Category Archives: Lifestyle

Bye Bye BBQ

I hate to say Good Bye and If I have it is easier to say good bye in style. My friend from London is moving to Hong Kong and she organised ANOTHER amazing BBQ party in her house in Notting Hill.
Oh dear, the food…the drinks…even the magician for kids…everything was top notch. Maybe next time we should wear proper gowns and turn it into glam garden party.

I will miss her so much and her family too but hopefully it is not forever. And I have nobody to share Beckham stories with me anymore (just to explain her child goes to same nursery as Harper Beckham) and you can imagine how much I need to be informed about what Victoria wore when she is dropping her. It is always matter of life and death. LOL

Nesnasim louceni a kdyz uz se mam loucit, tak at je to alespon ve velkem stylu. Moje nejlepsi kamaradka v Londyne se stehuje do Hong Kongu a usporadala DALSI skvelou BBQ u ni v Notting Hill.
Vsechno bylo dokonale a dokonce i kouzelnik, ktery prisel pobavit deti. Mozna priste si snad dame poradny saty a udelam se glam zahradni party.

Bude mi tady chybet a taky jeji rodina. A taky mi uz nikdo nebude vypravet, co mela Victoria Beckham kazdy den ve skolce na sobe. Abych to uvedla na pravou miru…jeji deti chodi s Harper Beckham do skolky. A to vite, musim prece vedet, jestli je pravda, ze Victoria nosi jenom podpatky. LOL

Snad se vam fotky libi a preji vam krasny vikend.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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I don’t know if it is just London but there is always something new happening. I did not even know something like this would exist.  When I heard that for the first time I was thinking to myself what is zoolates?

Well, It is very simple. Every Friday in June and July London Zoo opens later and you can come in and drink and eat and have fun. It is like any other day in the Zoo just with more drinking. LOL. To be quite honest I felt a bit bad for the animals as for some of them it was a bed time and to be surrounded by drunk visitors is probably not what they expected.

At least they don’t have to do this everyday. Interestingly enough all the tickets were sold out so it must be definitely very popular event. We were lucky enough with the weather and look at those sunny pictures.

Let me know if you have ever been or perhaps planning to go?

Ja nevim jestli je to tak jenom v Londyne, ale porad se tu neco deje a kdyz jsem poprve slysela o Zoolates tak jsem nemela ani poneti, ze neco takoveho existuje.

Koncept je opravdu jednoduchy. Kazdy patek v lete otvira Londynske Zoo do pozdnich hodin a muzete prijit za zabavou prave sem. Je to jako obycejny den jenom je tu k mani spousta stanku s jidlem a alkoholem, ruzna vystoupeni a koncerty a muzete se prochazet a koukat na zviratka. Popravde mi jich bylo trosku lito, pro nektere byl cas jit spat a asi musi byt trosku zmatene. Spousta lidi s pivem v ruce na kouka a v povzdali hraje hudba.

Ale nektera zvirata me teda dostla…hlavne tucnaci. Ty fakt miluju.

Nevim, jestli neco takoveho existuje v Zoo v CR, ale pokud ano dejte vedet.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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Tip of the Week … Clutch Chicken

Guys, this is a TIP of the week with capital T. My friend Kat asked me the other day if I want to go to her friend’s restaurant. When she said it is friend chicken place I was a bit sceptical BUT it was nothing I expected and plus I laughed so much all night thanks to the owner Anthony. Great food and great company. Clutch chicken just got my heart.
You will love everything about this place in East London. It is just off the Colombia road flower market and the deco is super sleek and stylish.
The food is top class. I mean yes fried chicken but first they have very special methods so this is guilt free chicken and they offer different flavours and different sauces. And the chips…just look how delicious they look. My favourite chicken was the one with sesame seeds. And if you are a cocktail lover you have to try some of their delicious cocktails. I loved Bobby Brown … just a small tip.

And one more thing even Beyonce had their chicken so if it is good for her it is good enough for anybody.

Tohle je tip tydne s velkym T. Moje kamaradka Katka mi navrhla, at jdeme do restaurace jejiho kamarado ve vychodnim Londyne, Clutch Chicken. Nejdriv jsem byla trochu skepticka, kdyz mi rekla, ze se specializuje na smazene kure. To vite, ja moc tyhle fast food jidla nemusim. Ale vsechno predcilo ma ocekavani a to vcetne interieru.
Opravdu na vas ceka stylova restaurace se skvelym designem a uzasne jidlo.
Navic Anthony, ktery restauraci vlastni s nama stravil cely vecer a to i po zaviraci dobe a ja se tak nasmala, ze me jeste dneska boli bricho.
A taky jeho kure mela Beyonce a pry ji moc chutnalo. Tohle na Londyne miluju..porad potkavate nove lidi a chodite na nova mista.

Nejvice mi chutnalo kure se sezamem a jejich koktejl Bobby Brown. Ted mam v planu si k nim zajit na brunch. Uz se moc tesim.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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Shopcade Event – #stylebattle

Few weeks ago I went to a Shopcade party with my girlfriend to have a bit of fun and enjoy fashion. Shopcade picked fantastic and quirky venue and even Emma Miller from Made in Chelsea showed up. I wanted to share some photographs from the night and there is even a video. I hope you can spot me? And If not I will help you.

I think the video gives a flavour of the party and what was going on! Enjoy!

Pred par tydny jsem sla s kamaradkou na party poradanou portalem Shopcade. Vybrali si skvely klub, kde bylo nekolik vystoupeni a spousta stylovych lidi. Na party se objevila i Emma Miller z Made in Chelsea a tak jsem vam chtela ukazat par fotografii a taky video. Snad me v nem najdete a kdyz ne, tak vam poradim.

Love Glamazon xoxo
