Pictures taken in Prague by Iva
Wearing: Boots: Allsaints, Bag: Chanel, Coat: Zara, Dress: River Island, Hat: River Island
It is the morning of Christmas Eve and I woke up so so early (my own body already thinks it is normal after 2 years of being a mom). I just looked at the time when writing this and the time showed 4:44 which I guess is a good sign. I simply believe in these spiritual numbers. I have planned to write this post on Christmas Eve to make sure the thoughts are current and from the same day.
I kind of feel lucky to be able to have two Christmases and celebrate Czech Christmas on 24th and then Irish on the following day. However it also means more cooking for me which I personally do not mind though LOL. I am seriously thinking at this stage to film at least a bit today as so many of my foreign youtube subscribers want to know more about the Czech side of life so let’s see if I can manage it all and film the last day of vlogmas.
I really want to take the next few days and think about where my blog, social media and youtube will go. What strategy shall I take. However, every time I start to do that I realise that the best thing is to be yourself. It is so easy to get influenced by what others are doing but ultimately the best is to be you and that will be the plan for me. I know there are accounts that are growing so fast due to their immaculate images but I also need to realise that they may have totally different circumstances to be able to create them.
I believe that next year will be simply an amazing one. I feel it in my bones and lot of us will reach their dreams and goals. 2018 was somehow up and down with few personal issues to deal with but at the end of the day you always realise it is how you look at things and that always helps you to come out in the best possible ways. And after all we just bought a house in London. What a dream!!! If you ever told me few years ago that we will have a 4 bedroom house in a nice neighbourhood in London I would be very sceptical. So life is good and even more than that. Let’s appreciate even the smallest things in life and be grateful.
Merry Christmas everybody and enjoy every single moment of the holidays and may your dreams come true this Christmas.
Je Stedry den a ja se vzbudila velmi rano (to tak je kdyz si telo zvykne po dvou letech materstvi a budi se samo). A ted jsem se podivala na hodinky a bylo 4:44 coz je vzdy dobre znameni. A celou dobu bylo mym planem napsat dnesni clanek dnes, aby byl clanek opravdu aktualni a cerstvy z dnesniho rana.
Prijde mi to nahodou super, ze slavime dvoje Vanoce. 24. prosince si dame Stedrovecerni veceri v podobe ryby a salatu a dame si nejake darky a 25. rozbalime darky od Santy a od rana pak pecu krocana, sunku a vubec celou Irskou Vanocni veceri v te podobe jak ji znate z Britskych ci Americkych filmu. Docela premyslim, ze bych dneska chtela vlogovat v anglictine, protoze cizinci, co sleduji ma videa na youtube casto chteji vedet vice o Cesku a nasich tradicich.
Dalsich par dni bych chtela venovat i tomu, ze popremyslim jakym smerech bych chtela jit v ramci blogu, socialnich siti a youtube kanalu. Pokazde kdyz takto zacnu premyslet se stejne vracim k tomu, ze nejlepsi je byt sam sebou. Na Instagramu se to hemzi dokonalosti a fotkama jako z jineho sveta a nektere ucty rostou zavratnou rychlosti, ale ja si musim uvedomit, ze treba ti lide maji uplne jine podminky na tvoreni takoveho obsahu. Clovek muze udelat vzdy jen sve maximum v momentalni situaci.
Ja stejne verim, ze 2019 bude uzasny a ma pry i byt. Tento rok byl takovy jako na horske draze. Jednou nahore a jednou dole, ale podle me je to vse o tom jak se clovek diva na situaci. Kazda vec i ta spatna se deje z nejake duvodu a ma nas neco naucit a je treba tak zivot brat. A uz jenom to, ze mame novy dum v hezke ctvrti, kde jsou 4 loznice je neskutecne. Kdyby mi nekdo rekl, kdyz jsem poprve prisla do Londyna, ze tohle se stane, byla bych velmi skepticka. Je opravdu byt za co vdecny.
A tak preji vsem krasne svatky a at se vam vsem splni tajna prani.
Love Glamazon xoxo