Wearing: Top: Neon Rose, Bag: Gucci, Shoes: Gucci, Trousers: New Look, Sunglasses: Celine, Coat: H&M, Earrings: Asos
First day of LFW is over. Where I those days when I could run around all day and did not have to worry about anything but now I have Liam. So my planning skills got to another level.
Yesterday I headed up with Liam towards the new venue on Strand around lunch time and caught up with friend for something to eat first. The advantage of bringing your child to LFW in a pram like he has is that people will photograph you and shout things like – wow, is that Jeremy Scott pram? Is that a fashion baby? Lol
We then managed to do photos for the blog and then although I organised baby sitter to take him whilst I am in the presentation I managed to sneak him in. We looked at the new collection of Maison Makarem that was held at Savoy and I rushed to my next meeting. I think Liam although I take him everywhere all the time was little bit overwhelmed and just not himself so in my last meeting he would cry as got very tired. I thought after a day like that he would sleep so well at night…I was very wrong (story of my life).
Anyway, I finished the first day at a cocktail party organised by the Fashion Council at Serpentine Galleries. That was really amazing. I love a good fashion scene. I am not going to lie, the night was tough and the morning is as well but I have to go and plan my day again. Go Eva you can do it. LOL
Prvni den Londynskeho fashion weeku je za nama. Doby, kdy jsem litala od rana vecera po presentacih a prehlidkach a bezstarostne si uzivala jsou jiz pase. Ted uz mam Liama, takze planovani je asi nejdulezitejsi schopnost, kterou momentalne potrebuju a taky hodne energie a pevne nervy.
Vcera jsem vyrazila z domu nekdy po obede a mela domluvenou slecnu na hlidani, ktera by si ho vzala zatimco ja budu na presentaci. Nejdrive jsem skocila s kamaradkou na obed, pak jsme nafotily fotografie na blog a pak jsem to riskla a na presentaci Maison Makarem sla s nim. Vyhoda toho, ze si berete dite na fashion week je takova, ze pokud mate kocarek jako ja, ze si ho fashion lide budou fotit. A taky na vas budou kricet veci jako jeee to je kocarek od Jeremyho Scotta, jeee to je fashion baby? LOL
Liam toho myslim mel za par hodin asi dost, nemohl z toho vseho nejak usnout, vsude moc lidi, porad na nej nekdo nakukoval a i kdyz je zvykly se mnou byt vsude, na me treti schuzce uz to opravdu nedaval. Ja jsem si rikala jak bude spat v noci, ale teda nic moc. Vecer jsem jeste sla na zahajovaci party Fashion weeku v Serpentine Galleries, ktera byla uzasna mimochodem. Myslim, ze to nevyspani je obcas treba prekousnout.
Love Glamazon xoxo
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