Wearing: Shoes: Manolo Blahnik, Skirt: Storets, Top: Zara, Earrings: Soru Jewellery, Bag: Bulgari
No matter if you like or do not like Valentines Day I believe it is always good to make things special. I love to encourage women to feel good, look good and make things little bit more glamorous on any occasion. It is not to do it for your other half or for others but simply for you.
So I wanted to share with you this look that could be easily worn on Valentines and share some favourite new products that could help you to achieve this look. I feel Valentines should be about touches of red. Red for me is a colour of love and passion and small things like red lips make women look powerful and strong. In this look I have concentrated more on the lips which are key and used my new Guerlain La Petite Robe Noire Lip Colour Ink.
I have also opted for more glowing look which would look fantastic during candle lit dinner. And I cannot forget to mention that right fragrance for you. You should use something you absolutely love and something that makes the day and evening more special. I have opted for Tom Ford Vanille Fatale which blew me away when I tried it first time.
As you can see I am wearing simple polo neck however the rest of the outfit is more luxurious and feminine. I was simply thinking that this years Valentines Day is on Wednesday and lot of women may be rushing for dinner after work and polo necks are very office friendly. All you need to do is to bring an interesting skirt, small evening back and pair of heels to work and quickly change. You could also transfer your look with simple white shirt and other classic pieces.
No matter what you are doing this year on Valentines day make sure you have the best time ever and you feel great. And of course it is all about LOVE.
At uz mate Valentyna radi ci ne, ja verim, ze je dobre se vzdy trosku snazit vypadat hezky a udelat si hezky den, at uz je prilezitosit jakakoli. Nejde o to si rict, ze se upravite pro sveho muze ci pro druhe, ale jde o vas. Jde hlavne o to tyhle veci delat pro sebe a citit se jako silna a krasna zena.
A tak jsem si rekla, ze s vami budu sdilet tento look, ktery se da klidne pouzit na Valentynskou veceri, ale nejen na tu. Mam spoustu novych uzasnych kosmetickych produktu, ktere jsem vam chtela ukazat.
Jak vite mam rada rtenky, pokud mi da nekdo vybrat stiny ci rtenku, bude to ve vetsine pripadech vzdy rtenka a tentokrat jsem sla do klasicke cervene od Guerlain, ktera je novinkou na trhu. Cervena je vubec pro me symbolem lasky a vasne, takze vlastne cely muj look je cerno cerveny a to jsem zkratka ja.
Celkove jsem sla do makeupu, ktery neni moc matny, myslim, ze takovy look by vypadal hezky u vecere pri svickach. A nesmim take zapomenout na vyber parfemu. Vune v takovy den by mela byt jedinecna a sexy a ja jsem tentokrat zvolila muj novy Tom Ford Vanille Fatale, ktery jsem si okamzite zamilovala.
Jak vidite mam na sobe opet klasicky rolak (je to snad muj nejoblibenejsi kousek), ale myslela jsem na to, ze spousta zen bude na Valentyna v praci a na veceri pobezi primo z kancelare. Podle me jsou rolaky urcite vhodne do spousty pracovnich prostredi a tak uz potom jenom staci sbalit vecerni kabelku, sukni a hezke boty. To same muzete udelat napriklad, kdyz mate v praci bilou kosili.
At uz slavite ci neslavite, cokoli budete letos na Valentyna delat, tak si to uzijte a nezapomente, ze tento den je hlavne o LASCE.
Love Glamazon xoxo

That skirt is so cute!
Candice | beautycandyloves.co.za
This skirt is a dream!
With love from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
Absolutely nailed it with this one!! GORGEOUS Eva! This is a perfect Valentine’s Day outfit. :)
This skirt is beautiful and I love the pop of red with your bag and lipstick!
Absolutely great skirt, and the all black outfit lets your hair and lip colour pop beautifully!
So true that is is the smallest moderations that make the biggest difference! :)
– https://www.bloglovin.com/blogs/maja-harder-18257183
Ta sukne je naprosto top! Skvele jsi si zkombinovala a tato cervena Bulgari rozzari snad kazdy outfit.
Ja na Valentyna budu sedet v letadle na ceste na dovolenou s pritelem. :)