Do you remember when Carrie in Sex and the City once said that she used to buy Vogue instead of dinner as she felt it fed her more. Well, I used to sometime think that in order to get something nice from Vogue I would need to skip looooots of dinners. It is not really the case anymore.
F&F did amazing shoot for Vogue and I absolutely love it. I admire the mood of the editorial and I love the pieces they picked. They look class and they look expensive. With one difference they are not expensive at all. I fell in love with that wide midi skirt and had to get it immediately. As you may remember I have been looking for one for a while. And plus when I wore a white midi dress at London Fashion Week the photographers absolutely loved it. So it was a time for a skirt and I love it to bits. So if you are after one as well, hurry up. I got mine in West Kensington store and I swear if you go there you will end up with lots of “Vogue” pieces.
Nikdy nezapomenu na to, kdyz Carrie v Sexu ve Meste prohlásila, ze si misto Večeře kolikrat koupila Vogue, protože mela pocit, ze ji to naplnilo vice. Mozna sobe na zda silene, ale ja mam spise nekdy pocit, ze abych si mohla koupit něco pěkného, co jsem videla ve Vogue, tak spis bych musela vynechat tech večeri několik. I když to uz nemusi byt nutne pravda, protože při nedavne navsteve F&F v Kensingtonu jsem totiž zjistila, ze F&F vytvorili krasny editorial prave pro Vogue. Strasne se mi libilo zpracovani a všechno vypadala naprosto fantasticky. Ja jsem nemohla odolat te midi sukni v bile barve a uz ji mam v satniku. Po nejake jsem koukala uz delší dobu, ale to asi vite. No a nakonec mam tu z Vogue!!
Ta sukně je úžasná!
Taky se mi libi, podobnou mel topshop :)
That skirt looks great. I need to check it out myself.
Let me know if you got it as well :)
Ta sukne je uzasna a saty take.
Mně by se líbila ta puntíkatá bílá mikina z obrázku))