Christmas is only few weeks away and I sense that most people are excited more than ever. 2020 has been a very strange year for the world so we need something positive and joyful to hold on to.
I wanted to share with you some gift ideas as I do every year and wish you wonderful holidays full of love, relaxing days and smile. We all deserve it.
Vanoce jsou za par tydnu a mam pocit, ze letos se lide tesi vice nez jindy. Mame za sebou narocny rok a tak Vanocni svatky jsou krasny zpusob jak uniknout od stresu, ktere tento rok prinesl.
Jako kazdy rok vam chci predstavit par tipu na Vanocni darky a poprat vsem krasne proziti Adventu a pohody behem letosnich svatku. Myslim, ze si to vsichni zaslouzime.

I love getting and giving stuff that makes me feel good. Pyjamas like this one you can get on Figleaves or some underwear is always nice and easy option. However, luxury candle like this one from Buly is a beautiful home decor item and their fragrances are a top luxury. If you are a fan of haircare you will love this Gisou set which can be a great introduction to the brand. I also have to include some jewellery. I am myself in love with these earrings from Swarovski. The Brushworks set with a cute mug and brushes for eye makeup is a great option for your friend or sister.
Ja miluju dostavat a davat darky, ktere prispivaji dobre nalade a je diky nim dobre. Pyzama jsou v nasi rodine hit a tohle z Figleaves je skvele a muzete take poridit drobnejsi veci jako kalhotky ci spodni pradlo. Svicka je jeden z mych nej darku a Buly je ztelesnenim luxusu a jejich parfemy jsou jenom tresnickou na dortu. Jestli jste fanousky znacky Gisou, tak tahle sada je skvelym darkem pro kazdou zenu ci divku. Nesmim zapomet na krasne nausnice, jelikoz sperk je vzdy radost. A jestli hledate cenove dostupny darek pro sestru ci kamaradku darkova sada s hrneckem a makeup brushes je skvely tip.

Beauty products and anything makeup related are a huge yes from me. I cannot imagine holidays without gifting something like that. Here is some selection from favourite brands and some of them are their new items. I can swear on products from Shiseido Waso range so it had to be included. Guerlain Christmas collection is exactly what you would expect. It is glamorous and festive. If you love a good palette why not to try these ones from Mii, Nars or Suqqu. For red lipstick lovers Dior 999 with snowflake pattern is a great choice and for nails lovers nail care from Jessica.
Kosmetika a makeup je neco co rada davam i dostavam. Uprimne si nedovedu predstavit Vanoce bez neceho takoveho. Tady je vyber produktu, ktere snad potesi obdarovane. Miluju radu Shiseido Waso a tak jsem musela alespon jeden produkt zaradit. Vanocni kolekce od Guerlain je neskutecne glam a navodi luxusni naladu, uz jenom krasne zlate baleni navodi atmosferu svatku. Jestli mate radi paletky, co treba tahle od Nars, Mii ci od znacky Suqqu. Milovniky cervenych rtenek urcite potesi klasika od Diora 999 a jestli ma nekdo rad peci o nehty, co napriklad neco od znacky Jessica.

It would not be gifting without cosy slippers. I am a huge fan of Emu Australia and have been wearing them for years. If you are thinking more Christmas gift set then this one from L’Occitane is fantastic. This is truly fabulous range. And women and handbags is a classic. I adore Strathberry bags as they offer designer quality and designs but for much less than some other brands.
Bez teplych prezuvek si pohodu domova nedokazu snad ani predstavit. Miluju ty od znacky Emu Australia a casto je davam rodine jako darky. Jestli mate radi darkove kazety, tak L’Occitane ma letos opet skvely vyber. A zeny a kabelky jsou snad nestarnouci klasikou. Ja kabelky zboznuju a tyhle od Strathberry jsou kvalitne zpracovane, ale nezaplatite za ne tolik jako u jinych znacek.

Fragrances and Christmas go together and you always have the option of personalised bottles or limited edition. Flowerbomb is just such a classic and perfect for festive season. I have already mentioned Dior but their Backstage palettes are also worth to consider. I personally love a touch of glow on daily basis which you can achive with this palette. If you want something more practical how about hair vitamins or luxury Smythson notebook. Or you can gift more from nailcare or skincare. I am so intrigued about this Beauty Lab set and anything by Ole Henriksen.
Parfemy a Vanoce jdou ruku v ruce a navic v teto dobe na vas ceka nabidka limitovanych edic. Flowerbomb je jednou z tech klasickych vuni, ktera prichazi pred Vanoci s krasnym flakonem. Dior uz jsem zminovala a co tak darovat nekterou z jejich Backstage paletek. Jsou opravdu fantasticke a kdo by nechtel dosahnout glowy vzhledu? Jestli ma nekdo z blizkych rad radsi praktictejsi rady, co treba vitaminy na vlasy ci luxusni zapisnik od znacky Smythson. Do letosniho pruvodce jsem take chtela zaradit neco od znacky Ole Henriksen a take tuto kazetu od Beauty Lab.

If you think it is funny I included socks then don’t. My family ask for some socks every year. LOL I love selection from Sock Shop. There is so much from practical and warm models to classic brands like Pringle and many others. I had to include another candle as this one is such a cosy dream and of course something a bit more seductive. I actually think this is fun to gift to your friend as not all women treat themselves to more sexy underwear or nightwear and not all men gift something like that too. I also included spa gift set from Brushworks. I personally love quartz rollers and this gift set offers even more than that.
Snad vam neprijde smesne, ze jsem zaradila i ponozky, ale moje rodina se preje na Vanoce ponozky kazdy rok. Mam moc rada Sock Shop, kde najdete velky vyber od specialnych vyteplenych modelu az po klasiky jako napriklad Pringle. Nesmim zapomenout na svicky, tahle je cenove dostupnejsi jak vyse zminovana Buly a velmi Vanocni. A jestli mate kamaradku, ktera si nikdy neudela radost hezkym a sexy pradlem ci pyzamem, co treba poridit takovyto set. A nesmim zapomenout na tento krasny darkovy set, ktery doda vasi pleti extra peci.

Let’s also not forget about shoe lovers as there are so many women that love designer shoes. I included some sparkly numbers from Nicholas Kirkwood and Aquazzura. If you love Christmas gift sets with limited edition packaging you may adore this Nars set or Laura Mercier set full of goodies with the most wonderful smell. And last but not least this is one of the best seller fragrances from Maison Francis Kurkdjian. I am blown away by this classic. I hope you all have wonderful Christmas shopping and even better holidays this year.
A prece nezapomenu na milovnice krasnych botu. Tolik zen uprednostnuje krasne boty pred kabelkou a zaradila jsem party modely od Nicholas Kirkwood a Aquazzura. Jestli si potrpite na limitovane edice kosmetiky, tak Nars i Laura Mercier maji letos co nabidnout. Tato top prodavana vune od Maison Francis Kurkdjian je zaverecnou vonavou teckou nad letosnim pruvodcem. Vsem preju prijemne Vanocni nakupy a hlavne jeste prijemnejsi proziti letosniho Adventu a svatku.
This is not a sponsored post. This article includes gifted or loaned items.