Outfit: When boots can talk!!!

Photos: Dela Fard 

Wearing: Boots: Nicholas Kirkwood, Trousers: H&M, Blazer: Zara, Belt: Zara, Bag: Azurina Store, Sunglasses: Le Specs

End of January and this is one post since start of the year. Well, I have been working hard but weather and other people’s availability wasn’t that favourable for creating images outside. London has been very moody with dark skies but luckily we got some sun so I rushed and used it to my benefit.

I wanted to summarise January as good and busy. I started 2020 with full force, meetings, filming, events and I loved it. I also as lot of people sticked to dry January and I feel amazing. I have been working out, I was meditating, eating well (with some cheat days) and I genuinely feel good about myself and I see results. Sadly I did not have enough time to read books. You know I love good positive thinking books but I want to read more and even if time isn’t there I am planning to do more reading. I have discovered this Rare Bird Books club and you can sign up and receive monthly selection of books. The value seems great so cannot wait for my February delivery. It is such a fun way to treat yourself each month.

And I also have some new additions to my shoe collection and those are these incredible Nicholas Kirkwood boots. What an incredible and interesting boot!? I am totally in love as they are so unique they really finish off any outfit.

So I am ready for next month and have high hopes for you February! So let’s do it.

Je konec ledna a ja vlastne nepsala zadne clanky, coz je smutne, protoze na blog se chci opravdu soustredit. Ale musim rici, ze Londynske pocasi opravdu foceni nepralo, skloubit pro me foceni, Liama, praci a hlavne diar fotografu spolu s pocasim je nekdy nad lidske sily. Kdyz uz pocasi vypada slibne, jeden nemuze anebo mam jiny program s Liamem. 

Leden bych shrnula jako produktivni a skvely. Rok 2020 jsem zacala v plne sile, mela jsem dost schuzek, tocila videa, chodila na akce a uzivala si kazdou minutu. Navic jsem tento mesic zcela vyradila alkohol, cvicila, meditovala, snazila se jist lepe (az na par dni) a je mi opravdu dobre. Citim a vidim vysledky na sve postave a take mam vice energie. Na jednu vec mi cas moc nezbyval a to je cteni. Je to opravdu o case, ale kdyz clovek chce, najde si ho, i kdyby to byla pul hodiny kazdy den. Ale objevila jsem super predplatne na knihy Rare Bird Book Club, kde vam kazdy mesic poslou za predplatne knihy. A ja myslim, ze je to skvely zpusob jak se rozhoupat. 

A v neposledni rade vam chci predstavit nejnovejsi prirustek do me designerske kolekce botu a to jsou tyhle neskutecne kozacky Nicholas Kirkwood. Je to temer umelecka bota a opravdu zajimavy model. Kazdemu outfitu prida neco extra a ja je hodlam nosit opravdu casto. Nejsou urcite na behani s kocarem, ale mela jsem je tento tyden na prehlidce a urcite se budou hodit i na tydny mody. 

Kazdopadne jsem pripravena na dalsi mesic a snad bude jeste lepsi nez prvni mesic v roce 2020. 

Tak jdeme na to! 



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