Category Archives: Lifestyle

Tip of the week – Hot Box London

You know I am a big brunch lover. Give me weekend, good food and friends and I am very happy girl. On Sunday I had a date with my lovely friend Margita and she told me about this trendy spot in East London Hot Box. The website does not tell you much so was not sure what to expect. When we arrived we were welcomed by girls at reception and the whole space is very typical for East London…it has got that steel industrial look so it perfectly fits in Shoreditch area. The menu was varied but it was hard to imagine what things are so I just ordered what I saw on a table next to us. That is so me…that looks good so I will have that. LOL.

I enjoyed the food very much but they really need to work on their service. I have not felt very welcomed the whole time and the staff was rushing us to order quickly, to pay quickly and it is very difficult to chill and enjoy your food when people force you to do something.

The space is quite small so I understand the whole concept is about turning around lot of people within two hours however it is weekend so please let your customers just enjoy their time there.

 Vite, ze miluju brunche a mohla bych travit vikendy s prateli obklopena dobrym jidlem. To mi staci ke stesti (tedy alespon nekdy hehe). A v nedeli jsem se vydala s kamaradkou Margitou do vychodniho Londyna do jednoho trendy mista – Hot Box. Na webovych strankach toho moc nemaji, takze  jsem nevedela, co mam cekat. Pokud trochu znate tuto cast Londyna, tak vas neprekvapi, ze vetsina mist je navrhnuta ve velmi industrialnim stylu a design je velmi strohy, vsude kolem hodne kovu a tak to bylo i v Hot Boxu. Menu bylo docela pestre, ale nemela jsem predstavu, co si pod urcitymi nazvy mam predstavit, tak jsem si objednala to co jsem videla u sousedu na stole. Nejlepsi taktika ne?

Jidlo mi chutnalo, ale vadil mi hodne servis. Protoze se jedna o docela popularni a male misto, tak se snazi aby zakaznici rychle snedli jidlo a uvolnili stul a to nam davala obsluha hodne najevo. Prakticky vas nuti si rychle objednat, rychle zaplatit a vypadnout.

Mozna to byla nase konkretni obsluha, ale prestoze jidlo bylo vyborne, tak jejich servis me docela odradil od toho, abych se sem nekdy vratila.

Pokud vam tohle nevadi, tak Hot Box urcite vyzkousejte…je to takovy bruch spot, co serviruje vajicka s Mexickym nadechem.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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Current Favourites

1 Here are some of my current favourites. Some of them are oldies but products I love and some of them are new. You can shop below.

Have a lovely day full of inspiration.

Chtela jsem vam ukazat par oblibenych veci a produktu, ktere momentalne mam. Nektere jsou nove a nektere jsou uz stalice. Muzete si produkty koupit dole.

Love Glamazon xoxo

Bruges Photo Diary


Cute alleys, horses, canal, cute houses, chocolate, good beer, waffles, mussels and so much more … this is all Belgium and this cute little town called Bruges. Only few hours on Eurostar and so much fun things to do here. I spent charming weekend in this lovely town and I really want to go again.

Malebne ulicky, konici, projizdka na lodi, krasne domy, cokolada, dobre pivo, vafle, musle a mnohem vim…tohle vsechno muzete videt a prozit v Belgii. Ja jsem navstivila minuly vikend mestecko Bruges a jsem ocarovana. A neni to cerna magie…pouze prekrasna atmosfera tohoto mista.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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Paris Photo Diary

It would not be a proper trip if I did not post a photo diary of random things from Paris. I was not only going to the shows and events but I tried to do a bit of touristy stuff. I picked some of my favourite shots of different things…Beyonce’s sister Solange leaving show, lovely locks at the famous bridge or picturesque carousel. This all is Paris and I hope I can bring a bit of atmosphere of this chic city to all of you.

To byl nebyl poradny vylet, abych nevydala Photo Diary post. Rada zachycuju atmosferu mesta a fotim veci, ktere me zaujmou…muzete videt ruzne fotografie od sestry Beyonce – Solange jak odchazi z prehlidky, pres zamky na kouzelne moste ci typicky Parizsky kolotoc. Doufam, ze z fotek citite tu pravou Parizskou atmosferu.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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