Pictures: Hazel Hurley
Outfit: Bag: Balenciaga, Jumper: River Island, Shoes: Minna Parikka, Coat: Zara, Jeans: Asos
I am confident to say that I am a self-motivated person. I do not need others to tell me to work, I can push myself more and more and somehow I am lucky to have that hidden inner drive.
Of course, I am still a human and I get days when I am down but all you can do is to get over that feeling and just keep going again in the morning. However, lately I have been experiencing a new thing and that is lack of motivation caused by lack of energy. I experienced being extremely tired in my previous sales job whilst blogging do not get me wrong. However, I was in charge when I can rest. I could plan according to my needs so I somehow always managed to balance it out.
Now I have a completely different biorhythm as it depends on my son when he sleeps and when he doesn’t and also the time I would invest in blogging I need to split in between this job and being a good mum to Liam.
So how do I stay motivated even when I get up 4:30 every day? (yep motherhood at its best LOL)
The absolute number one thing is to write down your dreams, goals and milestones or create a vision board and look at it. Look at it when you wake up, during the day and even on the day when you feel exhausted. This helps so much on a daily basis.
Here are few other things that i do and help me to stay on track?
- Start the day right – no matter how early I am woken up by Liam I start with hot water and lemon and then coffee! I need my dose of caffeine every day.
- Start to be active early – I have always been a morning person and sometimes by 8 pm I have done my workout, put on a wash, wrote a blog post and prepared breakfast for Liam and myself. My experience is that the longer you put things off the lazier and more tired you will get.
- Try to look good – How you look and what you wear really changes how you feel. Why do you think old school sales people taught the trainees to stand up whilst pitching? Even a small thing like how you carry yourself can change the outcome. So try to put a bit of makeup and nice clothes even at home. I am not saying jeans but a nice lounge set will do the job.
- Surround yourself with proactive people – This helps me on the day when I am lost. Even if I am just on the chat with my best friend and she tells me how much she has achieved that day it pushes me.
- Do things that make you happy – If I am really struggling I set my day right by doing something I like. It may be a bath, reading a book for a while, put on one episode of favourite series, putting on a face mask. Whatever it is it may set your day in a good direction.
We all have days when we are up and down but we can get over it. It is ok to have a bad day but try to always do your best at any situation.
Muzu pevne rict, ze se dokazu sama motivovat. Nepotrebuju ostatni, aby me hnali do prace a muzu se vyhecovat sama. Mam zkratka stesti, ze jsem takova a ze mam nejaky vnitrni hnaci motor.
Samozrejme jsem jenom clovek a take mam dny, kdy se necitim dobre, mam pochyby a chci se na vse vykaslat, ale vetsinou to do druheho dne prejde a jsem opet pripravena pokracovat. Ale v posledni dobe bojuju s tim, ze jsem extremne unavena a to je potom o hodne tezsi se vnitrne motivovat. Ono drive jsem byla unavena taky a jako cert, ale to jak se zregeneruju bylo pouze v mych rukou. Ted si zkratka nevybiram, kdy se vyspim a jak dlouho, protoze mi to urcuje moje dite a ze je zkratka nepredvidatelne.
A jak se teda motivuju, i kdyz casto vstavam uz pred patou a nejradsi bych zalezla unavou zpet do postele?
Moji osvedcenou radou je sepsat si vase cile, ceho chcete dosahnout a nebo si vytvorit tzv vision board, na kterou se kazde rano ci jindy podivate. Kdyz jsem opravdu vycerpana, vzdy me to nakopne jit dal. To je pro me snad nejdulezitejsi vec.
A tohle jsou me dalsi osvedcene tipy, ktere me motivuji a nezustanu cely den na gauci.
- Zacnete den spravne – U me vetsinou nezalezi na tom, jestli se Liamek vzbudi ve 4 ci v 5, kazdy den zacinam teplou vodou s citronem a pak kavou. Davku kofeinu proste potrebuju. Ale tento ritual me naladi na lepsi den.
- Zacnete den aktivne a s nadsenim – Nekdy to me brzke vstavani ma vyhody. Casto se podivam na hodinky a kolem osme uz jsem si zacvicila, dala oprat, napsala clanek a pripravila nam hezkou snidani. U me totiz plati, ze kdyz lenosim a veci odkladam, pak uz se den nese ve stejnem tempu.
- Snazte se vypadat hezky – To jak vypadate muze ovlivnit i to jak se citite. Ne nadarmo ostrileni lidi v oblasti sales tvrdi, ze kdyz delate cold calling, mate u toho stat. Zmeni to totiz to jak se citite a jak konate. Takze i to, ze si udelate byt slaby makeup a hezky se oblecete ma neco do sebe. I prestoze se nechystate ven, muzete si dat hezky domaci ubor.
- Obklopte se lidmi, kteri vas inspiruji a motivuji – Tohle mi pomaha kazdy den. I kdyz nikam nejdu, pisu si s kamaradkama, ktere me nabiji a motivuji.
- Delejte veci, ktere vam delaji radost – Kdyz uz to opravdu nezvladam, tak delam veci, co mam rada. At uz je to vana, pletova maska, ctu si, ci si pustim serial. Zkratka udelejte cokoli, co vas nahodi do dobre nalady a doda vam radost a energii. Den se pak nese v uplne jinem duchu.
Love Glamazon xoxo
These are all fabulous fabulous tips! Already motivating me!
Amen to all 5 things, they work for me beautifully too! :) I love your MP sneakers and the way you’ve styled them with the rest of this outfit.
Pekny Outfit – tenisky me vylozene pobavily. U me asi nejvice pomaha spanek, pohyb na cerstvem vzduchu a omezit elektroniku.
fabulous sneakers!