Category Archives: Photography

Atosa Nikkah Collection Shoot – Backstage

As promised I wanted share few snaps from last Saturday when I modeled for my friend’s final collection. The collection is all about fantastic artistic prints. She really did a great job and again it reminded that fashion is all about art. I modeled alongside Natasha and Sara and although it was tiring we had a fantastic day. I loved the makeup done Niamh O’Neill and hair by Electric Hair. And I love Brighton. I have not been for such a long time and after visiting this amazing place recently I will definitely be coming more often.

Jak jsem slibila prinasim par fotek z posledni soboty, kdy jsem fotila jako modelka posledni kolekci me kamaradky Atosy. Opet jsem si uvedomila, ze moda je vlastne umeni. Cela kolekce byla o potiscich a individualite. Myslim, ze kresby ji daly velkou praci a dokonce byla nominovana na cenu o nejlepsi potisk. 

 Spolecnost nam delala Sara a Natasha a hlavne skvely fotograf Malcolm Tam. Makeup ma na svedomi uzasna Niamh a vlasy salon Electric. Cely den byl sice unavny, ale skvely. A hlavne Brigton je prekrasne misto a uz jsem tam dlouho nebyla. Protoze vyslo pocasi, tak o to byl cely den jeste lepsi.

Ja jsem si to kazdopadne uzila.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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Lake Como


As always I wanted to share some snaps from my last trip to Italy. Como is so stunning and beautiful that everywhere you look you see picturesque scenery, stunning villas surrounded by amazing gardens and even shopping is great. I mean such a beautiful small town and they have the latest Celine bags. Am I dreaming? I took hundreds of pictures so more to come.

Have a fantastic day and maybe plan a short trip somewhere fab like lake Como.

Jako vzdy jsem vam chtela ukazat par fotografii z posledni navstevy Italie. Como je prekrasne a to jak mesto, tak jezero a kazdemu doporucuji si tam zajet na prodlouzeny vikend. Prislo mi, ze kazde zakouti ma sve kouzlo, fascinuji me ty stare vily a kolem nich ty dokonale udrzovane zahrady. A ve meste se da dobre nakoupit…no uznejte nejnovesi modely tasek Celine. Myslela jsem si, ze jsem ve snu. Nafotila jsem stovky fotek, takze jich vam ukazu vice.

Preji vam krasny den a mozna si pri pohledu na tyhle fotky zrovna rezervujete prodlouzeny vikend. Co vy na to?

Love Glamazon xoxo

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LFW Photo Diary

I know you love pictures and so do I so here are some random snaps from LFW. And they show exactly what happens.

People are posing, people are taking pictures and then recharging batteries in a local cafe. You see famous faces and also Made in Chelsea crowd everywhere. There are shows, there are photographer and lot of stylish people. The models are posing even when off duty, the bloggers are passing by you and it is just amazing buzz no matter what the weather is.

You meet old friends and you meet new friends and you have not time and you just want to be everywhere and speak to everybody. Well, unless you are super hero you just can’t make it all.
I managed to pop in to Wolf and Badger event and discover some fantastic brands and amazing jewellery pieces. And as any event held in Savoy it was great. Savoy itself is so beautiful that as soon as you walk in you just feel great.

And shows are amazing and I love that moment when the first model comes out and the sound of all the cameras to start to shoot like mad. And of course there is no LFW without the blogger Pandemonia.

I hope you like the pictures and there will be more.

Vim, ze vas tyhle fotky a bavi a tak jsem chtela vydat takovy random post z posledniho Fashion Weeku v Londyne. Bavi me zachytit tu atmosferu a myslim, ze tohle tuto akci zkratka vystihuje.

Lidi pozuji a taky foti. Modelky jsou neustale ve spechu, ale i pri zavodu na dalsi prehlidku si najdou cas trosku zapozovat. Vsude jsou zname tvare, celebrity a blogeri. Vsichni nekam spechaji a pritom vypadaji bajecne. Jako kazdy Fashion Week nechybelo osazenstvo z Made in Chelsea show a protoze je to vylozene bavi, vzdy vam s radosti zapozuji. Atmosfera je proste skvela.

Druhy den Fashion Weeku jsem navstila akci poradanou Wolf and Badger v hotelu Savoy a objevila spoustu pro me neobjevenych znacek a krasnych sperku a samozrejme opet narazila na obsazenstvo Made in Chelsea. Nekdy se ptam, jestli je fakt mozne, ze jsou zkratka vsude. Mam na ne nejak stesti a to dokonce, kdyz treba jenom vkrocim do Zary v Chelsea. LOL. A Savoy? Akce tam zkratka miluju. Naposledy jsem tam navstivila prehlidku Temperley a jejich interier je tak prekrasny, ze kazdou udalost jenom podtrhne. Staci si zajit na odpoledni caj a pripadate si jako v pohadce.

Prehlidky jsou narvane, ale prekrasne a jakmile vejde prvni modelka na molo tak se u me vzdy dostavi krasny pocit. Zkratka me to dela hrozne stastnou, protoze mam jednoduse tento svet rada. Jenom by mi nemusil kazit vsechny fotky onen bloger Pandemonia. Clovek proste nevidi nic jineho. LOL.

Snad se vam fotky libi a porad jich mam jeste v zasobe vic nez dost.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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The Power Bloggers at LFW

a2 Fanny

They are major inspiration for thousand of readers all over the world and it is fantastic to see them and meet them! And what better time to chose than London Fashion Week. So this is not just another street style post this is street style done by power bloggers. You know some of them can do it so well and that is why they are on the top.

I also bumped into one of my fav bloggers from Slovakia who is a photographer, Marika. So you never know what fashion week is going to bring you. The suprises are never ending, trust me.

So tell me which one of these ladies is your favourite?

Blogerky jsou kazdodenni inspiraci a kazdy den se na jejich blogy chodi clovek inspirovat. A musim uznat, ze je uzasne se s nima potkat nebo dokonce seznamit. A Fashion Weeky jsou na takova setkani jako delane. Priznavam se, ze jsou brany uz jako celebrity, kazdy si je foti, poznavaji je modni fotografove a lide z branze. Obcas se ale ptam, zda si je vsichni foti jenom proto, ze jsou zname nebo je to skutecne kvuli jejich outfitu. Rekla bych, ze to prvni hraje velkou vahu.

Ja jsem dokonce uplne nahodou narazila na Mariku alias Tonbogirl, takze mame na techto fotkach i reprezentaci ze Slovenska.

A co vy, ktera je z techto vase oblibena?

Love Glamazon xoxo

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