Tag Archives: Beauty

Beauty: Welcoming Autumn Glow

Autumn is here and even with cosy evenings at home and crispy days outside I am not willing to let a glowy makeup go anywhere. I wanted to share with you couple of key products I have been enjoying for some time and will be transforming them to colder months as a part of daily makeup routine. The tones fit perfectly this type of weather whether it is colder but sunny day or another rainy afternoon.

Recently I have been using the Guerlain L’Essentiel Natural Glow Foundation and I love it. It gives that natural glow you need. And you probably have seen all over my social media that I am obsessed with Dior Backstage Eye and also Glow Face palettes. They are my holly grail. And of course I love to set everything with my all- time favourite Translucent powder by Laura Mercier.

The rest is all about those perfect final touches and today I have used Tom Ford Brow Pencil together with Eye Liner, Guerlain Mascara, Tom Ford lipstick in the shade Naked coral and stunning Nars lip pencil.

This is a perfect makeup for crispy autumn day like today when you see the sun and feel the crispy air as soon as you step out. How beautiful!

Podzim je tady a s nim i utulne vecery doma a chladne dny a ja jsem se rozhodla, ze se nevzdam glowy makeupu. Pro nektere patri letu, ale ja jsem si nektere tyto klicove produkty tak oblibila, ze je budu pouzivat  i v nadchazejicich chladnych mesicich a budou stale soucasti me makeupove rutiny. Tyto teple tony se hodi jak na slunecne chladne dny, tak na ty vice uprsene a jsou na podzim idealni. 

Nektere produkty jsem pouzivala prakticky cele leto a to hlavne dve paletky od Diora, ktere vidite na fotografii a take makeup od Guerlainu. Strasne me bavi tyto barvy a opravdu pridaji pleti takovy ten lehky trpyt. A pudr od Laura Mercier je jeden z nejlepsich pudru na trhu vubec. 

Tento svuj oblibeny zaklad jsem doladila Tuzkou na oci a take tuzkou na oboci od Toma Forda, ktere patri mezi me favority a take rtenkou od Toma Forda. I prestoze jsou cenove drazsi, musim rict, ze stoji za to, protoze krasne hydratuji a maji nadherne odstiny. Ted si take hodne pohravam s linkama na rty a dneska jsem pouzila tuto krasku od Nars. A nesmim zapomet na oblibenou rasenku od Guerlain. 

Krasny makeup v teplejsich tonech na krasny, chladny, ale slunecny den jaky mame prave dneska v Londyne.



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Recent heatwave in London probably created glow on its own on our faces however sometimes you may need a bit of help to do that. Summer is a perfect season for that glowy and natural makeup and I wanted to show you some fantastic products that will help you to achieve that natural glowy look.

Personally I like much lighter makeup in the heat and I prefer lighter foundations or tinted moisturisers. This Laura Mercier is probably the best one I have tried and I have been using it so much. However before I start with makeup I love using this Dior Glow Booster and I also highly recommend the Dior body and face primer if you are using foundation. The primer really helps your skin to look even and more perfect.

Next two products I am absolutely mad about are Dior Backstage Glow Face Palette and Eye Palette. The Face palette has got beautiful shimmery Highlight and blushers and they look so perfect on any summer day. And my Amber Neutrals palette for eyes has got perfect shades for day an evening too.

And to finish things off I love to wear natural lips. This Shiseido Colourgel in the shade Lotus is perfect for that summer glowy look. If you like water mists grab a small size Susanne Kaufman Rose Water to your handbag. and it will keep you fresh and your makeup will last.

Tento tyden zasahla Londyn velka horka a tak myslim, ze takovy ten glow na nasich tvarich byl zkratka sam o sobe. Nekdy clovek ale potrebuje trosku pomoci. Ja osobne mam v lete rada glowy makeup a prirozeny vzhled a tak jsem vam chtela predstavit par produktu, ktere vam muzou pomoci. 

Osobne mam moc rada lehci makeup pokud jsou teploty vysoke a uprednostnuji lehci makeupy nebo BB kremy. Tento krem od Laury Mercier je asi ten nejlepsi, co jsem zkusila. Ale nez zacnu se samotnym makeup, rada pouzivam tento Dior Glow Booster a take muzu doporucit Dior Body and Face Primer. Tento Dior Primer hezky pokozku pripravi na dalsi kroky a vase plet bude vypadat lepe. 

Dalsi dva produkty, ktere jsem si v posledni dobe zamilovala jsou Dior Backstage Glow Face Palette a Eye Palette. Na prvni zminene paletce najdete krasne trpytive barvy na tvare a take rozjasnovace. A ocni paletka Amber Neutrals ma prekrasne odstiny na den i vecer. 

A na zaver rada pridavam lehci barvy na rty s troskou lesku. Tento novy Shiseido Colourgel v odstinu lotus je to prave orechove. Pokud jste fanousky Water Mist zkuste treba male baleni Rose Water od Susanne Kaufman. Je super na osvezeni behem dne a vleze se do kabelky. 


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5 not that glamorous habits I have … ooops!!

I used to work with a girl that always said that in her head she can run miles and she looks so good whilst doing it. She can almost feel how fit she is and see her toned muscles in motion. Well the reality was different and we always laughed together. To be fair she was saying it quite a lot and I could see where she was coming from.

Then I was thinking do we sometimes picture ourselves being amazing, looking amazing and other day dreaming “important” stuff? I am sure we are all a bit guilty. The reality is that I do so many things that are not glamorous and it is time to admit those. LOL

They are the small things I wish I wasn’t doing but when the time is precious or I just get lazy I slip back and just keep repeating these things over and over again. And I hope I am not the only on this boat.

  1. Wearing a hairband on my wrist – Yes guilty….I know it is very practical as you always have hair band when you need it but then I end up with so many images even for my website and my socials with it. It drives me mad when I see that silly hairband on my images and it is too late to take off. It is that small detail that can ruin the whole look but I guess it is that bad habit…and very hard to stop. LOL
  2. Drinking water from a mug – It can be seen as it is not a big deal but in my mind I am that glam and chic girl that drinks her water from a nice glass or cool water bottle. However I so often grab a mug at home and guess why? It is easier to wash it than a glass. LOL
  3. Paint over chipped nail varnish – I cannot stand this one but I keep doing it. I love women with lovely manicure and it almost gives me anxiety if I have chipped nail varnish but with busy lifestyle you have times when you simply do not look perfect. Sadly I am often tempted especially in a rush that I just quickly paint over the chipped nails and hope for the best.
  4. Messy handbag – Oh well, I always love to watch those what’s my handbag videos and man I feel bad afterwards….If you look at mine on a good day it is getting closer to those amazing videos but on most days you find the most random stuff from receipts, lot of lipsticks, dummy, snack for Liam and everything is just a big mess.
  5. Not wearing matching underwear – Please tell me I am not alone. I have so many lovely sets and there is no excuse to do this but I keep wearing non matching underwear most time. I always hope that when the colour is close enough it is ok…haha And then when I see in a movie a chic lady with matching underwear I just feel so guilty. LOL

Pred par lety jsem pracovala s holkou, ktera pokazde rikala, ze ve sve hlave umi hrozne dobre behat a strasne ji to jde. Popisovala mi jak se vidi jak bezi strasne daleko a navic u toho vypada naprosto fantasticky, svaly se ji rysuji v pohybu a deset mil je pro ni jako nic. Samozrejme opak byl pravdou a vzdy jsem se s nim smala, rikala to totiz velmi casto. 

A tak jsem se zamyslela a rekla si, ze ja si taky obcas ve sve mysli pripadam skvele a vse mi jde tak dobre. Jsem zkratka denni snilek….jenomze opak je realitou a je treba jit s kuzi na trh. Delam tolik veci, ktere bych nemela verejne priznavat, ale pak se vzdy zastavim a reknu si, ze tyhle zlozvyky bych mela prestat delat.  A tady jsou….

  1. Nosim gumicky do vlasu na zapesti – No ono by to nebyla az takova hruza, jenze ja vzdy zapomenu, ze ji tam mam a pak se hrozim, ze mi to nici fotky. Zadny modni zazrak to totiz neni, ale zase je to prakticke….gumicka je stale po ruce, kdyz je treba.
  2. Piju vodu z hrnku – Ve svych predstavach jsem 24/7 ta elegatni zenska, co si vodu naleva do nejake hezke a chic sklenice, opak je bohuzel pravdou a casto se nachytam, ze zase piju z hrnku. A vite proc? Protoze hrnek se jednoduseji umyva. LOL
  3. Premalovavani nehtu – Jejej…Mam hrozne rada upravene nehty a oloupany lak me desi, bohuzel ne vzdy mam cas vse cele odlakovat a prelakovat a tak casto v casovem skluzu proste chytnu lak a udelam co se nema, prelakuju ty oloupane. Ja vim…zadna bomba to neni, ale co uz nadelam :) 
  4. Neporadek v kabelce – Rada koukam na what’s in my handbag videa a vzdy si rikam, ze do idealu mam hodne daleko. Kdyz me to chytne a vse protridim a uklidim, tak se to da, ale vetsinu dni je to trosku horsi. Rada bych rekla, ze tam nosim sik diare a vse je uhledne, ale vetsinou je to tak 6 rtenek, uctenky, dudlik, svacinka pro Liamka, prazdy papir od nejake raw bar apod. 
  5. Nosim pradlo, ktere neladi – Doufam, ze v tomto nejsem sama. A vlastne na tohle neni v mem pripade ani omluva, protoze mam spoustu peknych souprav a mam jich dost na to, aby mi pradlo vzdy ladilo a presto casto sahnu po tech svych oblibenych a pohodlnych a casto je podprsenka i kalhotky uplne mimo. A pak kdyz koukam na film, kde ma zena krasne ladici pradlo tak me zase hryze svedomi. haha 

Eva xoxo 

3 Charlotte Tilbury Lipstick You Will Love



This has to be one on my favourite lipsticks ever if not the most favourite. I bought it few years ago and it was my first ever lipstick by Charlotte Tilbury. I still love it the same. To be frank the whole collection of the Matte Revolution range has got so much to offer. This shade is stunning and in my eyes works perfect for day and night. It has been inspired by Grace Kelly and pinky coral shade creates perfect, neutral yet colourful lips to compliment variety of outfits.

Tento odstin musi byt snad moje nejoblibenjsi rtenka. Byla to moje prvni rtenka od Charlotte Tilbury, kterou jsem si sama pred par lety koupila. A mam ji rada stale stejne. A vubec cela kolekce Matte Revolution ma nekolik krasnych odstinu. Tento odstin je inspirovany Grace Kelly a je to takova kombinace koralove a ruzove barvy. Co mam na ni uplne nejradsi je to, ze se hodi na den i vecer. Nosim ji casto v kabelce, protoze je takovy odstin, ktery vam dam jistotu a neslapnete s nim vedle. 

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