Christmas is round the corner and with that in mind my 2018 Gift Guide is here. This year I have included more fashion and beauty items and less technology as I thought after a long year women should treat themselves to something beautiful and you should treat others the same way. Let’s bring beautiful things to us and feel the luxury. I have tried to include smaller items that could make a great stocking filler as well as gorgeous fashion and beauty items.
This stunning pink blouse would make a great gift as it is something you can wear dress down or dress up. I am also loving the Marc Jacobs Luminizer as it is such a luxurious gift and the packaging and the mirror are simply perfection. What a brilliant product to be found in the stocking.
Vanoce jsou za rohem a proto prinasim i tento rok tipy na darky. Tento rok jsem zahrnula spise kosmetiku a obleceni a mene technologie, protoze jsem si rikala, ze kazda zena si zaslouzi neco krasneho, aby se mohla hyckat a udelat si radost. A tu radost muzete udelat i vy ostatnim zenam, ktere mate radi.
Snazila jsem se zahrnout i drobnejsi darky, ktere by se vlezli do Vanocni ponozky, protoze ty jsou tady v Britanii tradici. Kazdopadne tato ruzova bluzka me hodne zaujala a myslim, ze se da vyuzit jak na den tak na vecer. A vybornym mensim darkem, ale velmi praktickym diky velkemu zrcatku je tento Luminizer od Marca Jacobse.