Tag Archives: home decor

How to add touch of luxury to your home

Decorating your home is so much fun. Well at least for me but it can be slow process too. I have now recently added couple of items to my newish house in order to make it look more chic and feel more luxury. I love modern glamour but also country style and more traditional home decor however recently it has been modern glamour that has been winning for me.

To be honest these purchases do not have to break the bank as long as you have a clear mind on what you want. You may remember from my birthday youtube video  I got a new dressing table. However it came with a cheap looking and not so comfortable stool. I really wanted something more comfortable, more luxury looking and something that will go with my grey velvet armchair. I found this gorgeous velvet chair in grey colour that is actually originally a dining chair but it works perfectly for the hight of the table and looks so much more glamorous in the room.  They have so many colour options and this could work so well as a nice corner chair or table chairs. These are comfortable and gorgeous. And whilst I was on Cult Furtniture website I also discovered a stunning cushion that goes so well with the armchair that is already in the room. Bingo.

The next place that needed a bit of attention was this sad little corner in our living room. Firstly it was that scary place where people just put stuff that should not be in the living room (husbands just bring whatever and wherever) and it made it look even worse. And another issue was that there was nowhere for people to put a cup or a glass when sitting on the sofa. So I decided to get a small side table for a lap and some cute coffee table books that give that corner little something and will make it more practical.

I chose a gorgeous marble table with gold legs. I believe marble is classy, timeless and will never go out of fashion. This table went into sale and is now sold out but you can have a look at other gorgeous models here. I am so happy how it turned out. I may need to work on dressing the table but It already looks so much better.

Zarizovani domu ci bytu je zabava, tedy alespon pro me. Ale obcas to muze byt zdlouhavy a pomaly proces, at uz je to diky nedostatku casu, penez ci inspirace. Ja jsem v poslednich par tydnech poridila par kousku, ktere dodavaji bydleni nadech luxusu a rekla bych, ze jsou velmi chic. Mam rada kombinaci tradice, venkovskeho stylu a take moderniho glamouru. Ale k modernimu glamouru ted asi tihnu nejvice.

A i prestoze nektere veci vypadaji luxusne, tak nemusi zruinovat vasi kreditni kartu. Mozna si pamatujete z meho narozeninoveho videa, ze jsem dostala  jako darek stolik na makeup. K nemu byla stolicka, ktera byla nepohodlna a uprimne vypadala docela levne. A tak jsem si chtela poridit neco co vypada vice luxusne a take se bude hodit k sedemu sametovemu kreslu, ktere uz v mistnosti mam. A objevila jsem tyhle zidle, ktere jsou puvodne jidelni zidle. Maji velky vyber barev a jsou opravdu pohodlne. Tohoto rozhodnuti nelituju, protoze tento kousek vypada v mistnosti velmi sik a hodi se idealne i k vysce stolu. A kdyz uz jsem tak brouzdala na strankach Cult Furniture, narazila jsem na tento polstar, ktery se mi skvele hodi k tomu kreslu, ktere uz v mistnosti je. Zabila jsem tak dve mouchy jednou ranou. 

Dalsim mistem, ktere potrebovalo trosku lasky byl takovy kout v nasem obyvacim pokoji. Uprimne to byl ten kout, ktery byl smutny, prazdny a kdyz nekdo sedel na pohovce, nemel si kam odlozit piti, knihu ci sklenicku. A navic to bylo takove to nestastne odkladaci misto na veci jako taska a vubec veci, ktere podle meho nazoru do obyvaciho pokoje nepatri (no jo spousta chlapu nechape, ze obyvaci pokoj neni skladiste). A tak jsem se sem rozhodla poridit nejaky stolik, na ktery dam treba lampicku, hezke knihy, kvetiny, svicku a vytvorim prijemnejsi a praktictejsi koutek. 

Dlouho jsem vybirala, ale rozhodla jsem se pro mramorovy stolik. Jsem velky fanousek praveho mramoru, protoze je to nestarnouci klasika a nikdy nevyjde z mody. Muj stolek byl v poslednich par dnech ve slevach, tak uz neni k dostani, ale muzete se tady podivat na jine podobne modely. Uz ted vypada tento kout mnohem lepe, ale chystam se ho treba lepe nastylovat, at je vysledek co nejlepsi.


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Improving my house with affordable art

Improving your home is a continuous and endless process. Most things require time and decent budget. I love to look up inspiration and I could spend hours each day looking through images of perfect houses and their interiors.

We bought our place in December last year and the process has been slow but step by step we are improving things and that is what matters. One thing that you can do right away and does not have to cost a fortune is to decorate your walls. I have partnered up with Poster Store that have beautiful selection of amazing posters of all kinds. You will love their beautiful posters and it will really make a difference to any of your rooms at home.

I have been playing with the idea that I will get rid of the mirror in our bedroom as it is not good for your feng shui and put in some pictures. However even with paintings and posters you have to be careful what you put up. You can look up yourself what are dos and don”ts. I went with my intuition and I knew I needed blue tones to compliment the rest of the room. I also love natural stones so I knew choosing a photo of blue agate must be a right choice. Blue Agate has got healing power and is really good source of energy. In general you should avoid pictures of water but I felt that the photo of the blue leaves and the drops on them have something magical and calming. Like the amazing feeling after a storm. Both pictures make me feel good and that is the key.

There were two other areas in the house that needed a bit of love and the first one was a second staircase that leads to a guest bedroom and guest bathroom. As the first staircase has a gorgeous black and white gallery wall with family pictures I knew I wanted to continue with the black and white theme. I picked things that make me happy like favourite places in the world as well as the beautiful images in black and white. I feel the house now has a lovely flow.

And the last but not least was our bathroom where I needed something elegant and simple and I went for two black and white images in gold frames.

I am so happy with how everything looks now and I have great news as I currently have 30 % discount code glamazon30 for the Poster Store (The discount is valid until the 15th of June and it applies to the posters only (excl. Selection Poster).

Vylepsovani vaseho domova je vlastne takovy nekonecny proces. Vetsina techto veci si zada cas, trpelivost a take slusny rozpocet. Ja osobne rada vyhledavam inspiraci a divam se na krasne domy a interiery a dokazala bych tak travit hodiny. 

S manzelem jsem koupila nas dum loni v Prosinci a priznavam se, ze celkovy proces a vylepsovani jde pomalu. Ale jde to a to je hlavni. Jedna z veci, kterou ale clovek muze udelat hned a nebude vas to ani nic moc stat je povesit si na steny hezke obrazy, plakaty ci fotografie. Ja jsem se spojila s firmou Poster Store, kteri maji opravdu krasnou nabidku fotografii a plakatu a da se tam urcite vybrat neco pro kazdeho. 

Uz dlouho jsem premyslela, ze si do loznice nedam zrcadlo, ktere tam bylo v predchozim byte. Neni to dobre pro feng shui a kdyz uz se rozhodnete pro obrazy ci fotografie i tady je treba byt opatrny. Mozna se podivejte co se do loznice a jinych mistnosti doporucuje. Ja jsem se ridila hodne intuici, ale jako prvni me zaujal modry achat, ktery ma jako nerost pozitivni dopad na zdravi. Ja miluju nerosty a krystaly a prestoze je to jenom fotografie, jsem si jista, ze ma urcite lepsi energie nez jine symboly. Jelikoz jsem chtela dalsi obrazek v podobnych tonech, vybrala jsem tyhle barevne listky s kapkami deste. Voda jako takova se nedoporucuje, ale tato fotografie na me pusobi prijemne.

Dalsi dve mista v dome, kterym neco chybelo, byly toaleta a take schodiste do druheho patra. Na schodisti v prvni patrem jsem nedavno vytvorila galerii cernobilych fotografii rodiny a tak jsem chtela i na dalsich schodech neco v cerne a bile. A rozhodla jsem pro tyto fotografie. Jsou to mista ktere mam rada a veci, ktere mi delaji radost.

No a na mensi toaletu jsem is prala neco jednoducheho a elegantniho a pro zmenu jsem v tomto pripade zvolila zlate ramy.

S vysledkem jsem moc spokojena. A pro vas mam super slevu 30 % na produkty z Poster store se slevovym kodem Glamazon30 (vztahuje se na plakatky krome specialniho vyberu) a plati do 15. cervna. 


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New furniture additions featuring Cult Furniture

It has been few weeks since I moved in to our new house and I love it. I am constantly working on improving it and making it look homely. We have had quite a bit of furniture from our previous apartment but this place is much bigger and needs some new additions.

I was looking for those items that can add luxury touches to my new home but can be versatile and I can move them around if needed. I wanted pieces that can be used in the living room as well as the bedrooms or I could use them for filming background for my videos. I knew I wanted to buy a lovely floor lamp as that was one item that we could not fit in to our old apartment. Although it was big enough we just had too many things already and it would not fit anywhere. I chose this Mala Harpin Tripod Floor Lamp from Cult Furniture. I feel its modern yet chic design will fit our existing furniture and I can use it in any of the rooms. At the moment it is that great feature item for our living room and I love how it looks there. I picked neutral tones as that is simply safe option for my taste and my current decor.

I was also after a chair or armchair that would feel more classic and I could use it again in any of the rooms. If we had more guests and our sofas would not be enough this could be used or I can simply use it in one of the bedrooms for more decoration purposes. It can also be that item that makes your empty corner more homely and you can enjoy cup of tea and favourite book in it. I was deciding in between two models but in the end opted for Keaton Armchair in grey. I love the fact it is velvet fabric which I feel is very trendy in home decor at the moment but the fact the armchair has got wheels was a great feature for us. It enables me to move it around and suit our needs. So this item is simply a winner and it already fits our home in the best possible way.

I am so delighted with both items from Cult Furniture and cannot wait to keep improving our new home even more.

Uz je to par tydnu co jsme se prestehovali do noveho domu a mam opravdu velkou radost. Pomalu upravujeme co je treba a snazime se vytvorit prijemny domov pro nas vsechny. Z predchoziho bytu jsme meli docela dost nabytku, ale tim, ze dum je vetsi, je treba par novych veci a to bude asi postupny proces.

Chtela jsem si poridit par veci, ktere budou fungovat ve vsech mistnostech a budu je treba moci pouzit k toceni na youtube. Velmi casto vyhledavam veci, ktere budou vypadat dobre ve vsech nasich mistnostech, protoze me zkratka bavi veci menit podle potreby ci chuti. Jednou z veci kterou jsem vzdy chtela, ale v nasem predchozim byte na ni nebylo misto, byla velka lampa. Jelikoz mam rada spise neutralnejsi veci ( i kdyz to se take casem muze zmenit) vybrala jsem si tuhle krasnou Mala Hairpin lampu. Prijde mi velmi sik a zaroven moderni a velmi se nam hodi do obyvaciho pokoje. 

Dale jsem si prala novou zidli nebo kreslo, ktere by se hodilo kamkoli, at jej muzu pouzivat dle potreby. Pokud napriklad prijde navsteva a nebudou stacit nase pohovky je dobre mit alternativni sezeni. Zaroven jsem chtela, aby kreslo mohlo byt pouzito treba k toceni a mohla ho pouzivat dle svych potreb. Rozhodovala jsem mezi dve modely, ale nakonec vyhralo tohle kreslo Keaton v sede barve. Libi se mi, ze je ze sametu, coz je momentalne v oblasti dekoru velky hit. Navic ma tohle kreslo kolecka, coz mi usnadnuje premistovani z mista na misto a to je presne co jsem si prala. 

Jsem rada, ze jsem tyhle kousky do domu poridila a tesim se na dalsi vylepsovani. 

Love Glamazon xoxo

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What to gift to home decor and household lovers?

There is not that long until Christmas however I know so many people that even haven’t started their shopping. I was few weeks ahead with publishing my gift guide for beauty and fashion however not everybody is about shoes and lipsticks. To be quite frank I like both. LOL What an ideal situation happy and healthy family and then you find your favourite pair of shoes with new coffee machine that has got incredible design. Plus points for the husband right?

A good coffee machine is always a good present for coffee lovers. I totally fell in love with design of this gorgeous Ariete model. And if somebody is a fluffy milk fan you can get this from the same range. If your budget does not reach that level but you still want to gift something nice you can buy a lovely mug, dining sets, interesting clock or gorgeous and unique cushion.

If your budget is reaching higher and you know that your loved one loves cooking they will absolutely love Thermomix. I cannot get over how much work this does for you and actually your kitchen stays quite clean when cooking. What else to ask for?

And if you know people that love gorgeous dining sets and dining in general you have to check out Anthropologie as they have some stuff that will blow your mind.

Well, Christmas is almost here so happy shopping and even happier holidays.

Do Vanoc nam zbyva jeste par dnu, ale mam kolem sebe tolik lidi, kteri nemaji jeste ani jeden darek. Vzdy se takovy clovek najde. Ja jsem uz pred par tydny vydala clanek s napady na darky, ale to bylo spise pro milovniky mody a kosmetiky. Ne vsichni ale miluji rtenky, boty a parfemy. Najdou se i lide, kterym nejvetsi radost udela pomocnik do domacnosti ci neco krasneho z domaciho dekoru. Ja vam nebudu lhat, chci idealne oboji. No neni to skvele, kdyz se sejde u stromecku stastna a zdrava rodina a ceka na vas vysneny par botu, ale take uzasny kavovar s jeste uzasnejsi designem?

Dobry kavovar je pro milovniky kavy idealnim darkem. Ja jsem se zcela zamilovala do tohoto krasneho kavovaru od Ariete a pro opravdove fajnsmekry muzete poridit i napenovac mleka ze stejne rady. Do me kuchyne se hodi naramne a kdo sleduje muj youtube, tak to urcite pochopi. Pokud vas rozpocet nesaha treba na neco drazsiho, urcite potesi i mensi darek jako krasny polstar, zajimave hodiny ci porcelan. 

Ja mam uz nejakou dobu zalusk take na kuchynskeho pomocnika Thermomix, ktery prakticky dela vse za vas. A navic jak to tak vypada, bude vase kuchyne i uklizena. Co vic si prat, ze?  

A pokud chcete nekomu udelat radost napriklad hezkym jidelnim setem urcite se podivejte do nabidky Anthropologie, protoze jejich veci mi doslova berou dech a myslim, ze nejen me. 

Kazdopadne Vanoce jsou temer tady a proto vsem preji prijemne nakupovani a jeste prijemnejsi oslavy. 

Love Glamazon xoxo