Summer has just started but with all eyes on Paris Couture fashion week I am slowly starting to plan my next fashion week season. This year will be very busy with me and although I wanted to do either Milan and NY I will only be able to squeeze in London and Paris.
It is not easy to pack for Fashion Week and you not only need great outfits for the shows but also comfortable outfits like this. You just want to sometimes strip off all the makeup and put on comfortable shoes. If you are planning short trip with lot of sightseeing…always go with lot of black and white as these are easy to combine with other things.
Leto teprve zacalo, ale Parizsky couture fashion week je v plnem proudu a to me nejak nakoplo zacit pomalu planovat sezonu fashion weeku. Tento rok bude nabity a proto (i kdyz jsem chtela navic pridat NY a Milan) zvladnu pouze Pariz a Londyn.
Nasla jsem tyhle zapomenute fotky z posledni sezony a uprimne se trosku hrozim planovani a baleni, protoze jak vidite clovek nejen potrebuje outfit na prehlidky, ale take outfity na volny cas. A tak nakonec cestuje na par dni sbaleny jako na mesic. Pokud planujete nekam cestu a bude vas cekat chozeni mestem a pamatek, tak si vzdy sbalte jednoduche a kombinovatelne veci. Opravdu priznavam, ze cerna a bila je nejlepsi a potrebujete alespon jedny poholdne boty.
Ty se mi naposledy v Parizi opravdu hodily a posledni den jsem sla i na Fashion week v nich.
I love travelling and it is genuinely one of my favourite hobbies. London is my home however as I have lot of readers from foreign countries I get lot of emails asking where to shop or eat. There has been number of articles of this nature on my blog and that is what lot of posts are about. And I promise you will still be getting these in this space.
Another destination I love is France. It is pretty much round the corner however I love everything French (no wonder my favourite spot in East Dulwich is the French Cafe on Forest Hill road LOL). I love South of France as well as the capital where I have been going often. The last time it was during fashion week and I must say the city does have a totally different vibe. However the coffee on Champs Elyses still tastes the same. There is just something magical about this place and it has got super chic vibes any time during the year.
If you are thinking going for a short city break you always have to think about what do you expect of this. If you are looking for shopping on budget I personally think London is better place. However if you are looking to discover interesting boutiques and search for things nobody will wear Paris is your best friend.
However, I must say whichever place you pick you will have a wonderful time as these cities have so much to offer.
Miluju cestovani a je to jeden z mych neoblibenejsich konicku. Casto mi od vas chodi emaily, kde se ptate na to, co v Londyne delat a kam chodit nakupovat. Ja sama jsem napsala spousty clanku o nakupovani a casto delam tipy na to, kde se najist a podobne. Pokud vam ani to nebude stacit, muzete se inspirovat na Eurovikendech do Londyna, co v Londyne objevovat a na dalsi tipy. Rady na cestu poskytuji opravdu nespocetne mnozstvi informaci, ktere vam pomuzou si vybrat a naplanovat vas vylet prave do Londyna. A na jejich strankach napriklad ve clanku o Londynskem levnem nakupovani najit dalsi tipy, kde a jak levne nakupovat. Musim priznat, ze prave mesto ve kterem ziju, me bavi ze vsech snad nejvice. Clovek se tady zkratka nenudi a jsem rada, ze prave tohle je muj domov.
Taky se priznavam, ze sama rada jezdim na prodlouzene vikendy do zahranici. A to bud si odpocinout nebo take na poznavaci vylet. A samozrejme casto jezdim do zahranici diky blogovani….at uz se jedna o Fashion Weeky nebo jine pracovni zalezitosti. Jedna z mych oblibenych destinaci je Francie. Miluju jizni pobrezi (odkud jsou mimochodem i tyhle fotografie), ale Pariz na me pokazdne dychne uzasnou atmosferou. Pro me je to vyhoda, protoze mi staci skocit na vlak a jsem v zemi, kde si muzu uzivat neskutecnou sik atmosferu, vyborne jidlo a kavu na Champs Elyses. Pokud vas Pariz laka at jiz behem Fashion Weeku, ci jenom tak…tak se muzete podivat na tuto nabidku na Rady na Cestu. Ale je spousta veci, co vam muze Pariz nabidnout. Jedno z nejkrasnejsich mist je urcite zamek ve Versailles. Pokud budete mit cestu, tak se pripravte, ze se budete na chvili citit jako Angelika.
Pokud se budete rozhodovat kam a kdy, tak je dulezite se poradne rozhodnout a uvedomit si, za jakym ucelem se na tuto cestu vydavate. Jaka moda vas bavi, kolik mate penez na utratu a take kdy se chystate jet. Pariz je uzasna na nakupovani, pokud jste milovnikem mensich butiku a nevadi vam treba provetrat penezenku. Londyn na druhou stranu nabizi pestre a levne nakupovani a da se tady dobre orientovat. A samozrejme musite brat v potaz i vase jazykove dovednosti. V Londyne vam Anglictina staci, ale ja jsem osobne mela obcas v Parizi problem a tak sebou rada beru cloveka, ktery umi alespon trosku francouzsky.
Myslim si, ze ale obe destinace maji opravdu co nabidnout a nebudete se nudit.
Far away from fashion parties, busy London streets and daily stress. I decided to do a little road trip down the West Coast of Ireland together with my bestie from Prague and our other halves. My friend Iva who is a model and blogger had this genius idea to spend long weekend together away from everything…eat, drink and enjoy the nature. And it was a blast!
Straight after we left Dublin we did not forget to open our first bottle of wine. That girl thinks of everything LOL. We rented cosy apartment down the sea side in a little village called Liscannor. And how convenient it was it was just next to one of the best sea food restaurants in County Clare. Vaughans Anchor Inn really got me and we ate there almost every day. First night we ended up in a local pub and I wish I could say what happens in Egan’s stays in Egan’s. LOL
Iva swapped the dance floor for a table and turned this little cosy pub into the best spot in the whole county. And boy she got famous…nothing stayed in Egan’s as people were recognizing her following morning in the town ten kilometres away. This is how the Czechs can party.
However the trip was not just about Guinness and local sea food specialities. We visited some of the most beautiful spots from Cliff of Mohers to a charming lighthouse in Loop Head. This was my third time at the well know Cliffs and this magical place did not lose anything from its charm. It’s breathtaking views and nature around are just astonishing however you have to keep the respect because of the the 200 metres scary looking vertical drop. As you can see some of the pictures had to be taken lying down. And the winds can be very strong. However all this creates dramatical atmosphere that you never forget about.
I have been to Ireland many times but it was my friend’s first visit. It must be fascinating for them as the Irish culture is just all around.
I came back rested and found lot of pictures in my camera which I have to share with you. This beauty just cannot be hidden in my picture folder.
Love Glamazon xoxo
Daleko od vsech vecirku, Londynskych ulic a kazdodeniho stresu…o tom vsem byl nas kratky road trip po zapadnim Irskem pobrezi. Moje kamaradka Iva, ktera je blogerka a modelka a zije v Praze mela uzasny napad si spolecne pronajat dum u more v Irsku a konecne si poradne uzit prodlouzeny vikend. Tim ze zijeme kazda v jine zemi, tak si nemame nekdy ani moznost poradne popovidat. A ze to byl skvely napad! Uz po vyjezdu z Dublinu jsem si na zadnim sedadle otevrely vino a tim to zdaleka nekoncilo.
Pronajali jsme si na nekolik dni prekrasny bytecek hned u more, ktery byl hned vedle jedne z nejvyhlasenejsich restauraci v tomto regionu. Vaughans serviruje hlavne morske plody a ryby a ja si tam pochutnavala skoro kazdy den. Prvni den jsme se rozhodli zavitat do mistni hospudky s zivou hudbou, kde to Iva rozbalila na stole. At v tom Irsku vidi, ze Cesky nejsou zadne sucharky. LOL
No a predstavte si, ze vsichni mistni byli tak nadseni, ze ji na druhy den poznavali na ulici ve vedlejsim meste. Proste moje holka sikovna co? Alespon budeme mit i za par let na co vzpominat. Samozrejme vylet nebyl jenom o parbe a Guinnessu. Kazdy den jsme podnikali uzasne vylety do prirody a musela jsem Ivu a Petra vzit na vyhlasene utesy – Cliffs of Moher. Tohle byla moje treti navsteva, ale tohle misto me dostane pokazdne znova a znova. 200 metru vysoke utesy, silny vitr a neskutecna vegetace vas nenechaji chladnymi. Tohle misto ma proste nepopsatelny charakter a kouzlo. Jenom se chvilema clovek boji, ze spadne dolu a jak vidite nektere fotky je bezpecnejsi je delat v leze. Projeli jsme snad vsechna turistika mista na pobrezi vcetne Spanish point, Doolin a take majaku v Loop Head. Vsude bylo neco k videni a Irska kultura cisela vsude kolem. Pro nekoho, ktery navstivil tuhle zemi poprve to musi byt opravdu neskutecny zazitek.
Ja jsem se vratila odpocata a spokojena a taky s velkou zasobou fotek jak vidite.
On Tuesday I was invited to join Jade Jagger, Thomson and other journalists and media people to celebrate Jade’s new kaftan’s collection. The whole collection is meant to compliment opening of a new Sensatori resort in Ibiza.
I was even happier when I found out the event is taking place at ME hotel London as it is only two minutes from my offices. And the views from their roof top terrace is just incredible. You have seen it many times as I have been to numerous events there.
I was glad that my friend Bex who works for daily mail online was at the party as well as we definitely know how to have fun together. We did not leave empty handed and got to pick our favourite model. You can now shop them online and I can say one thing…go for it as the quality is incredible.
Have a wonderful weekend ahead and stay tuned as I am traveling again so do not forget to follow my snapchat (evaglamazon) and instagram.
V utery jsem byla pozvana spolecnosti Thomson na party s Jade Jagger, ktera pro ne nedavno navrhla kolekci kaftanu. Jade mela prakticky druhy domov na Ibize a cela kolekce ma tak castecne splivat s otevrenim noveho Thomson resortu prave na tomto ostrove.
Cela akce probehla v mem oblibenem hotelu ME London, ktery mam za rohem a tak jsem mela o to vetsi radost. V ME akce miluju, protoze se vzdy poradaji na stresni terase odkud je uzasny vyhled na Londyn. Party se nesla ve velmi prijemnem duchu a neodesla jsem s prazdnou a jeden hedvabny kaftan jsem si i odnesla.
Jsem rada, ze jsem Jade potkala a doufam, ze se kolekce bude dobre prodavat. Je k dostani online prave na strankach splecnosti Thomson.