Category Archives: Lifestyle

LFW Photo Diary

3 I am probably in the middle of Paris Fashion Week madness but I still have loads of material from London. One of your favourite posts is a LFW Diary which gives you a great mixture of atmosphere, style, shows and what I have been up to. Hopefully you like it.

Have a fabulous weekend.

Ja jsem s velkou pravdepodobnosti v kolotoci Parizskeho Fashion Weeku, ale porad mam v zasobe spoustu fotek z toho Londynskeho. Vim, ze jeden z vasich oblibenych postu je prave photo diary v nemz muzete videt atmosferu, neco z prehlidek a vubec vsechno kolem. A tak jsem vam jeden takovy post pripravila. Snad se vam bude libit. 

Mejte se krasne a uzivejte si vikendu.

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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LFW Ready

LFW starts this week and I could not be more excited. I have no idea what I am wearing this season and it will be definitely last minute decision however I know what I am taking with me. These are my favourites pieces that make any fashion week complete.
Well designed clutch by KNOMO to carry my Ipad, Iphone, favourite lipstick and business cards and also portable charger as the battery goes so quickly when you are tweeting all day long. I have also new lip and cheek tint by Cheeky and you need some killer perfume right? Blogger’s life is so much easier when you have the right things with you.

Fashion week v Londyne zacina tento tyden a ja se strasne tesim. Za prve tady budu mit Lucku z Cup of Style a za druhe mam nove supracke psanicko KNOMO. Do nej se mi vlezou vsechny dulezite veci, ktere bloger potrebuje od Ipadu az po prenosnou nabijecku, ktera je soucasti. A taky mam novy oblibeny produkt od Cheeky, ktery je jak na licka tak na rty. No tyhle veci mi proste ten blogersky zivot vic usnadni.

Mejte se krasne.

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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Video – Afternoon Tea at the Connaught

I love a bit of friends, gossip and tea and here is a bit from an unplanned visit of The Connaught hotel and afternoon tea with my lovely friend Tereza. The best plan for gloomy days.

Jako kazda spravna zenska miluju vikendy, dobry caj a pokec s kamaradkou. A tady jsem dala dohromady video z krasneho odpoledne s kamaradkou Terezou. Dalo by se rict, ze je to takovy caj o pate. 

Love Glamazon xoxo



I am very visual person and have always been. I love looking around at nice things, taking pictures, arranging my house around and just absorbing beauty. All these things can really cheer up my day when I am down or moody. Well, it may sound shallow but I guess it is not harming anybody either. One of my ways how to escape and day dream is to browse on pinterest and searching for new inspiration.

I must say in the last few weeks I have been very active and I have a feeling this will be more and more. I created lot of new boards and it is my own way how to enjoy more things like after work bus drive when you are squashed by hundreds of people or January blues. I love coming up with new ideas for boards and discovering other pinners with similar taste. Well, if you are not on pinterest and you love similar things like me … you should definitely get on it right away! And if you are…you can follow me here.

I think there are thousands of great recipes, mood boards, photographs, quotes, motivation pictures that everybody will find their own thing. And how about me – I went from three boards to niche boards like rippped jeans look, London, Paris, beautiful cafes and much more. Oh man, I just love it.

This is not really a way to tell you about pinterest more about a way how to escape away on a gloomy day! Enjoy your own little moment.

Myslim, ze jsem to tady zminila jiz nekolikrat, ale jsem hrozne vizualni clovek. I kdyz jsem v minulosti delala v ramci prace ruzne testy jak vnimam, jak se ucim, tak to bylo velmi casto vizualne. A sama to taky tak vidim…miluju se koukat na krasne fotografie, veci, obrazky a pekne veci kolem. Dokazu hodiny jenom tak pozorovat a vnimat. A jedna z veci, ktera me vzdycky bavila, ale v posledni dobe uplne neskutecne je prave Pinterest. Aplikace, ktera uz je tu nejaky patek, ale rozhodla jsem ji rozjet na maximum.

Je to takovy muj kazdodenni unik od reality a zprijemnuje mi cestu z prace v narvanem autobuse ci ospala rana. Kdyz jsem si pinterest zalozila, mela jsem tak tri nastenky a ty jsem ted rozsirila a myslim, ze budu pokracovat dal od inspirace a stylu jsem prisla az na outfity s dzinama, zvonace, krasne kavarny a restaurace, Paris, New York, Londyn, citaty a mnohem vice.

Nevim, jestli pinterest mate, ale pokud ano tak me muzete sledovat tady a pokud ne, tak pokud mate radi krasne veci, ci jenom hledate zajimave recepty, tak si pinterest urcite zalozte.

Tento clanek nema slouzit jako nejaky informacni clanek o pinterestu…spis o tom jak ja sama unikam negativnim myslenkam, kdyz mam spatny den. Je na vas kam se vydate a s kym a cim budete snit.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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