Category Archives: Lifestyle

Win Molly and Pearl Earrings



molly After so many compliments and emails you finally have a chance to win these amazing earrings thanks to Molly and Pearl. I absolutely love this piece and it draw a lot of attention at last London fashion week. You can see me wearing them here. This online shop provides some amazing pieces and ships internationally.

All you need to do:

1. Follow my blog on  – Instagram (evglamazon) and Bloglovin

2. Like Molly and Pearl on Facebook and Instagram.

3. Leave a comment with your email address below and mention where you follow this blog.

4. Share this giveaway on your facebook or blog.

This giveaway will be open until 16th March. The winner will be picked randomly.

Good luck to everyone.

Tyto nausnice jste asi parkrat videli a po tolika komplimentech a emailech je ted mate sanci vyhrat. Diky spolupraci s Molly and pearl je muzete take vlastnit. Skvela zprava je, ze tento e-shop zasila zbozi i mimo CR a maji spoustu krasnych kousku.

1. Musite byt fanousky na dvou z nasledujicihc – Instagram (evglamazon), Bloglovin.

2. Musite se byt nebo se stat fanouskem Molly and Pearl na Facebooku and Instagram.

3. Zanechejte komentar s emailem a poznamkou, kde sledujete tento blog.

4. Sdilejte link na  tuhle giveaway na facebooku ci vasem blogu.

Giveaway bude uzavrena 16. Brezna. Vitez bude vybranym nahodnym losovanim. Preji vsem hodne stesti.

Love Glamazon xoxo

The Power Bloggers at LFW

a2 Fanny

They are major inspiration for thousand of readers all over the world and it is fantastic to see them and meet them! And what better time to chose than London Fashion Week. So this is not just another street style post this is street style done by power bloggers. You know some of them can do it so well and that is why they are on the top.

I also bumped into one of my fav bloggers from Slovakia who is a photographer, Marika. So you never know what fashion week is going to bring you. The suprises are never ending, trust me.

So tell me which one of these ladies is your favourite?

Blogerky jsou kazdodenni inspiraci a kazdy den se na jejich blogy chodi clovek inspirovat. A musim uznat, ze je uzasne se s nima potkat nebo dokonce seznamit. A Fashion Weeky jsou na takova setkani jako delane. Priznavam se, ze jsou brany uz jako celebrity, kazdy si je foti, poznavaji je modni fotografove a lide z branze. Obcas se ale ptam, zda si je vsichni foti jenom proto, ze jsou zname nebo je to skutecne kvuli jejich outfitu. Rekla bych, ze to prvni hraje velkou vahu.

Ja jsem dokonce uplne nahodou narazila na Mariku alias Tonbogirl, takze mame na techto fotkach i reprezentaci ze Slovenska.

A co vy, ktera je z techto vase oblibena?

Love Glamazon xoxo

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Rimmel Interview at LFW

Well, I was spotted by Rimmel London at LFW to talk about what I wear and about my makeup (maybe I am not that bad with doing my make-up after all). Not sure If I hate this or love this but I thought it was worth to share. And thank you for the free make-up Rimmel. You are the best!

Rimmel London se mnou udelal behem Fashion Weeku mensi rozhovor o tom, co mam na sobe a taky jak jsem se nalicila. A jak vite na to jsem drevo. Nejsem si jista, jestli mam z toho videa brecet nebo se smat. Ale urcite mam radost ze spousty make-upu, ktery se dostala. Takze dekuju Rimmel teamu.

Love Glamazon xoxo

Valentines and Presents for Him

valentines 1 Rugby Ball Cufflinks, 2 Montblanc Pen, 3 Matarromera Crianza 2009 Ribera del Duero – Wine, , 4 Personalised wine stopper, 5 Classic Book Cover for Kindle,  6 Personalised Iphone or Ipad Stand, 7 Massage for Two

I think women have got so much harder job when it comes to present shopping. It is so easy to get something for us but impossible to get something for a guy. Valentines is round the corner and although not everybody does celebrate this I wanted to share some tips and ideas what to get for your loved one. If you really struggle to think of something Not on the highstreet is not going to dissapoint you. They offer a lot of personalised and unique stuff. If you get a massage for two there is a big treat for you both and if you get a nice bottle of wine you know the evening will end up well. So maybe there are options in the end.

Myslim, ze my zeny to mame mnohem tezsi, kdyz mame jit chlapovi koupit darek. Prijde mi, ze je naprosto banalni, koupit zene pekny darek, ale pro chlapa je to nemozne. Valentyn se blizi a i kdyz spousta tento svatek neslavi, tak par z vas se jich urcite najde. Ja jsem trosku premyslela, co tak poridit, aby to nebylo extremne drahe a extremne hloupe. Pokud clovek opravdu nevi kudy kam, tak doporucuju portal Not on the highstreet (posila po celem svete). Je  to totiz poklad pro jakekoli darky, najdete tam spoustu unikatnich veci. Libi se mi treba ty co jsem vybrala – manzetove knoflicky ve tvaru rugby mice, obal na kindle, ktery vypada jako stara knizka ci stojan na ipad vyrobeny ze dreva a s osobnim vzkazem. Nebo kdyz napriklad koupite masaz pro dva, muzete si to uzit spolecne a kdyz koupite dobrou lahev vina, tak vecer se zcela jiste ponese ve spravne tonu. Takze mozna to neni zase az tak slozite, koupit neco maleho pro radost.

Love Glamazon xoxo