Tag Archives: Zara

Outfit: Green Velvet Dress

Wearing: Boots: Daniel, Dress: Zara, Sunglasses: Celine, Hat: River Island, Bag: Gucci

Green is my favourite colour although it may not seem like it. For me it is more about the meaning of this colour – colour of new beginnings, spring, hope. It is just connected with all positive things isn’t it?

So when I found this dress green velvet dress on sale I knew I had to buy it. It may seem more of an evening dress however I love to layer it with knits and polo necks and wear it in a more casual way.

Zelena je moje oblibena barva, i kdyz se to tak nemusi na prvni pohled zda. Divam, se spise na symboliku barvy. Je to hodne pozitivni barva, protoze je casto spojovana s novym zacatkem, nadeji a jarem. A to je to krasne. 

Ve slevach jsem ulovila tyhle zelene sametove saty a jsem opravdu spokojena, protoze se daji nosit na x zpusobu. I kdyz vypadaji jako saty na vecer, bavi me je vrstvit a nosit treba takto v bezny den. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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