Tag Archives: luxury gift

Christmas Gift Guide 2020

Christmas is only few weeks away and I sense that most people are excited more than ever. 2020 has been a very strange year for the world so we need something positive and joyful to hold on to.

I wanted to share with you some gift ideas as I do every year and wish you wonderful holidays full of love, relaxing days and smile. We all deserve it.

Vanoce jsou za par tydnu a mam pocit, ze letos se lide tesi vice nez jindy. Mame za sebou narocny rok a tak Vanocni svatky jsou krasny zpusob jak uniknout od stresu, ktere tento rok prinesl.

Jako kazdy rok vam chci predstavit par tipu na Vanocni darky a poprat vsem krasne proziti Adventu a pohody behem letosnich svatku. Myslim, ze si to vsichni zaslouzime.

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Christmas is so close and I can say first time that I am almost done with all the shopping. All I need to get is one or two more bits and I love how organised I am this year. I am also bringing you this years gift guide so you can hopefully find some inspiration and ideas. I love sharing tips and gorgeous things you may love for yourself or for others.

It is one of my most favourite time of year. I love doing festive things, presents shopping, house decorating, baking and wrapping presents. So I am planning to enjoy it as much as I can.

Vanoce jsou tady za par tydnu a poprve muzu rict, ze mam skoro vse nakoupene. Zbyvaji mi asi jedna ci dve veci. A uplne se vyzivam v tom jak jsem letos pripravena s predstihem. A jako kazdy rok jsem s vama chtela sdilet par tipu na Vanocni darky a treba vas neco z tohoto inspiruje. 

Je to moje oblibene obdobi a miluju vsechno kolem. Vyzivam se ve vyzdobe, nakupovani, peceni, baleni darku, vecircich, jidlu a dobrem piti. Samozrejme si rada i dam svarene vino a opravdu jsem pripravena si techto par dni uzit jak to nejvice jde. 

Handbags are great presents for women. This year I have picked one affordable by Skinny Dip  that would be great for somebody who is planning NYE full of sparkle. It adds so much glam and the price is a bargain. The Strathberry bag is more expensive and great if you love fantastic craftsmanship. The quality is so high and it is also very wearable.  If you are looking for some jewellery ideas I feel necklaces are a great item to gift. This coin style chunky necklace from Ettika is priced so well or you can splurge a bit more on this Moon Necklace by Thomas Sabo that comes also in silver version. Such a fab delicate piece. If you want to gift something small, sparkly but not expensive perhaps to your friend or have something cute for a stocking how about this portable charger or silver hair pin?! I love them both and they look so festive!

Kabelky jsou skvelym darkem. Letos jsem vybrala jednu levnou, ale uzasnou treba na Silvestra od Skinny Dip. Tyhle trpytive kabelky me hodne bavi. Na druhou stranu mate mozna radi kvalitnejsi a drazsi veci a tato kabelka od Strathberry nebo nejaky jejich jiny model by mohl uspokojit narocnejsi damy. Jejich kabelky jsou skvele udelane a hodi se na spoustu prilezitosti. Ze sperku jsem letos vybrala tento vyrazny nahrdelnik s minci od firmy Ettika a pokud se vam libi drobnejsi kousky co treba tento retizek s priveskem ve tvaru mesice od Thomase Sabo. Je k dostani i ve stribrnem provedeni. Jestli chcete obdarovat nekoho mensim, ale milym darkem co treba tato disko sponka? A mozna by udelala radost tato blyskava prenosna nabijecka na telefon. Drobnejsi darky jako tyhle se hodi i do Vanocnich ponozek :)

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