I am officially in single digits when it comes to weeks until my due date and I better hurry up preparing things for the arrival of the little one. I finally ordered several things for my hospital bag which you can watch in this video and wrote down a list what else needs to be done. Third trimester slows us down a bit so really do not want to leave until the last week before I give birth. And with Christmas ahead I want to be ready for both so I am planning to sort even Christmas shopping in the next few weeks.
I am feeling well but as you may have experienced yourself things start to get harder. The weight gain is the biggest in the last weeks of pregnancy and I feel it. Sleeping becomes harder and I am no exception, walking becomes slower, breath becomes shorter. I have also experienced that being active really takes a lot out of me. My job involves lot of social/work events and there has been so many. To be honest I have to turn a lot down as I simply do not manage that volume. And now when Liam had to stay home from school as he was not well I feel so much more energetic as I am simply home more. So it is a lot about how much you do.
I have got busy weekend ahead with Liam who feels better so will take rest of this week easy and just focus on content creation. I am pretty sure with balance I can easily manage to get through. We are heading to pumpkin patch as well as Gruffalo trail in Kew Gardens. Sadly we missed the Ascot races last weekend due to him feeling poorly but there will be plenty of opportunities again.
As for the preparation for birth I have finally started my pelvic floor exercises, started to read my hypnobirthing book I had from first birth and also starting hypnobirthing meditations as often as possible. I have also received amazing labour kit from the Organic Pharmacy https://www.theorganicpharmacy.com/that includes some pre-birth homeopatics but I believe you take those around a week before due date.
So fingers crossed the last few weeks go well, I can enjoy a bit of work and social life and be ready for the big arrival.
Jsem oficialne par tydnu do terminu porodu a rikam si, abych si pohnula a konecne poradne pripravila vse, co je treba. Minuly tyden jsem si konecne objednala par veci, ktere budu potrebovat do tasky do nemocnice a na to se muzete podivat v tomto videu. A take jsem si sepsala seznam veci, ktere mi jeste chybi. Posledni trimester je takovy pomalejsi, tak nechci nechavat veci na posledni chvili. A nesmim opomenout, ze mame pred sebou Vanoce a pripravy darku k tomu, to neni zadna sranda.
Citim se celkove dobre, ale co si budeme nalhavat. V poslednim trimesteru je nejvyssi narust vahy a tim padem je clovek pomalejsi, hur se mu spi a take lapa po dechu pri kazdem mensim vystupu do kopce. Mam pocit, ze pokud nejsem extra aktivni a jsem spise doma, vse je v poradku. Jakmile ale zacnu nabirat pracovni prilezitosti, chodit na akce, cestovat po Londyne, tak se to okamzite projevi unavou. Jenze ono je tezke, kdyz se ted po dlouhe dobe roztrhl pytel s pozvankami na akce, schuzky a porad se neco deje. Ale uz jsem si nacitila, ze opravdu je treba balanc a neprehanet to. Ted jsem byla par dni doma s nemocnym Liamkem a je mi skvele. Jde opravdu citit, ze kdyz clovek vypusti tyto hekticke plany, energie je dostatek.
Ceka me nabity vikend s Liamkem, chystame se na dynovou farmu a take do Kew Garden na Gruffala, ktereho ma moc rad. Minuly vikend nam unikly dostihy v Ascots, protoze mu nebylo moc dobre, ale takovych prilezitosti jeste bude.
Co se tyce pripravy na porod, jsem spise clovek, ktery se snazi nechat vecem volny prubeh. Zacala jsem konecne procvicovat panevni dno, vytahla moji starsi knizku o hypnoporodu a dnes zacinam meditace. V Organic Pharmacy jsem take dostala skvely Labour Kit, ktery obsahuje homeopatika, ktere mate jist pred porodem, ale ty se pouzivaji zhruba tyden pred terminem.
Snad mi bude doprano a poslednich par tydnu i porod probehnou v poradku a snad si do te doby uziju co nejvice spolecenskych a pracovnich akci a budu plne pripravena na nas novy prirustek.