Tag Archives: attico

Outfit: British Fashion Awards in Attico

Wearing: Dress: Attico via Farfetch, Shoes: Manolo Blahnik, Bag: Skinny Dip

This week started slightly differently than any other week as I got to attend British Fashion Awards. One of the most exciting and most glamorous events in Fashion in UK. And let me tell you it was an incredible experience.

I was so blown away by all the talent and glamour that decided to dedicate my ELLE column to this fabulous evening. It really deserves a spot in any magazine. Royal Albert Hall was full of talented fashion industry professionals, stars, actors, singers and the biggest fashion icons. And each time somebody appeared on the stage I thought it would not get any better and then it did. Whether that was Naomi, Julia Roberts, Janet Jackson, Rihanna and so many other amazing people. Daniel Lee from Bottega Veneta scored 4 awards which is unreal. When I posted this on my Instagram my friend Veronika messaged me that she remembers when he started as an intern for Celine. At the time she worked for Celine as a fit model and look few years later he is an incredible fashion star. That is just mind-blowing. From intern to 4 awards in 2019 in just few years.

You probably read so much online that I do not want to repeat all the successes some people got to celebrate that night. However, I wanted to share with you my thoughts. Firstly, I admit I was a bit nervous. Is my dress good enough? You always question that as you are surrounded by incredible famous people that have professionals and full teams that help them to get ready. In the end I was so happy with my dress, my makeup and my hair. I chose this green dress by Attico from Farfetch and I felt amazing. It is glam, it is comfortable and the colour really helps you stand out. Together with my black Manolos and sparkly bag it created perfect combo.

 The whole night was just unforgettable and I wish everybody could experience it. When it all finished I felt so inspired and motivated. It was simply an evening I will never forget.

Tento tyden pro me zacal trosku netradicne a v pondeli jsem mela tu cest se zucastnit British Fashion Awards. Je to jedna z nejvetsich modnich udalosti roku.  A muzu vam rict, ze to byl prekrasny zazitek.

Byla jsem tak nadsena, ze muj tydenni clanek pro ELLE jsem venovala prave tomuto veceru a pokud jste ho jeste necetli, podivejte se tady. Jelikoz tato akce byla snad ve vsech novinach i na socialnich mediich, nebudu vam tady opakovat, ze to bylo velkolepe a ze sal byl plnych hvezd jako Julia Roberts, Rihanna, Tom Cruise ci Janet Jackson. A o tom kdo odchazel s nejakym ocenenim se urcite doctete i jinde.

Spis jsem s vama chtela sdilet moje pocity. Pri pripravach jsem se citila trosku nejiste. Ale to je pochopitelne. Jdete na akci, kde jsou mega Hollywoodske hvezdy, ktere maji na pripravu hodiny a cele tymy. Maji na vyber ty nejlepsi saty a kazdy navrhar se asi muze pretrhnout, aby si na vecer vybrali prave ty jeho. Ja jsem se rozhodla pro zajimave zelene saty znacky Attico z online shopu Farfetch a podle odezvy na mem Instagramu to byla urcite skvela volba. Uz dlouho mi neprislo tolik zprav. Ve finale jsem se citila opravdu dobre a prestoze to nebyla klasicka vecerni roba, byla jsem opravdu spokojena. O vlasy se mi postaral salon Herseson, ktery ma na starosti hvezdy jako Victoria Beckham a byla jsem moc spokojena. Jak asi vite, nosim vlasy casto rozpustene, takze tohle byla prijemna zmena. 

Z vecera jsem odchazela jako ve snu. Nacerpala jsem za tech par hodin tolik inspirace, odesla jsem motivovana a myslim, ze na tuto zkusenost nikdy nezapomenu. 


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