam chci podekovat za vase hlasy v Blogerce roku, ktere me dostaly uz po treti do Top 10. A jde se do finale, i kdyz uz to musi asi vsem lezt na nervy tak budu mit velkou radost, kdyz me jeste jednou podporite. Hlasovat muzete tady. Dekuji a mam vas rada.

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Girls night out in Rome

Give me an opportunity to dress up and have “few” cocktails and I say yes. As you may know I went on a trip to Rome and together with my mum we wanted to make the most out of it.

I love girls night out and I love good food. I was visiting with my mum and wanted to hav the best time ever. When in Rome you must go and live your dreams in Le Jardin de Russie. I can say that this is so far my favourite spot in this historical gem. You may remember my previous lunch experience there and I am telling you that dinner and cocktails are even better. I could not pick a better spot for our amazing evening.

Kdyz mi da nekdo prilezitost se hezky oblect a dat si par koktejlu tak na odpoved nemusi dlouho cekat. Jak mozna vite, tak jsem byla na prodlouzenem vikendu v Rime a mym spolecnikem byla moje maminka. A jako spravne holky jsme si to chtely uzit.

Pokud se chystate do Rima tak musite navstivit Le Jardin de Russie. Misto, kde je neprekonatelna atmosfera i jidlo. Mozna si pamatujete muj predchozi post, kdyz jsem byla naposledy v Rime. Tentokrat jsem si to ale uzila jeste vice.

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