Last month I was working on a very exciting project. People that follow me on snapchat (evaglamazon) probably know what is going on however for the rest of you I was working on a very exciting project with M&S. I had an amazing day full of fun and met some great people. I got to spend a full day with M&S Pr team and other fashion and life style bloggers Catherine, Kate, Natalie, Rachel and Amanda. It was definitely a fantastic day full of filming, styling, talking and even food. Yes, you know every blogger event or collaboration has got something tasty to offer. Not just on a clothes rack!
We all met at Marble Arch Marks & Spencer Flagship store to talk about important milestones in our lives and how it influences our wardrobe and style. Each blogger had a different milestone as I work in recruitment my one was an interview, first job and corporate wear. That is what I talk a lot on my blog right? We picked key pieces from the latest collection and styled them for a video and photoshoot. I think it is very important to nail your first day at work or your interview. You only have got one first impression. And the latest collection had so much to offer I was amazed how much choice it offers for a working girl.
The result is incredible and I must say all of us did a great job (Well done girls). You can see for yourself here on M&S website. And you should definitely watch the video for some more inspiration. Are you getting married, are you dating again? You will not be disappointed.
If you are struggling now with your work wardrobe or you have that first interview ahead. Do not worry it is not that difficult and the choice is there. And remember if you want to make sure you are safe – two matching piece suit is the way forward.
Thank you for reading and thank you M&S team and everybody for a wonderful day.
Minuly mesic jsem spolupracovala na uzasnem projektu. Popravde, kdyz mi tento email pristal v inboxu tak jsem jasala radosti jako mala. Pokud me sledujete na snapchatu (evaglamazon), tak asi vite, ze se jednalo o projekt s M&S. Uzila jsem krasny den prace, nataceni, ale take zabavy a poznala skvele blogerky Catherine, Kate, Natalie, Rachel a Amandu. Na Londyne me vzdy fascinuje, kolik zen a kolik vekovych kategorii se blogem zivi. Myslim, ze jsem byla jedna ze dvou blogerek, ktera ma stale porad druhou praci. Hehe.
Cely projekt byl o tom, jak se meni styl behem ruznych vyznamych zivotnich udalosti a to od svatby, pres rodicovstvi az po randeni po ctyrictce. Ja jsem dostala a to snad neni zadne prekvapeni jak se obleci na pohovor ci prvni den v praci. Jelikoz stejne presentuji to v cem chodim do prace, tak to pro me naprosto prirozene.
Cely den jsme nataceli, vybirali kousky z nejnovejsi kolekce a probirali dana temata. Vysledek muzete najit tady na strankach M&S. Ja jsem si den hrozne uzila.
Myslim, ze pohovor, ci prvni prace je opravdu jeden z dulezitych momentu, ale nemusite se bat, protoze to neni az tak slozite a pokud opravdu stradate, tak staci kostym a dobre boty a mate jistotu.
Doufam, ze se vam video libi a vubec cely projekt.
Love Glamazon xoxo

Eva it was so great to meet you and all the other girls – we had such a fun day!! Your orange suit looks amazing on you, it’s so perfect with your hair… you’d definitely make an entrance wearing that the office or an interview, it was a fabulous choice!
I’m really pleased with the video, such a shame they couldn’t fit in everything we talked about…!!
Catherine x
Yes such a nice day and it was great to meet you and the girls x
Looks like a great event! :) love that color of orange on you!
Thank you x
To musela byt skvela akce i zkusenost! Ten oranzovo-cerveny kostym ti skvele sedi!
Dekuju Verci x