Products you will love using this summer

Summer always bring change to how I look after my skin, what perfumes I am using and of course I need to think of sun protection as well. Somehow in the summer I get a bit lazier when it comes to makeup and skincare as the nights are long and all I think about is to do fun stuff in the sunshine.

However, your skin still needs to be look after and be protected. You need to hydrate and also think about sun rays. I love to feel the glow too especially in the evenings and I prefer to use lighter creams and serums. So I thought I would bring some of my favourite products I have been using this summer.

When I think of makeup in the evenings I like natural makeup, with juicy lips and lot of highlighter for the glow. When using face masks I love the feel of fresh skin. I have been loving this La Mer Gel Cream that is just perfect for hotter days. The texture is lighter however you are not losing on what the skin needs.

I just love to feel the summer in everything and everywhere not just in my Aperol Spritz glass :)

And you can explore and shop all my summer favourites below. Just get carried away like I do :)

V lete vzdy zmenim kosmetiku a take to jak se staram o pokozku. Casto take menim parfemy, protoze mi jako vetsine zkratka vyhovuje neco lehciho a sveziho. A tak nejak vubec v lete zlenivim, je to asi tim, ze nosim mene makeup, vecery jsou delsi a uz od rana premyslim, co budu delat zabavneho, at uz dny v parku ci u vody. 

Ale tak ci tak pokozka potrebuje hydrataci a take ochranu pred slunickem. Ja treba osobne rada pouzivam produkty s lehci konzistenci, produkty, ktere mi daji pocit svezesti a take lehci sera, co krasne hydratuji. A tak jsem vam chtela par oblibencu ukazat. 

Kdyz se licim, pouzivam spise nejake BB kremy a na vecer mam rada rozjasnovace, zkratka veci, co k letu patri. Libi se mi minimalnejsi makeup, svezi rty a rozjasnena tvar. A tohle leto jsem si hodne oblibila tuhle verzi La Mer kremu, ktera ma lehci formu, pripominajici gel. 

Zkratka mam rada vse co mi pripomina leto, at uz je sklenicka Aperol Spritz nebo jenom svezi parfem. LOL 

Vsechny produkty muzete omrknout nize. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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