Wearing: Dress: Shona Joy, Boots: Zara, Bag: Chanel, Belt: Black & Brown, Earrings: Missoma, Blazer: Vintage
To retouch or not to retouch is the question. I am one of many reacting to the picture by Khloe Kardashian. Well, for me the answer is not so simple. I believe she has full right to do what she wants without being judged or criticised. The whole family build the brand on looking immaculate and if that is the case and they post perfect retouched images it is their choice. She also has a right to take down image if she wants to. As with anything in life some people with praise it and some will hate it. The issue is that human beings do not want to take responsibility for themselves.
People and women especially need to learn to love their bodies as they are. The problem is that social media stars and celebrities are constantly pointed at that they are not showing the real deal. Well, I am firm believer that if you love yourself deeply and accept yourself as you are that retouch image of a super star will just leave you cold. You would not care one person is size 20 and the other is size 6. You are just happy with yourself and look after your body mentally and physically.
I am not the type of influencer that is demanding when it comes to her images. I do not retouch much apart from the od spot and I do not retouch my figure. There has been couple of photographers that have done it for me in the past but again I left it as was. It is their style and brand after all. f you ever meet a person that has been shooting with me you realise I am happy with little. I am not a diva that takes hours to get the perfect image as I am happy with few selections. However, again that is my choice. If I take a picture down again it is my choice and it is my choice to work like that too.
I am definitely not here to judge what people put on social media. And trust me I met so many girls from the blogging industry that when you see them in real life you cannot recognise them. That is how much different they look to their images. Again that is what they chose to do.
So let’s be more open to people’s choices and mainly love our bodies as they are.
Remember there is no right or wrong.
Retusovat ci ne? To je otazka, ktera se porad propira v mediich a na socialnich siti. Asi uhadnete, za jako spousty dalsich reaguju na skandal okolo fotografie Khloe Kardashian. Odpoved neni cerna a bila. Khloe Kardashian a cela jejich rodina ma svou znacku, ktera je vybudovana na urcite image. Pouzivaji top fotografie, filtry a retus a vyplatilo se jim to. Kazdy ma pravo jit cestou, kterou chce. Jsou Instagramove hvezdy, ktere se proslavily ukazovanim striji a jsou hvezdy, ktere maji dokonale upravene fotografie. A myslim, ze neni treba soudit ani prvni ani druhou skupinu. Kazdy ma pravo si na svuj profil dat co chce a kdykoli to smazat. Problem je v tom, ze lide nechteji klast zodpovednost na sebe.
Lide a zejmena zeny se musi naucit milovat sva tela jak jsou. Je to sice proces, ale cim vic na sobe v tomto smeru pracujete, opravdu tim mene vas drasa prave takova fotografie. Ja moc dobre vim, jak funguje modni prumysl a vubec si nelamu hlavu tim, ze je neco hodne retusovaneho, protoze zkratka vim, ze dana osoba proste takto nevypada. A hlavne se me to ani netyka. Kdyz se mate radi, je vam jedno jestli na vas na instagramu vyskoci modelka velikosti 34 nebo plnostihla zena. Je to o vas a o vasem postoji ke svemu nitru a vasemu telu.
Ja nejsem bloger, ktery foti hodiny jeden outfit. Jsem docela nenarocna. Az na par fotografu, kteri me retusovali, se ja moc neupravuju. Spis pracuju se svetlem, mozna vymazu nejaky ten pupinek a to je vse. Jsem jedna z tech malo narocnych a spis ten kdo je za fotoaparatem me nuti, ze bych mohla jeste zkusit par fotek, at mam na vyber. Ale to je opet moje rozhodnuti. Neni to ani spravne a ani spatne. Kdyz uz neco fotim, tak se soustredim na detaily v realnem case a v post produkci uz moc zmen neuvidite.
Nejsem tady abych soudila nekoho, jak vypada, jak retusuje ci jestli si vyfotil akne. Verte mi, ze jsem potkala spousty blogerek, ktere jsem v realu ani nepoznala. Nektere zkratka pouzivaji fotografie tak editovane, ze na vas v realu mluvi jina osoba. Je to ale opet jejich volba.
Je treba byt otevreny a nezaujaty a hlavne mit rad same sebe. Jde o to zacit, protoze to pro mnohe z nas muze byt dlouhy proces.