Category Archives: Shopping

3 Items to buy this autumn

Wearing: Hat: Burberry, Sunglasses: YSL, Bag: Chanel, Leggings: Spanx, Blazer: Zara but similar

As you probably know if you are regular reader and you follow me on social media I adore autumn. I love the turning leaves, I love pumpkin spice latte, I love lighting up candles and our fire place and feeling cosy. I even love the rainy days when I crawl in bed and listen to the sound of the rain. Well but one of the most exciting things is definitely fashion. We can finally layer, wear cool tights, wear cute hats and blazers and I cannot forget knitwear. So, how about this season what are the must have items to look chic, trendy and feel warm?

Knitted dresses

Knitted dresses always come and go but this year there is some serious hype about them. The most popular ones are in earthy tones and you can see all sort of lengths. You can wear them as they are or belt them as they are super easy just to throw on.

Chelsea platform boots

When designers started this few seasons ago I knew this trend was going to blow up and now you can find pretty much and high-street store have some version of these. Good thing is they offer comfort and coolness to your looks.


It is something in between shirt and jacket. I find them fun as they bring something new to current autumn trends. I love many of these and would love some neutral tone and snuggly piece for myself.

Pokud uz ctetete tyhle stranky nejakou dobu, tak asi vite, ze mam rada podzim. Miluju barevne listy a prochazky v prirode, miluju dynove latte, zapalovat doma svicky a nas krb a proste si uzivat utulne domaci nalady. Dokonce si uzivam i ty uprsenejsi dny, to si rada zalezu treba o vikendu do postele a uzivam si zvuku kapek. Co je ale velka zabava, je urcite moda. Konecne muzeme vrstvit, dat si zajimave puncochy, cepice a saka a taky nesmim zapomenout na pleteniny. A jake kousky si vlastne letos na podzim poridit? Co treba tyhle?

Pletene saty

Pletene saty jsou tady kazdou sezonu, ale letos se jim opravdu dari. K dostani jsou ruzne delky a ja osobne holduju tem v prirodnejsich barvach. Maji sve vyhody. Je to presne ta vec, co jenom hodite na sebe a outfit je hotovy a je v nich urcite teplouckou.

Chelsea boty na platforme

Uz par sezon zpet predstavilo nekolik modnich domu tento styl kozacek a ja uz jsme tusila, ze nas ceka za nedlouho velky boom. A v roce 2020 se tomu i tak i stalo a snad kazdy retezec ma v nabidce tento styl bot. Vyhodou je, ze jsou trendy a i pohodlne.


Je to neco mezi bundou a kosili a vypadaji opravdu pohodlne. Ja si delam na nejakou zalusk. Najdete kratsi i delsi verze a take modely s potisky jako klasicka kostka apod. Ja si brousim zuby spise na jednobarevnou a hlavne at je pohodlna a v prirodnich barvach.

Is life and shopping back to normal?

Wearing: Shoes: Chie Mihara, Top and Jeans: Zara, Sunglasses: Givenchy, Blazer: Men’s vintage, Necklace: Missoma, Bag: Asos

I keep asking myself when life is back to normal? Ok, shops are open and now some pubs and bars but is it really back to normal? Well, sadly not. At least not for me.

I am still not keen to browse in the shopping centres and department stores in London but I truly miss it. It is a great source of inspiration but I must say it is just not the same now. I went to couple of favourite high-street stores nearby and there is just strange atmosphere in the air.

I truly miss just the carefree shopping and browsing and soaking in the inspiration from people and beautiful clothes. However, by the looks of it I will have to stick predominantly to online shopping.

And perhaps this will be a new way of life? I deeply believe it is not and we just need a bit of time to find solution for this all.

Uz par tydnu se ptam sama sebe, kdy se vse vrati do normalu? A nejsem si tak uplne jista, v Britanii se pomalu otviraji bary, restaurace a hospody a jsou otevrene i obchody, ale neni to zkratka ono. Takze jsme si odpovedela na svou otazku. Na normalitu si budeme asi muset jeste pockat. Vsude je takova zvlastni atmosfera a chybi tomu ta bezstarostna normalita a veci, ktere byly drive beznou zalezitosti.

Nakupovani mi docela chybi, nebo spis samotne chozeni nekam, kde nasavam inspiraci. Do centra Londyna jsem se jeste nevydala a prosla si par obchodu nedaleko meho domu, ale neni to zkratka ono. Ja hodne nakupuju online, ale jde mi spise o to cerpani inspirace a pocit bezstarostnosti, kdyz se nekde pohybuju.

Myslim tedy, ze opravdu budu pokracovat prevazne v nakupovani online. A navic ted se to vsude hemzi produkty v akcich a slevach. Nedavno jsem narazila na tento slevovy a kuponovy portal Bonipo. Ale slevy a akce jsou vsude. Firmy se snazi dohnat ztraty za poslednich par mesicu a je to znat.

Ja si jenom preju, aby se vratila normalita a bezstarostnost do vsech sfer. To ale jak to tak vypada bude asi chvili trvat.


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I personally love quality over quantity. I love to get one luxury item instead of three cheaper things however we are all different. But let’s be open. I believe men have much easier job buying us gifts right?

Sunglasses can be in general fabulous present for any occasion and Valentine’s day is definitely one of them. How about these stunning Versace sunglasses that are very timeless. You can use discount code EVA25 25 £ if you spend 110 £ plus (does not apply to sale items). Flowers are also perfect and also affordable gift and I wish men would just learn to bring flowers just like that and not wait for special occasions. LOL And when it comes to beautiful candles I will never say no. These Dior candles are touch of luxury for any room in your house and smell divine. Another fabulous gift for a women that will make your house more inviting is Neom wellbeing pod.  Or how about a scarf, lovely fragrance and I cannot forget a red lipstick. You just cannot go wrong with that.

Jewellery will always create a smile on our faces. I am in love with the new twisted collection by Missoma and these earrings are just a perfection. Cute necklaces like this one are timeless and great choice.

I believe it is about gifts that will make us feel good whether it is stunning silk pyjamas or a new book to read. We love to be spoilt and we deserve it so let’s enjoy this years Valentine’s Day as much as we can.

Ja osobne mam radeji kvalitu pred mnozstvim. Uprednostnuju jeden vetsi a luxusni darek nez vice drobnosti, ale kazdy to mame jinak. Tak ci tak mam pocit, ze muzi to maji zatracene jednodusi nam kupovat darky.

Bryle uz jsem nekolikrat zminovala jako skvely darek a dat je zene na Valentyna proc ne? Momentalne jsem zamilovana do techto cernych bryli znacky Versace. Nyni si muzete koupit jakekoli bryle v plne cene na techto strankach se slevou 25 £ pokud utratite nad 110 £. Staci pouzit kod EVA25. Dalsim vytecnym darkem jsou urcite krasne a vonave svicky. Dior ma fantastickou kolekci, ktera nejen krasne voni, ale da vasemu domu nadech luxusu.  Dalsim skvelym darkem muze byt satek, prijemny parfem, kvetiny ( kez by je nam muzi davali jenom tak) ci cervena rtenka. Tim urcite nikdo nic nepokazi. 

Sperky jsou dalsi trefou do cerneho. Zamilovala jsem se do nove kolekce twisted od znacky Missoma. Tyhle nausnice budou sluset kazdemu a urcite udelaji radost. Nebo co treba nadcasovy nahrdelnik? Darky pro zenu by mely delat radost, hyckat nas a taky nam doprat neco co v je v dnesni dobe trochu vzacnost. Dat nam cas pro sebe. At uz je to dobra kniha ci hedvabne pyzamo, chci se citit dobre a mit pocit, ze delam neco pro sebe samou. 

At uz mate radi jenom cokoladu ci kvetiny nebo nebo krasnou rtenku, uzijte si svatku zamilovanych plnymi dousky. A hyckejte jeden druheho.


This is not sponsored post. Article includes pr products and affiliate links. 




I know women find it sometimes hard to buy presents for guys. I also believe men have got much easier job for us with all the makeup, flowers and other treats. However, depending on your budget there are some amazing presents you can buy.

Firstly you can also be smart about it LOL. Get him a mug which you can use when you miss him. Or how about these incredible Givenchy sunglasses? We can borrow these all the time and they are currently on sale which is a bonus. They will finish off any outfit and expand your sunglasses collection. You can secretly borrow them when your outfit needs that cool touch. LOL

You should check out Smart Buy Glasses other items on sale as the selection is huge. I love to treat my other half with nice luxury items like nice scarf, card holder or good underwear.

If your man loves to read how about a good book and if you want to splurge big time you can get him good quality headphones or a luxury fragrance. To be fair Black Phantom is unisex and one of my favourite perfumes from By Kilian so another thing you can just get use out of too.

And if you just want to keep it easy box of chocolate is the nicest treat ever. No matter what you do on Valentine’s day make sure you and your partner have the best day and treat each other as much as you can.

Vetsina zen si casto nevi rady s tim, co koupit druhe polovicce. Ja si take myslim, ze muzi to maji o tolik jednodussi kupovat darky zenam. Pro zeny je na trhu krasny makeup, parfemy, sperky a vyber je obrovsky. 

Kdyz uz kupujete neco pro muze, budte chytra. Je tolik darku, ktere si pak muzeme pujcovat. Co treba krasny hrnek a muzete z nej pit, kdyz vam vas drahy chybi. Nebo co treba tyhle uzasne Givenchy bryle, ktere muzete tajne brat a rozsirit si tak vasi sbirku. Navic muzete na techto strankach najit tolik uzasnych modelu, ktere jsou momentalne ve sleve. 

Ja rada davam darky, ktere manzelovi zustanou na delsi dobu napriklad hezky satek, penezenka nebo spodni pradlo. Pokud nechcete utratit moc, hezka kniha urcite udela radost. Parfem ci sluchatka jsou dalsim vybornym tipem.

At uz budete delat na Valentyna cokoli, uzijte si tento den co nejvice a hlavne si uzijte jeden druheho. 
