Category Archives: Lifestyle

Tip of the Week…Dishoom

If you love Indian but you are bored of the typical places where they serve just curry and rice you must try Dishoom. What a place! This Bombay Cafe offers fantastic experience, great deco and even better food. It is a sharing menu restaurant so I would suggest to take the advice from the staff what and how much to order. I still think that at my last visit we overdid it a bit. My favourite dishes are chicken and pomegranate salad, Murgh Malai and their calamari. However, I would recommend to try that black daal. My friend Andra could not get over it and I bet she is now thinking about it every lunch time. Well, I cant blame her. You can find this restaurant at Covent Garden and Shoreditch. However, if you want to secure table Shoreditch seems to be much bigger.

I can tell you one thing, this clearly becomes one of my favourite places in London.

Pokud mate radi Indickou kuchyni, ale nebavi vas jenom curry s ryzi porad dokola, urcite musite navstivit Dishoom. Tohle misto jsem si zamilovala po prvni navsteve jejich restaurace na Covent Garden a po vyzkouseni restaurace ve Shoreditch je to oficialne jedno z nejoblibenejsich mist v Londyne. Uvnitr najdete fantasticky design, ktery pripomina stary Bollywood a urcite vas ucaruje i atmosfera, protoze maji porad narvano. Bohuzel pokud vas neni alespon sest, nemuzete si predem rezervovat stul, takze je to o riskovani a nebo cekani nez se stul uvolni.

Jidlo je fantasticke, serviruji je zpusobem tapas, takze urcite doporucuji se poradit s personalem kolik je treba ceho objednat. Moje oblibene jidlo je urcite kureci salat se seminky z granatoveho jablka, Murgh Malai, coz je marinovane kure v cesneku, koriandru a zazvoru a jejich kalamary. Urcite vyzkousejte jejich specialitu black daal, coz je varena cocka. Daal obecne miluju, ale jejich je snad o tridu lepsi, nez kdekoli jinde.

Love Glamazon xoxo
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Burberry Menswear A/W 2014 Live Show

I have partnered with Burberry and you are very lucky that you will be able to watch live show of Burberry Menswear for Autumn and Winter 2014. So stay tuned on Wednesday at 2 pm and inspire yourself.

Ve spolupraci s Burberry ve Stredu ve 2 hodiny britskeho casu, muzete tady na blogu sledovat Burberry show panske kolekce na podzim a zimu 2014. Doufam, ze najdete hodne inspirace pro sebe nebo vasi drahou polovicku.

Love Glamazon xoxo



Last year I was thinking about what makes a blog succesful and I was thinking out loud or to be more specific I was writting about certain trends in blogging (here and here). I have been meeting various succesful bloggers and I think I found the answer. Look at all these girls like Kavita who has got more than 50000 followers on Instagram, Tamara who has got almost 110 000 followers on facebook and 45 000 on Instagram, Doina with 35 000 followers on facebook or Camille with 14 000 on facebook but over 100 000 on instagram. And these are just few very succesful ladies in the blogging world. Not to forget Andy who will soon reach 300 000 followers on facebook. And we all know there are many more who are leading in this sphere.

 Maybe it is silly but I think they have something like a hidden B-factor and that celebrity hidden charm. Otherwise I cannot explain that sometimes I come across a blog that has got stunning pictures, great layout and graphics, the girl has got a great style and I never return to that blog. I just did not feel anything. This maybe purely my subjective theory but I think this is the answer. There are more and more new blogs and all girls want to make it and they work really hard but only very few get to the top.

It definitely helps when the bloggers is a beauty however I still think that is only a part of success as there are girls that are not typical beauties and they are still extremely popular. So that makes me think again it is that hidden B-factor I keep talking about.

And I guess it is not even a specific style that makes blogger a top blogger as even these few girls I selected today have very different style and they are still very popular.

So do you agree or do you think that it is something totally different?

Loni jsem hodne premyslela o tom, co dela blog uspesnym a nekdy jsem premyslela hlasite, nebo spise jsem o tom psala na blogu a ocekavala rozsahle diskuze, ktere se ale nejak nekonaly. Drive jsem napsala jsem treba clanek o hubenem trendu blogerek a nebo se zamyslela v tomto clanku, co dela uspesny blog uspesnym blogem.

V posledni dobe jsem se setkavala s velmi uspesnyma blogerkama rekla bych ze svetove blogerske sceny a nektere maji neuveritelnou navstevnost. Vybrala jsem par blogerek ze svych starsich fotografii a staci se jenom podivat na nektera cisla fanousku techto holek. Treba Kavita, ktera ma na instagramu 50 000 fanousku, Tamara, ktera ma uz temer 110 000 fanousku na facebooku a 45 000 na instagramu, miloucka Doina ma 35 000 facebookovych fanousku  a nebo treba oblibena Camille, kterou jenom na instagramu sleduje vice nez 100 000 lidi. A z techto vybranych tomu vede Andy, jejiz facebookove cislo se blizi ke 300 000.

Muj nazor je, ze vsechny tyhle uspesne damy maji proste nejaky skryty B-Factor. Neco, co clovek normalne nevidi, ale kdyz vejde na jejich blog, tahne je to zpatky. Jinak si nedokazu vysvetlit, ze kdyz nahodou natrefim na nejaky novy blog a je treba skvely, ma dobry design, styl a prijemne se cte, tak se na nej uz nikdy nevratim. A takovych blogu jsem videla stovky. Proste zavru stranky a tim to konci. Mozna to zni drsne, ale clovek musi prece nejak selektovat, jinak by nedelal nic jineho nez cetl blogy.

Samozrejme, ze pomaha, kdyz blogerka dobre vypada, ale podle me ani to neni zaruka uspechu, protoze je spousta neprvoplanovych krasek, ktere jsou extremne popularni. Takze me zase napada, ze je to onen skryty b-factor.

A myslim, ze to neni ani stylem, protoze jenom techto par slecen, ktere jsem vybrala maji uplne rozlisny styl oblekani a nektere nemaji ani nejak vystredni ci extravagantni vkus a pritom se blogem dokonce zivi.

Samozrejme vetsina techto holek na blogu tvrde maka, ale to muze i holka, na jejiz blog chodi sto lidi denne, ze?

Nebo vas napada snad neco jineho?

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2014 Bags Wish List


Here we are in 2014 and all the plans and things we want to do or get are all set in our minds. I put together very demanding wish list of bags I have been thinking of for a while. Well, it will be a big challenge especially financially and sometimes my preference just change during the year. So let’s see what additions will come to my closet in the following year.

And how about you and your wish list? Anything in particular you really want?

A je to tady rok 2014 a s nim plany, predsevzeti a take rozhodnuti, co budeme delat, kam pojedeme, co si poridime. Ja jsem si vytvorila docela narocny wish list kabelek, na ktere mam zalusk. Nekdy se mi me priority zmeni v prubehu roku, ale tohle jsou tri kabelky, ktere se mi moc libi a byly by uzasnym prirustkem do satniku.

A co vy a vas wish list na rok 2014?

Love Glamazon xoxo

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