Category Archives: Lifestyle

What a Wicked Night?!

Wearing: Zara Skirt and Boots, Louis Vuitton Bag, Atmosphere Top, Celine Sunglasses, Asos Coat

When I got an email from Wicked Musical PR if I would be interested to attend I did not hesitate for a second. I am a big musical lover and theatre in general and this is one of the West End shows I have not seen. And I heard great things about Wicked.

Everytime I go out after work I try to create day to night outfit so I put on some faux leather skirt, leopard print top and kept the rest quite simple. You just cannot go wrong with black duster and classic accessories right? I met my other half after work for a dinner and few drinks as it would be a sin not to enjoy the evening properly and then we headed to Apollo Victoria Theatre for the show. I am all about a proper date night and this was a great opportunity for us. If you ever struggle with ideas what to do this is a great night out for couples and girlfriends too. Glass of bubbly, something to eat and a great show. Oh, London date nights are one of the best right?

Wicked is one of the longest running musical shows in London and I am not surprised. It was truly wicked performance. It really tells a story that can happen anywhere and anytime not just in fairy tales. Two very different girls…one is beautiful and popular and the other one is the opposite. That little girl without any friends but at the same time has got incredible powers inside. And then there is the boy…very beautiful boy who everybody wants. This lovely story with other very important characters and moral messages is accompanied by some fabulous singing and theatre effects. I was captivated for the whole performance and the stage just looked incredible. The lights, the sounds and the costumes. Everything was pleasure for my eyes. And the whole show was just fun to watch. It is fair to say that it must be a great show for kids as well as adults. Especially some you ladies if you have not seen it…go for it as you will not be disappointed.

I was leaving the theatre full of emotions and I was touched by this beautiful story. Although I was very tired I knew it was worth it. If you have never heard of Wicked you can watch the trailer below and I am sure you will want to book your ticket straight away. LOL

Kdyz mi asi pred tydnem prisel email od PR muzikalu Wicked, jestli bych mela zajem se na muzikal podivat tak jsem nevahala ani minutu. Miluju divadlo a tohle je jedna z Londynskych show, na ktere sem jeste nebyla. A vsichni v mem okoli ji vzdy moc chvali.

Pokazde kdyz jdu nekam po praci tak se snazim dat dohromady outfit, ktery se hodi jak do prace tak na vecer. A proto jsem se rozhodla pro tuto kozenou sukni s leopardim topem a klasickym plastem. Podle me staci v praci jen dobre strizene sako, ktere si nechavam v satne a na vecer vymenit za neco jineho. Vecer jsem pockala na svou drahou polovicku a pred divadlem jsme sli na veceri a par drinku. At je to vecer jak ma byt. Predstaveni zacinalo v 7:30, ale zvladli jsme to vsechno na jednicku.

Show byla skvela a jsem opravdu sama prekvapena, ze jsem nesla na Wicked uz drive. Prestoze je to spise takova pohadka, ktera se hodi jak pro deti tak pro dospele tak vypravi pribeh, ktery se muze odehrat kdekoli a kdykoli. Dve velmi rozdilne divky … jedna popularni a krasna a druha oskliva a bez jedine kamaradky…a pak je tu krasny kluk, ktery si ziska srdce kazdeho. Tento pribeh by klidne mohl byt dalsi popularni serial ci romanticky film. A pribeh neni jen o tom, ale myslim, ze poukazuje na nektera fakta nemoralni spolecnosti. A to vse skvele doplnuji uzasne kulisy, zpev,  tanec a svetelne efekty. Opravdu jsem se nenudila ani minutu a na zaver mi i ukapla slzicka. 

Divadlo jsem sice opoustela unavena (vzdy mam takovou tu hruzu, ze musim v 6:20 rano vstavat do prace), ale plna uzasnych zazitku a pocitu. Pokud se chystate do Londyna na nejakou show, tak urcite nebudete litovat. A pokud nevite kam na rande s pritelem ci kamaradkou tak tohle je urcite trefa do cerneho. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

shop the look here:


Le Calette – Cefalu/Sicily

Gorgeous setting, incredible views, good food and super large comfortable bed that would not put in a shame even a royal. This all is Le Calette. A hotel in Sicily where I spent one wonderful week.

The hotel exceeded  my expectations and the pictures really do not do justice. I could tell that our suite was recently renovated and it offered everything you need on your holidays. The only thing I missed was a bath as when I relax I love my bath…however the massaging shower replaced this very well. Imagine every day starts with a breakfast in the garden with a stunning view on the sea, rocks and marina. How peaceful and romantic?!

 The setting is just incredible and it offers comfortable sunbathing by a swimming pool that also has got a jacuzzi next to it however you can use two private beaches. One is only few meters away with a private deck and the other one is in Cefalu town and serviced by a free shuttle bus. The hotel has got a lovely restaurant where we had lunch everyday by the pool and the food has got a great standard. I remember when I was searching to find a beach hotel in Sicily some reviews were just strange and some really good. I can only say good things and people complaining about this place are just probably people that will complain about anything. You have everything you need, your room is cleaned daily, you have wifi, tv, super soft bathrobes and those unbeatable views.

I would not trade this place for any of the hotels in the town center. It is just outside of Cefalu and the walk is around 15 minutes but we had such a great walk everyday to town for dinner. And even if you prefer to take a taxi it costs around 10 Euros. For me as a blogger I got everything I needed. Great settings for pictures, strong wifi and good wine ( you know that always help your inspiration right?) LOL

And plus thanks to this place I recharged my batteries before September that is always full of fashion and fashion week madness. So thank you Le Calette.

Malebne prostredi, romanticky vyhled, vyborne jidlo a postel tak pohodlna a velika, ze by se za ni nestydela snad ani kralovna. To vse a mnohem vice je hotel Le Calette na Sicilii, kde jsem stravila nadherny tyden plny odpocinku a krasnych zazitku.

Uprimne muzu rici, ze jejich webove stranky neodpovidaji realite a vse vypada mnohem lepe. Navic je hotel renovovany a nas prvotridni apartman nemel chybu. Trosku mi chybela vana, protoze na dovolene rada relaxuju, ale rychle ji nahradila masazni sprcha. Cele dny jsem travila u vody ci u bazenu ctenim knih a nic nedelanim. Hotel ma jeden bazen a dve plaze. Jedna je par metru od hotelu s vyhledem na skaly a mistni pristav a druha je v centru Cefalu kam vas dopravi hotelovy autobus. Soucasti hotelu je take vyborna restaurace, kde jsem si kazdy den davala u bazenu obed. Nabizi opravdu pestry jidelnicek a dobry servis. Myslim, ze za celou dobu jsem si opravdu nemohla stezovat na jedinou vec. Kazde rano jsem si pochutnavala na pestre snidani v zahrade s prekrasnym vyhledem (a muzete si dokonce udelat sami cerstvy pomerancovy dzus). Take jsem si objednala masaz primo na pokoj a tetelila se blahem. Nechybelo mi opravdu nic a mam rada mensi hotely tohoto typu nez obrovske komplexy, ktere mohou obcas pusobit az neosobite. 

Le Calette opravdu nabizi vse co si blogerka muze prat…uzasna zakouti, silna wifi a taky vyborne vino (to vite po jedne sklenicce je vzdy vice inspirace nemyslite?)

A hlavne jsem nabila baterky na nadchazejici mesic plny modniho silenstvi.

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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Beach and Pool Life

Wearing: Seafolly Bikini via Figleaves, Dior Sunglasses, Market Straw Hat

Although autumn is starting in London and I want to swipe to some other location on my Iphone weather forecast every time I check London weather situation….I am still having fun in the sun. Sicily is beyond gorgeous and I am enjoying life by the sea and lazy afternoons by the pool. I am not that big on sunbathing so I spend a lot of time in the shade with my book.

I packed lot of different bikinis however this model is one of of my favourite. The colour screams summer and they are super comfortable. That is all you need right?

Prestoze v Londyne je uz uz podzim ja si zatim uzivam slunicka na Sicilii. Pocasi doma me ale strasi, pokazde kdyz se na telefonu podivam na predpoved v Londyne, tak rychle preskocim na tu krasnou predpoved v Cefalu. Ja nevim jak vy, ale ja nejsem zase az tak na vypekani pokozky na slunicku. Slunicko mam rada, ale za prve to nevydrzim a za druhe si hlidam slunicko i kvuli tomu jak budu vypadat za dvacet let. 

Ale i presto jsem si sbalila nekolik druhu plavek. Tyhle jsou jedny z nejoblibenejsich, jsou pohodlne a ruzova barva je tak vyrazna, ze ji opravdu nikdo neprehledne. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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Tip of the week…The Good Life Eatery

10 On Sunday my friend Tereza and I went shopping (yes snapchat lovers know all about it so to make sure you do not miss on this next time you can follow me as evaglamazon). And after so much walking, shopping, talking we got super hungry and decided to have a late lunch in to the Good life eatery in Chelsea. It is one of those places you hear so much about. It is popping out from magazines, media, blogs and everybody keeps going on about it.

Do you know what…I felt all the goodness coming to my body. Yes my order was Goodness Bowl and it not only looks good and gives you lot of energy and nutrition it is also delicious. The place does not have the best seating solution and it is very small but I think that is what people love anyway. People from some reason tend to fall in love with those small random place that have got two tables but become viral. I will definitely have to check out the Eatery in Marylebone. And what is the best thing you can order online! So your Friday eating in takeways no longer need to be unhealthy curries. LOL

No excuses just goodness!

V sobotu jsem sla nakupovat s kamaradkou Terezou. Pokud me sledujete na snapchatu (evaglamazon) tak asi vite vse o nasem malem nakupnim dobrodruzstvi. A tak nam po tom vyjednavani, chozeni a klaboseni pekne vyhladlo a rozhodla jsem konecne vyzkouset v Chelsea Good Life Eatery. Misto o kterem vsichni mluvi, pisou, vidim porad fotky na instagramu a je to proste popularni restaurace…nebo spise kavarna, ktera serviruje velmi zdrave jidlo. Pokud jste vegani a zajima vas clean food, tak sem urcite musite!!!

Ja jsem si z bohateho menu vybrala velkou salatovou misu Goodness bowl a strasne jsem si pochutnala. Nejen ze to vse vypada lakave, ale vsechno je i velmi chutne a telu dodate to nejlepsi. A co me dostalo nejvice, ze si muzete objednat jidlo online. Takze uz zadne vymluvy a tezka jidla jako curry, ktere do sebe tlacite v patek vecer u televize. Ale mate moznost zdravych dobrutek.

Ale i to curry je nekdy potreba. LOL

Love Glamazon xoxo

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