Category Archives: Lifestyle

Hotel Napoleon Paris

Let me tell you about this fabulous place in Paris. This was a second hotel where I stayed during Paris Fashion Week. This hotel screams luxury and tradition and we were treated like princesses. I could not ask for more. This place is just meters away from Champs Elysees and welcomes you with open arms. Hotel Napoleon is a perfect spot for business and fashion people visiting Paris.

Every room has got a different decoration so you never know what you are going to get but trust me it is always good. You will have a gym with a great view and amazing breakfast that offers anything from traditional English breakfast, through pancakes to french pastries. And I did really feel like a royal when after a long day full of shows we had a surprise in our room – cold Champagne as a welcome gift.

My parisian dream was so real and thank you Hotel Napoleon for our fantastic stay.

Chtela jsem vam ukazat dalsi hotel, ve kterem jsem byla ubytovana behem Fashion Weeku. Hotel Napoleon je myslim idealnim mistem pro ty, kteri chteji byt primo na Champs Elysees a nechat se hyckat od personalu. Ja jsem se s Atosou ubytovala v jednom z jejich suites a opravdu si nemuzu hotel vynachvalit. Ma tradicni vybaveni a citila jsem se trosku jako princezna na zamku.

Mozna jste videli na instagramu tu obrovskou postel jako pro princeznu a na snapchatu nase apartma. A snidane byla take kralovska. 

A po navratu z prehlidek na nas cekalo sampanske. Myslim, ze to je sen kazde blogerky ne? 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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Mon Hotel Paris

Paris Fashion Week was like one big dream including our hotel where we stayed first night. When I was planning my trip I was looking for comfort and good location but I also wanted the hotel to have a bit of class. You know as a blogger it is very important for me to be able to shoot in the hotel whether it is a quick picture for my instagram or snapchat. Visual side is very important to me. However if the hotel would be just pretty with bad service that would not work for me.
I booked beautiful boutique hotel just nearby the Arch de Triomphe called Mon Hotel and I did not regret. The hotel was chic with very modern decoration and great views. The location was spot on for us.

We stayed in one of their Executive rooms with super large bath that finished my first day at Paris Fashion Week in style. There is nothing better than when you are tired to use comfort of a good hotel. If you are not looking just for a City break and where to sleep the hotel has got spa and gym as well. We also experienced their lovely breakfast with wide choice of savoury options as well as traditional french pastries. What a girl in Paris could ask for?

The staff was helpful and hospitable and I would recommend anybody to try this place whether you are going for a romantic break or a business trip. You will be in great hands.

Love Glamazon xoxo

Parizsky Fashion week pro me byl jako jeden velky sen a prislo mi obcas, ze jsem snad v raji. Vsechno bylo dokonale a to vcetne naseho hotelu Mon Hotel, kde jsem stravila prvni noc. Mon Hotel me pozval na jednu noc s moji kamaradkou vyzkouset si jejich Executive pokoj a muzu prohlasit, ze je to jedno z nejlepsich mist, ve kterych jsem v Parizi bydlela. Hotel se nachazi kousicek od Arch de Triomphe a ma velmi moderni design a skvely servis. Personal se o nas staral na jednicku. 

Pokud mate chut si zacvicit nebo zajit na masaze, tak tohle vsechno hotel nabizi. Nam sice cas nedovolil vyzkouset vsechno, ale alespon jsem si uzila vybornou snidani a hlavne tu uzasnou velkou vanu, kterou jste mozna videli na snapchatu. Vubec design hotel je pro me jako pro blogera velmi dulezity, protoze neustale neco fotim a myslim, ze pozadi a prostredi hraje na kazde fotografii velkou roli. Prvni den jsem dorazila do Parize hodne brzo a vyjizdela z Londyna vlakem pred sestou rano a vecer jsem po prehlidkach a akci byla tak unavena, ze jsem se do te obrovske vany pekne nalozila. LOL A byl to ten nejlespi relax na svete. 

Jak vidite nektere pokoje maji uzasne balkonky, ktere davaji hotelu ten pravy francouzsky smrnc. Co vic si clovek muze prat?

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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Issey Miyake AW 15 at PFW

2 (pictures via Harper’s Bazaar)

I just got back from Paris and I feel it was like living the dream. I cannot wait to tell you all about it. However one of the biggest highlights for me was this breathtaking Issey Miyake show that took place in Tuileries gardens in Paris. Being in the middle of Paris Fashion Week buzz and the whole concept of the show gave me unforgettable experience.

Just imagine live music, great setting and stunning collection by this talented designer. I felt it was all overwhelming in the best possible way. The whole collection showed so much variety from very sculptural cuts and volume to geometric prints and bright colours. I could clearly see the prints were inspired by kaleidoscope so the whole collection was full of colours and prints. I loved how Issey created the volume in the skirts and some of the tops and the collection flew so naturally. And the end of the show was like a cherry on the tree. The catwalk was dark and few models came out wearing these tight belts while the music slowly got stronger and stronger…the models started to spin around turning these belts into flowing skirt. What a great finale to this show.

The applause Issey got for this show was well deserved.

Vcera vecer jsem se vratila z Parize, kde jsem stravila nekolik dni na Fashion Weeku. Jako pravidelny navstevnik Londynskeho tydne mody muzu s rukou na srdci prohlasit, ze se nedivim, ze vsichni miri nejdradeji prave do Parize. Budu s vami sdilet vsechny tyhle uzasne poznatky a zazitky, protoze tolik veci je uplne jinych a opravdu jsem si chvili pripadala, ze snad snim.

Jeden z nejlepsich zazitku byla show Issey Miyake v Tuilereis zahradach. Vsechno od konceptu, pres kolekci az po zivou hudbu bylo dech berouci a ja jsem se obcas musela stipnout, zda se mi to jenom zda. Ja Ceska blogerka v Parizi po boku svetovych modnich ikon na prestizni show. Na show jsem zahledla zname svetove editorky, celebrity nebo blogerky jako Song of Style. Vim, ze obcas lide prehani, ale ja jsem si opravdu pripadala, ze se mi to vse jenom zda. Kazdopadne kolekce byla uzasna..modely mely objem, strukturu a hodne barev. Cela kolekce byla inspirovana potisky, ktere muzete videt v kaleidoskopu a obsahovala hodne vyraznych kombinaci. Ale zaroven tvorila uzasny celek. Mozna jste si vsimli i na mem instagramu a snapchatu, ze i pozvanka vypadala jako kaleidoskop nebo skladanka plna barev. Takze team myslel opravdu na kazdy detail. 

Uplne na zaver, kdy kazdy ocekaval zaverecne defile tak ve tme na molo nastoupily modelky, ktere mely kolem boku jakoby obtocenou latku. A jak hudba pomula zesilovala, tak se zacaly naplno tocit dokola a z toho pasku zacaly vlat barevne sukne. Byl to opravdu dramaticky konec uz tak uzasne show.

Jsem opravdu strasne rada, ze jsem mela moznost tohle zazit. A to vam mam jeste tolik co rict.

Mejte se krasne.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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