Category Archives: Lifestyle

Medina Gardens – Marrakech

19 Looking at these pictures I want to go back badly. I loved every single moment of the press trip with Thomson and I was keen to show you that amazing hotel where we all stayed. It is couples resort so if you want to take your second half and relax with your books by the pool while catching some sunshine this is a perfect place to pick.

Oh my dears we were in for a big treat. The hotel has got modern design but you see the Moroccan influence. The place is decorated with fabulous colours and lanterns and you are getting real Marrakech experience. Everything from your bed, to rose petals in a toilet (yes you see that right) was a perfection. And prepare yourself to eat a lot as the food is fantastic. You know I am a big foodie and I love my wine and from my experience not all hotels have good choice of wines but here I was pleasantly surprised. I tried to capture the hotel during different times so you get the best feel. As you can see there is an early morning garden where you see nobody, sunny afternoon full of people chilling at the pool as well as evening fun. The hotel offers good entertainment so you have fun guaranteed all the time.

Whether you want a massage or chill at the pool you can get it all. I am going to day dream today as I really want to be with my book and a drink by the pool.

Have a fantastic day.

Jak tak koukam na tyhle fotografie, tak mam chut si sem opet zaletet. Chtela jsem vam ukazat hotel, kde jsem stravila uzasny press trip s cestovkou Thomson a Britskymi novinari. Nevim, jestli jsem vam to rikala, ale byla jsem tam jako jedina blogerka. Je to hotel pro pary, takze pokud mate chut si jet odpocinout se svou druhou polovickou, tak Medina Gardens je idelani destinace.

Musim priznat, ze vsechno bylo tip top. Nemuzu si na nic prinejmensim stezovat a krome vychlazeneho sampanskeho kazdy vecer na pokoji jsem mela dokonce okvetni listky v zachode (ano ctete spravne). V hotelu serviruji skvele jidlo a jedla jsem teda za tri, protoze se neda odolat a znate to, ze urcite chcete zkusit od kazdeho trosku. Hotel ma take krasne zahrady, kde muzete odpocivat cely den a take dva bazeny. A samozrejme nechybi ani vecerni zabava. Pro ty co chteji masaz nebo kosmetiku tak nemusite ani z hotelu odejit, protoze tento servis take nabizi.

Ja bych se vratila hned a asi dneska budu snit, jak odpocivam s knizkou u bazenu.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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LFW Video

Better late than never. I am bringing promised video to show you bits and pieces from LFW. And hopefully you like it as it is not easy to make them. Well, it is not that difficult but you need time which you know in my world is very precious.

Enjoy and stay tuned for Marrakech videos that will come soon.

Radsi pozdeji nez nikdy. Prinasim vam slibovane video z LFW, abych vam ukazala par momentu z letosni sezony. A snad se bude libit i kdyz jsem ho udelala ve velke rychlosti. Potrebovala bych vice casu a jak asi ctete velmi casto tak toho mam velmi malo.

Ale snad se vam bude libit a tak a planuji jeste jedno z Marakese.

Love Glamazon xoxo

Tip of the Week … Le Jardin De Russie

You know I am a big foodie. And I could not resist when I got a chance to try this phenomenal restaurant in Rome – Le Jardin de Russie. What a place?
I loved every single moment in there and so did my boyfriend and the service was top class. Imagine you sit surrounded by relaxing garden, sipping your delicious wine and eat fantastic food. We both decided to go for their buffet lunch and you can clearly see this is not your usual buffet style. The quality of the food is at another level and the presentation is class as well. I wanted to try everything as they had different type of meat and fish. You can choose from variety of salads. And this is all very affordable.
I could not resist to snap a Picture of the cat that was walking around the gardens and I was told that they have two and one is called Mona and the other Lisa. What a great touch right?
The staff was so caring that when I thought I cannot fit anymore in my belly…bowl of delicious icecream landed on my table. Well, we live only once so I went for it and it was soooo goooooood.

When you are in should definitely try this place. You will love it.

Vite, ze mam rada dobře jidlo a ze rada zkousim nova mista a když jsem mela moznost vyzkoušet tuhle skvělou restauraci v Rime, tak jsem neváhala. Opravdu to byl kulinarsky zážitek.
Chutnalo mi uplne všechno a servis byl neskutecny. Byla jsem nadsena stejne jako muj pritel. Místo se nachazi v zahradách hotelu a prijde vam, ze jste v oaze. Vůbec k vam nedolehaji zadne zvuky z ulice a přitom sedite primo na hlavni nakupni tride.
Oba jsme si dali místo ala carte jejich buffet lunch a takovy jsem ještě nemela. Clovek je zvykly na nekvalitni jidla, která jsou předem pripravena a většinou rychle vystydnou. Ja jsem byla v soku z vyberu masa a ryb a urcite podle fotek posoudite, ze jidla jsou presentovana opravdu bravurne.
Dala jsem si několik chodu a uz jsem myslela, ze prasknu, tak mi na stole pristala miska se zmrzlinou. Zamestnanci si tak hledeli a taky mi porad nejakym zazracnym zpusobem pribyvalo ve sklenicce vino.
A nemohla jsem vam neukázat fotografii kocicky, která se tam porad motala. Pry mají v zahradách hned dve a jedna se jmenuje Mona a druha Lisa. No není to roztomile.

Ja az budu v Rime, tak se sem urcite vratim, protože všechno bylo dokonale a takova mista jsou k nezaplaceni.

Love Glamazon

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Rome Times Hotel

You know I always tell you about the good places where I stay or eat or just have fun. When I visited Rome last weekend I stayed right in the City Center and then moved to a wedding venue few kilometers outside of Rome. So let me tell you more about this hospitable hotel – Rome Times Hotel. I could not wish better place when it comes to service and location.

When we arrived the staff was so lovely and for the whole stay they offered immaculate service and the warm welcome in the form of cold bubbles in my room was a perfect touch. I was also glad to see there is a wi-fi in each room which is very important for me as a blogger. And trust me not every hotel has got this luxury. The whole hotel has got modern however very cosy atmosphere and design. I usually love more traditional places but the deco was somewhere in between and I loved it. And the big bed … there is nothing better when a good night sleep in a hotel where you are being looked after right?

You also must have noticed the main picture (please ignore the unhealthy food on the plate as I always go mad on holidays) I was eating like it was last day of my life. It is hard not to when breakfast has got several type of cakes and also savoury food in their selection.

If you ever go to Rome I highly recommend this place as you can really walk anywhere and those views from their roof top terrace are worthwhile the stay. Just get yourself some delicious cocktail and enjoy the buzz of this historical gem.

 Velmi casto, kdyz cestuju, tak vam take fotim mista, kde se ubytuju a nebo taky kde mi chutnalo jidlo nebo se mi libilo na drinku. Tentokrat jsem se v Rime ubytovala v hotelu Rome Times hotel a musim uznat, ze ma idealni lokaci a skvely servis.

V posledni dobe jsem nekolikrat narazila na nejake problemy a taky se mi stalo, ze servis nebyl az tak dobry a tak je dobre mit po nejake dobe dobrou zkusenost. Hotel je na idealnim miste a vsude jsem chodila s pritelem pesky. Dokonce jsme si dali prochazku pesky az do Vatikanu. Ale treba Spanelske schody mate asi 10 minut chuze a take Coloseum a dalsi pamatky. Pro me jako blogerku bylo skvele, ze hotel nabizi wi-fi i na pokojich a taky nabizi moznost vyuziti telocvicny (na tu v mem pripade teda nebyl cas).

Jedna z veci kterou v hotelech miluju je mit k dispozici teply zupan a vzdycky si rikam, kdyz ma hotel zupan, tak je o tridu vis. Je to takove me osobni meritko. A uplne nejvice miluju hotelove snidane. Tady byl vyber opravdu bohaty a dala jsem si vyborne latte. Takove hody sice nejsou idealni pro moji postavu, ale znate me…na dovolene se neznam. LOL.

Dalsi vec, kterou vzdy v hotelich hodnotim je super postel a tato byla uzasna a nas pokoj mel dokonce balkon. Hned bych se tam zkratka vratila a priznavam se, ze se mi z Rima vubec nechtelo.

Pokud se sem chystate, tak tohle misto muzu jenom doporucit. Ja jsem byla velmi spokojena a take muj pritel.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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