Have you heard the amazing news? Just in time when we are looking for some awesome autumn pieces Net-A-Porter is bringing huge discount 15 % with a secret discount code. Yay.
It is valid on lot of fabulous pieces but always check as there may be some exceptions. 15 % always makes a huge difference if you want to buy something more luxury and expensive. So happy shopping. All you need to do is go HERE and enter code FASHIONFIX at the CHECKOUT.
I have created a sales edit of some pieces I love but you may find something even more fabulous.
Uz jste slyseli ty skvele zpravy? Akorat v dobe, kdy vetsina z nas pokukuje po podzimnich vecech tak oblibeny e-shop Net-A-Porter ma slevu temer na vse 15 % s tajnym slevovym kodem.
A tak jsem rychle vytvorila takovy mensi edit veci, ktere se mi libi a treba i vam, protoze i tech 15 % je na drazsich kouscich opravdu hodne. Kod neplati uplne ve vsech pripadech, takze se urcite podivejte a treba se vam podari ulovit vysneny kousek za mnohem mene.
Jedine co je treba je prejit SEM a po nakupu zadat kod FASHIONFIX a je to.
I hope you are one of those lucky people and you have booked your holidays. I am in that group so I thought it would be great to pick some of my high-street favourite shoes that would be great new addition and perfect item for a hot destination.
Whether you are going to Maledives or Amalfi coast I tried to think of everybody. I included some gorgeous embellished mules for those city walks and few high heeled sandals for those romantic dinners during sunset. I am loving the embellished mules trends inspired by so many designers and also rope sandals for that rustic feel.
I am currently searching for that perfect pair of day to evening sandals that are going to be glam but super comfortable too. Let me know which one is your favourite pair anyway.
Pevne doufam, ze jste mezi tema, kteri uz maji zarezervovanou letni dovolenou. Ja ano a tak jsem si rikala, ze by nebylo na skodu vydat mensi edit botu, ktere jsou cenove dostupne a byly by idealni na cesty do teplych destinaci.
Jestli uz jedete na Maledivy ci na pobrezi Amalfi, snazila jsem se vybrat rozmanite styly, at si kazdy prijde na to sve. Ja jsem se zamilovala do trendu botu z provazku a taky ozdobenych nazouvaku. Momentalne vsak hledam boty, ktere se budou hodit jak na den tak i na vecer a budou hlavne pohodlne.
A dejte mi vedet, ktere boty se vam z tohoto vyberu libi.
I have had a little bit of more time on my hand when staying in Czech for winter holidays in the last few weeks and that could mean also one thing….creating wish lists and browsing on favourite on-line shops. Yes, you are reading it correctly. I love to procrastinate in this way.
And because I am counting days until first spring and summer days I am also dreaming about beautiful dresses we get to wear so here is a little selection of beautiful dresses. Whether you love luxury or your budget is more high-street hopefully you find something in my latest Dress Edit.
Ted kdyz jsem na dva tydny v Cesku tak mam o dost vice casu nez doma v Londyne a to taky znamena hodne prokrastinace. Prichytala jsem, ze travim hodne casu na ruznych e-shopech a tvorim si wish listy a prohlizim si veci, co se mi libi. Co uz se mnou, ze?
A nejak me to chytlo za srdce a taky si uz snim o jaru a leta o tom jak budu nosit vice satu. A tak jsem udelala vyber krasnych kousku. Snad si kazdy vybere, zaradila jsem do vyberu levnejsi i drazsi kousky.
There is not that long until Christmas however I know so many people that even haven’t started their shopping. I was few weeks ahead with publishing my gift guide for beauty and fashion however not everybody is about shoes and lipsticks. To be quite frank I like both. LOL What an ideal situation happy and healthy family and then you find your favourite pair of shoes with new coffee machine that has got incredible design. Plus points for the husband right?
A good coffee machine is always a good present for coffee lovers. I totally fell in love with design of this gorgeous Ariete model. And if somebody is a fluffy milk fan you can get this from the same range. If your budget does not reach that level but you still want to gift something nice you can buy a lovely mug, dining sets, interesting clock or gorgeous and unique cushion.
If your budget is reaching higher and you know that your loved one loves cooking they will absolutely love Thermomix. I cannot get over how much work this does for you and actually your kitchen stays quite clean when cooking. What else to ask for?
And if you know people that love gorgeous dining sets and dining in general you have to check out Anthropologie as they have some stuff that will blow your mind.
Well, Christmas is almost here so happy shopping and even happier holidays.
Do Vanoc nam zbyva jeste par dnu, ale mam kolem sebe tolik lidi, kteri nemaji jeste ani jeden darek. Vzdy se takovy clovek najde. Ja jsem uz pred par tydny vydala clanek s napady na darky, ale to bylo spise pro milovniky mody a kosmetiky. Ne vsichni ale miluji rtenky, boty a parfemy. Najdou se i lide, kterym nejvetsi radost udela pomocnik do domacnosti ci neco krasneho z domaciho dekoru. Ja vam nebudu lhat, chci idealne oboji. No neni to skvele, kdyz se sejde u stromecku stastna a zdrava rodina a ceka na vas vysneny par botu, ale take uzasny kavovar s jeste uzasnejsi designem?
Dobry kavovar je pro milovniky kavy idealnim darkem. Ja jsem se zcela zamilovala do tohoto krasneho kavovaru od Ariete a pro opravdove fajnsmekry muzete poridit i napenovac mleka ze stejne rady. Do me kuchyne se hodi naramne a kdo sleduje muj youtube, tak to urcite pochopi. Pokud vas rozpocet nesaha treba na neco drazsiho, urcite potesi i mensi darek jako krasny polstar, zajimave hodiny ci porcelan.
Ja mam uz nejakou dobu zalusk take na kuchynskeho pomocnika Thermomix, ktery prakticky dela vse za vas. A navic jak to tak vypada, bude vase kuchyne i uklizena. Co vic si prat, ze?
A pokud chcete nekomu udelat radost napriklad hezkym jidelnim setem urcite se podivejte do nabidky Anthropologie, protoze jejich veci mi doslova berou dech a myslim, ze nejen me.
Kazdopadne Vanoce jsou temer tady a proto vsem preji prijemne nakupovani a jeste prijemnejsi oslavy.