Looking at these pictures I want to go back badly. I loved every single moment of the press trip with Thomson and I was keen to show you that amazing hotel where we all stayed. It is couples resort so if you want to take your second half and relax with your books by the pool while catching some sunshine this is a perfect place to pick.
Oh my dears we were in for a big treat. The hotel has got modern design but you see the Moroccan influence. The place is decorated with fabulous colours and lanterns and you are getting real Marrakech experience. Everything from your bed, to rose petals in a toilet (yes you see that right) was a perfection. And prepare yourself to eat a lot as the food is fantastic. You know I am a big foodie and I love my wine and from my experience not all hotels have good choice of wines but here I was pleasantly surprised. I tried to capture the hotel during different times so you get the best feel. As you can see there is an early morning garden where you see nobody, sunny afternoon full of people chilling at the pool as well as evening fun. The hotel offers good entertainment so you have fun guaranteed all the time.
Whether you want a massage or chill at the pool you can get it all. I am going to day dream today as I really want to be with my book and a drink by the pool.
Have a fantastic day.
Jak tak koukam na tyhle fotografie, tak mam chut si sem opet zaletet. Chtela jsem vam ukazat hotel, kde jsem stravila uzasny press trip s cestovkou Thomson a Britskymi novinari. Nevim, jestli jsem vam to rikala, ale byla jsem tam jako jedina blogerka. Je to hotel pro pary, takze pokud mate chut si jet odpocinout se svou druhou polovickou, tak Medina Gardens je idelani destinace.
Musim priznat, ze vsechno bylo tip top. Nemuzu si na nic prinejmensim stezovat a krome vychlazeneho sampanskeho kazdy vecer na pokoji jsem mela dokonce okvetni listky v zachode (ano ctete spravne). V hotelu serviruji skvele jidlo a jedla jsem teda za tri, protoze se neda odolat a znate to, ze urcite chcete zkusit od kazdeho trosku. Hotel ma take krasne zahrady, kde muzete odpocivat cely den a take dva bazeny. A samozrejme nechybi ani vecerni zabava. Pro ty co chteji masaz nebo kosmetiku tak nemusite ani z hotelu odejit, protoze tento servis take nabizi.
Ja bych se vratila hned a asi dneska budu snit, jak odpocivam s knizkou u bazenu.
Love Glamazon xoxo