Wearing: Zara Skirt and Boots, Louis Vuitton Bag, Atmosphere Top, Celine Sunglasses, Asos Coat
When I got an email from Wicked Musical PR if I would be interested to attend I did not hesitate for a second. I am a big musical lover and theatre in general and this is one of the West End shows I have not seen. And I heard great things about Wicked.
Everytime I go out after work I try to create day to night outfit so I put on some faux leather skirt, leopard print top and kept the rest quite simple. You just cannot go wrong with black duster and classic accessories right? I met my other half after work for a dinner and few drinks as it would be a sin not to enjoy the evening properly and then we headed to Apollo Victoria Theatre for the show. I am all about a proper date night and this was a great opportunity for us. If you ever struggle with ideas what to do this is a great night out for couples and girlfriends too. Glass of bubbly, something to eat and a great show. Oh, London date nights are one of the best right?
Wicked is one of the longest running musical shows in London and I am not surprised. It was truly wicked performance. It really tells a story that can happen anywhere and anytime not just in fairy tales. Two very different girls…one is beautiful and popular and the other one is the opposite. That little girl without any friends but at the same time has got incredible powers inside. And then there is the boy…very beautiful boy who everybody wants. This lovely story with other very important characters and moral messages is accompanied by some fabulous singing and theatre effects. I was captivated for the whole performance and the stage just looked incredible. The lights, the sounds and the costumes. Everything was pleasure for my eyes. And the whole show was just fun to watch. It is fair to say that it must be a great show for kids as well as adults. Especially some you ladies if you have not seen it…go for it as you will not be disappointed.
I was leaving the theatre full of emotions and I was touched by this beautiful story. Although I was very tired I knew it was worth it. If you have never heard of Wicked you can watch the trailer below and I am sure you will want to book your ticket straight away. LOL
Kdyz mi asi pred tydnem prisel email od PR muzikalu Wicked, jestli bych mela zajem se na muzikal podivat tak jsem nevahala ani minutu. Miluju divadlo a tohle je jedna z Londynskych show, na ktere sem jeste nebyla. A vsichni v mem okoli ji vzdy moc chvali.
Pokazde kdyz jdu nekam po praci tak se snazim dat dohromady outfit, ktery se hodi jak do prace tak na vecer. A proto jsem se rozhodla pro tuto kozenou sukni s leopardim topem a klasickym plastem. Podle me staci v praci jen dobre strizene sako, ktere si nechavam v satne a na vecer vymenit za neco jineho. Vecer jsem pockala na svou drahou polovicku a pred divadlem jsme sli na veceri a par drinku. At je to vecer jak ma byt. Predstaveni zacinalo v 7:30, ale zvladli jsme to vsechno na jednicku.
Show byla skvela a jsem opravdu sama prekvapena, ze jsem nesla na Wicked uz drive. Prestoze je to spise takova pohadka, ktera se hodi jak pro deti tak pro dospele tak vypravi pribeh, ktery se muze odehrat kdekoli a kdykoli. Dve velmi rozdilne divky … jedna popularni a krasna a druha oskliva a bez jedine kamaradky…a pak je tu krasny kluk, ktery si ziska srdce kazdeho. Tento pribeh by klidne mohl byt dalsi popularni serial ci romanticky film. A pribeh neni jen o tom, ale myslim, ze poukazuje na nektera fakta nemoralni spolecnosti. A to vse skvele doplnuji uzasne kulisy, zpev, tanec a svetelne efekty. Opravdu jsem se nenudila ani minutu a na zaver mi i ukapla slzicka.
Divadlo jsem sice opoustela unavena (vzdy mam takovou tu hruzu, ze musim v 6:20 rano vstavat do prace), ale plna uzasnych zazitku a pocitu. Pokud se chystate do Londyna na nejakou show, tak urcite nebudete litovat. A pokud nevite kam na rande s pritelem ci kamaradkou tak tohle je urcite trefa do cerneho.
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