Category Archives: Lifestyle

Home Inspiration

When it comes to home decorating I love old classic pieces, bit of french country style and bit of chabby chic. I like when people can combine more modern and old together. Although I kind of incline to that country style look. If you do not know Neptune and your style sounds a bit like mine you will absolutely love it.

I find so much inspiration and I also bought some of their paints to update my old furniture.
I can highly recommend honed slate shade as it is really calming and unique colour. I have already painted my butlers tray and there is more to come.

Co se tyce vybaveni bytu, tak mam rada klasiku s kombinaci francouzskeho venkovskeho stylu a trochu shabby chic stylu. Libi se mi, kdyz ma nekdo cit a dokaze zkombinovat nove a stare. I kdyz moje srdce tihne spis ke staremu. Protoze jsem si nedavno koupila byt, tak jej hodlam postupne predelavat k obrazu svemu. A pokud to zni, ze mate podobny styl jako ja, tak si zamilujete Neptune.

Kdyby penize nebyly zabranou, tak bych jim vykoupila snad vsechno.
Ja jsem si objednala zatim barvu na nabytek a hodlam si upravit nektere starsi kousky. Tak si myslim, ze vytvorim neobvykle a ojedinele kusy, ktere daji mistnosti charakter. Urcite se podivejte na odstin honed slate, protoze je naprosto uzasny a uz jsem si ho vyzkousela na jednom podnose, ktery po nabarveni skutecne prokoukl.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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Inspiration….Love is in the air

I just HAD TO share this picture of my friend Veronika and her boyfriend Lukas published in ELLE magazine. Honestly, love is so inspirational and I am really happy to see people around me to be glowing with happiness and love. Plus, they just truly look amazing right? And this is a message for everybody – Be happy and love everybody around you!!!

Tuhle fotku jsem proste musela sdilet. Je to takova mala ctvrtecni inspirace jmenem Laska. Moje kamaradka Veronika a jeji pritel vypadaji naprosto uchvatne. Jsem rada, ze ELLE sdili stejne nadseni a ze lidi kolem me zari stestim. A timto bych chtela dneska poprat vsem pekny den a rict…Mejte se radi!!!

Love Glamazon xoxo

Hello Ladies!!!

Welcome my new runners I got from my boyfriend. Isn’t that nice of him? Now I am not sure if he is trying to say something to me? Hmm, maybe as next present I can get him a voucher for weightwatchers right?
I am only kidding. I have been talking about new runners for a while and I will not only wear them for running but I will check out some latest inspiration how to combine them maybe with my Chanel bag.Yay, sometimes it takes a time for me to start to wear certain trends. Well I guess we can call it luxury and comfort all in one!

Vitam ve sve sbirce nove tenisky, ktere mi koupil pritel. Asi se mi snazi neco naznacit. Ja mu to budu muset vrati a jako dalsi darek mu koupim treba poukaz na weight watchers. Haha.

Delam si srandu. Uz nejakou dobu jsem mu rikala o tom, ze bych si chtela koupit nejake nove tenisky nejen na behani, ale i na bezne noseni. Obcas mi to trva delsi dobu nez si nejaky trend oblibim. Ale pokusim se nasat nejakou inspiraci a snad me uvidite v techto botach i v kombinaci s Chanelkou. Pohodli a luxus v jednom.

Love Glamazon xoxo

Small Changes – Big Results

Really? Are those my legs? Yes, they are but it is unfortunately legs of thinner myself! Jokes aside because I want them back!!!
I used to diet a lot and I used to work out so much that my body was so tired and stressed all the time and I never want to go back to that sort of lifestyle. I experienced that small changes are the most effective and I want to share couple of tips and ideas. I tried them and although you have to wait for a result a bit longer it will come. No cheating is allowed though!

1. Herbal teas are your new best friend. Try different things but a good detox herbal tea or green tea few times a day or after a meal will help your body to get rid of the oxidants in your body and will speed up your metabolism. I have different selection in my drawers at work and drink at least two a day.

2. Be sensible when it comes to food. I am not a huge fan of extreme diets. I have been there and done it and they are a short term solution. Watch what you eat but do not stress about eating chocolate or something bad every now and then.

3. Eat more fish. This is one of my new years resolutions. Do not get me wrong I eat sushi all the time but I am going to bring fish to my regular home made food as well. I got some new healthy recipes cookbooks and there are plenty of ideas how to make fantastic tasty fish dishes.

4. Do your research about food sumplements and start to use their benefits. Yes some nutritionist would not agree but as I said I am not an extremes fan. What is it you want to do? Do you need more vitamins, more protein or you just want to start your day with something healthy and good. I drink wheatgrass every morning. I mix it with water as juice just adds more calories to it. See, these are the small twists I talk about.

5. Walk. This has always been my best advice and you can focus on a small things. Walking up and down the escalators, getting off the bus two or three stops earlier. Long walk in the park during the weekend or just go mad when going shopping. And it can be more fun. You see more things and you do good to your own body.

6. Workout. Ok, I wish I had more time as when I used to when I was at Uni but I do not so I am looking for compromises. There are number of short but effective type of workouts – I am a fan of Jillian Michaels. It is good to change things though so go for a short run during the weekend and keep adding distance every week. Or you can go swimming or try a new dance class. Do not push yourself. It does not have to be long or extremely hard but it has to be regular. I will say it again I am not into extremes so shorter workouts more often are easier than to strech yourself and be afraid to go again to a personal trainer session because you are in pain.

7. No need to give up things you love. I know this will sound horrible and if a real nutritionist will come here are read it they will stone me for this but I love diet coke. It is really bad for me but it is also one of the few bad things I do. And I will keep it. So if you really need to keep something in your lifestyle do it.

8. Cheat day. Be good during the week and treat yourself one day. I keep mine for the weekend. I have usually what I want and sometimes I realise I even did not have a cheat day as my body just did not ask for anything like cake or cholocate. It can also be a result of a balanced lifestyle you had during the week.

Koukam na tuhle fotku a nemuzu verit, ze tohle jsou moje nohy. Docela hezke, ale az na to, ze to je moje o dost hubenejsi ja. Vtipky by mely ted jit asi stranou, protoze je chci zpatky a to co nejdrive!

Za svuj zivot jsem dietovala a cvicila hodne. A vetsinou docela extremne a k tomuto zivotnimu stylu se opravdu nechci vracet. Byvala jsem unavena, nevrla a posedla svou postavou. Takove lidi kolem sebe porad potkavam a ted me opet inspirovala jedna kolegyne, ktera je neskutecna extremistka. Hrozne na me koukala, kdyz jsem si ke snidani koupila v Costa takovou bulku s vajickem a zampiony. Marne jsem se ji snazila vysvetlit, ze verim ve stravovani, kdy mam v kazdem jidla karbohydraty, proteiny a neco z ovoce a zeleniny a ze bulka ma vlastne jenom necelych 300 Kcal. Dokonce mi ani nepomohlo ji rict, ze snidane je zaklad a ze si radsi dam veceri zdravejsi a lehci a nejpozdeji v sest hodin.

Jedna z rad, ktere vam dam je – Nechodte do extremu! Opravdu staci male zmeny a vysledek se dostavi, je lepsi si trosku pockat nez se trapit a vsechno to dietovani a cviceni si nakonec znechutit. Ja se budu drzet techto zasad, ktere mi v minulosti pomohly. Snad najdete trosku inspirace i vy!

1. Bylinkove a Zelene Caje jsou vasim novym pritelem. Podivejte se jake caje jsou na trhu a take, co chcete docilit. Ja osobne mam v praci v supliku vetsinou tri ruzne druhy. Jeden zeleny, jeden detoxikacni a jeden tradicni bylinkovy jako kopriva nebo mata. Pomuzou vam zrychlit metabolismus a zbavit se skodlivin v tele a navic, kdyz pridate do sveho pitneho rezimu dva az tri salky navic, jenom vam to prospeje.

2. Jezte s rozumem. Nejsem v zadne pripade fanousek extremnich diet, tech jsem mela dost v minulosti a byla to velka chyba. Diety jsou kratkodobym resenim. Hlavne se nestresujte, kdyz snite neco spatneho. Vycitky jsou nejhorsi. Kazdopadne, kdyz budete jist neco spatneho kazdy den, tak to taky neni vhodne. Zkratka jezte s rozumem a snazte se jist vyvazene.

3. Jezte vice ryb. Ja osobne jim sushi i nekolikrat tydne, ale jedno z mych predsevzeti do tohoto roku je, ze budu vice varit ryby doma. Koupila jsem si nekolik kucharek se zdravymi recepty a je tam spousta napadu na upravu ryb. Uz jsem jeden vyzkousela a bylo to vyborne.

4. Vyzivove doplnky. Nejaky nutricni poradce by me asi ukamenoval, ale jak rikam, nejsem odbornik a nejsem extremista. Udelejte si pruzkum a vyberte doplnky, ktere vam pomohou. Ja osobne kazde rano piju wheatgrass. Pripravuju si napoj pouze z vody, protoze dzus by mi zbytecne pridaval kalorie. Presne o techto malych krocich mluvim. Kam si muzu dat vodu, dam vodu mistu dzusu. A kdyz mam na neco chut, dam si horkou cokoladu, ale udelam ji z vody.

5. Chodte Pesky. Rada nad zlato. Kdyz jsem bydlela v Shoreditch a pracovala na Bank, chodila jsem do prace pesky. Trvalo mi to pul hodiny a zhubla jsem jenom z toho, citila jsem se dobre a to temer bez namahy. Nemusite nachodit kilometry, ale delejte drobne zmeny kazdy den. Vyjdete schody v metru, zajdete si o vikendu na delsi prochazku, nebo bezte pesky misto jizdy autobusem. Vysledky se dostavi a nebude vas to vubec bolet.

6. Cvicte. A ted nemluvim o stresujicich a narocnych trenincich nebo behani deseti kilometru denne. Ted se bavim o pohybu v mensi mire. Ja bych si prala, abych mela tolik casu jako jsem mela na vysoke skole. To jsem cvicila hodne a zkousela ruzne metody a novinky. Na to cas uz bohuzel nemam, vyjdu z domu v sedm a vracim se nejdrive v sedm ci v osm. Takze jsem si oblibila Jillian Michales, kterou jeste do sveho zivotni stylu umim vtisnat. Nebo muzete zkusit kratke videa pilates. O vikendu je to s pohybem lepsi tak si muzete jit dat kolecko do parku nebo si jit zaplavat.

7. Nevzdavejte se veci, ktere milujete. Lidi mi muzou opakovat tisickrat, ze lehka kola je skodliva a ja to vim sama. Kazdopadne je to jedna z mala opravdu spatnych veci, ktere pozivam a proto se ji nevzdam. Pokud milujete cokoladu, dejte si kousek i kazdy den. Ale vseho s mirou.

8. Podvadejte jednou tydne. Jednou tydne si dam co chci a kolik chci. Vetsinou si tento den necham az na vikend. Obcas se mi stava, ze telo si ani o zadne laskominy nerekne. To davam za vysledek tomu, ze kdyz clovek ji vyvazene a s mirou, tak telo ma dostatecne zivin a nema takove ty navaly chuti.

Nevim, jestli jsem vam timto clankem pomohla, protoze se o techto vecech pise porad dokola. Jenom jsem tim chtela rict, ze ze zkusenosti vim, extremy nejsou dobre a je to o vyvazenosti ve vasem zivote a jidle.

Love Glamazon xoxo