Tag Archives: Chloe

Outfit: The most feminine dress

Wearing: Dress: De la vali via Luisa Via Roma, Bag: Chloe, Shoes: River Island, Sunglasses: Celine, Earrings: Soru Jewellery, Necklace: Pandora, Necklace: Ania Haie

I am such a Gemini when it comes to dressing. Honestly, how some people have signature style it amazes me. I know there are some things I tend to buy but I can be one day in ripped jeans and hoodie and another day in a super feminine dress like this. I love to play with different styles but always love feminine pieces and this dress is a great example.

Firstly the shape is incredible and so flattering and I love it is transparent without looking too cheap or anything. This piece is all about small touches that create a perfect dress. I mean that little cross in the cleavage is everything.

Whatever you decide to wear whether it is shorts, leather skirts or floaty dress the main thing is to feel like yourself. There is no point to push yourself to something that you would not like wearing. And I believe if you follow that rule you cannot go wrong.

Jsem na sto procent blizenec, co se mody tyce. Pokazde obdivuju lidi, kteri maji styl, ktery vzdy poznate. Ja jsem schopna jeden den jit v mikine a roztrhanych dzinech a druhy v tak zenskych satech jako tyhle. Kazdopadne velmi casto miluju veci, ktere jsou zenske a tyto saty jsou typickym prikladem.

Prvni vec, ktera me dostala na tomtou kousku je strih, ktery hrozne lichoti postave. A libi se mi pruhledna spodni cast, ktera presto nepusobi vulgarne. A v neposledni rade male detaily jako krizek ve spicce vystrihu. Zkratka nadhera.

At uz se rozhodnete si oblect kratasy, kozenou sukni ci rozevlate saty, hlavni je, ze se v danem obleceni musite citit dobre. Nema smysl se do neceho nutit a hlavni je zustat sam sebou. A kdyz se toho budete drzet, nemuzete slapnout vedle. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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Outfit: How to dress up a simple jumper?

Pictures: Hazel Hurley

Wearing: Boots: Emilio Pucci, Bag: Chloe, Skirt: Storets: Sunglasses: Dior, Jumper: H&M

Simple jumpers like the one I am wearing are my favourite things for winter. I love to layer them, I love to wear them with jeans, leggings, leather trousers or short skirts however there are ways how to dress them up. It is simply unique plain piece that offers lot of ways how you can style it.

This is exactly that styling when you can dress up something as simple as a plain jumper in camel colour. However the same look would great with other colours too whether you pick red, blue, green or yellow jumper. Just take a ruffle more dressy skirt and lovely boots and a new look is there. I think it is a great way how to play around with different boots and some cool girls could even wear it with trainers.

And with weather hopefully getting better you can soon throw on leather jacket or blazer for a perfect spring look. I cannot believe spring is behind the corner and Mother’s day on Sunday. I am off for a weekend in Cotswolds but already celebrated in advance with some of my favourite brands. If you want to find out more you can watch my latest video.

Jednoduche svetry jako tento, co mam na sobe jsou mym oblibenym zimnim kouskem. Daji se velmi dobre vrstvit a nosit k dzinum, leginum, kozenym kalhotum, kratkym suknim a vubec ke vsemu. Je to zkratka ten kousek, ktery je sice jednoduchy, ale hodne jej vynosite diky univerzalnosti.

A tento styling je presne ten, ktery vas svetr trosku pozdvihne. Staci jej doplnit hezkou volanovou sukni a k ni treba kotnickove kozacky. A svetr nemusi byt jenom v odbobne velbloudi barve, muzete si vybrat treba cerveny ci modry. Staci jenom pridat hezkou delsi sukni a podpobny styling je na svete. A uz se snad bude lepsit i pocasi. 

Hned jak bude tepleji, staci misto kabatu kozena bundicka ci sacko a perfektni jarni styling je na svete. Nechce se mi verit, ze uz je brezen a v nedeli svatek matek tady v UK. Ja se chystam na vikend do Costwolds, tak to oslavime tam, ale uz jsem mela mensi predvoj diky krasnym akcim, ktere poradali Jo Malone a Guerlain. A pokud chcete videt vice, muzet tak ucinit v mem posledni videu

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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Outfit: Share the love on social media

Pictures: Hazel Hurley

Wearing: Belt: Gucci, Shirt: Shein, Coat: Armani Exchange, Bag: Chloe, Shoes: Gucci, Sunglasses: Celine, Jeans: Topshop

I have not slept since 3:30 AM and it is becoming more and more common when my little Liam wakes up that I cannot go back to sleep (I still love him guys though). I am writing this from my home town where I am visiting and I kind of have more time here than in London. I have time to reflect, think, work, workout and enjoy the company of my family.

And so then I started to scroll down my instagram feed in the middle of the night and going through tweets of my favourite people and just cannot believe how much love is missing from social media. Influencers offending each other, bloggers talking about people hating them, rude messages they get. I believe the more attention you give this the more it will stick.

Social media should be for spreading positive energy, spreading love, motivate and support. Life can be stressful as it is so when you tune on your favourite platform after work you should feel good and not read negative things. Or am I wrong?

And sadly even articles on blogs talking about negative things happening in the blogosphere are driving a lot of traffic. I just cannot get my head around it. I could sit down and write something similar but I chose not to as I really want my space to be positive space. I want people come here and feel good. Even writing this is a bit controversial as I am touching that topic but I simply want to tell you to share more love where ever you are and whenever. Give that like for another nice picture, share love in the comments and support each other. Good things will keep happening then.

And if you want to know more about my trip to Czech and more about me in general you can watch my latest video and subscribe to my channel. Thank you.

Od 3:30 od rana nespim, v posledni dobe, kdyz se Liam vzbudi v noci, nemuzu uz usnout (nebojte, mam ho rada porad stejne). A tak jsem uprostred nudy zacala prochazet Instagramem. Jsem ted na 2 tydny v Cesku a mam tak vic cas premyslet, pracovat, tvorit, cvicit a taky koukat na Twitter a Instagram.

A nemuzu tohle proste nenapsat, ale pripada mi, ze z Instagramu a socialnich siti se uplne prestava vytracet laska a pozitivita. Ja jsem vzdy chtela vest tento blog positivne, nestezovat si, motivovat druhe a inspirovat. A samozrejme i ja mam sve dny, ale neprestavam se divit jak na sebe lide utoci na socialnich siti. Blogeri urazi druhe blogery, mluvi o tom jake sokujici zpravy dostavaji a moje jedina rada jim zni, proste to ignorujte. Cim vic afektu tomu budete venovat, tim vice se to na vas bude lepit. 

I tento clanek je pro me trosku kontroverzni, ze to vubec zminuju, ale moje zprava vam zni spise at se mate radi. Moje predstava je takova, ze kdyz clovek prijde domu, ma sam sve strasti behem dne, tak snad nechce cist jak se nekdo hada na socialnich sitich at uz je to o volbe prezidenta ci o tom, ze jeden bloger urazi druheho. Ja chci cist hezke veci, ktere me daji do klidu. 

Takze se mejte radi, davejte dal liky a hezke komenty a drzte se zasady (pokud je to mozne), kdyz nemam rict co pekneho, nerikam radsi nic. Toho se drzim ja. A to se teprve budou dit veci. Pozitivni mysleni a chovani prinasi jenom to dobre. 

A pokud chcete vic vedet o me navsteve CR, mrknete na posledni video a prihlaste se k odberu. Dekuju.

Love Glamazon xoxo


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Outfit: Blue Monday Move Over

Pictures by Hazel Hurley 

Wearing: Bag: Chloe, Boots: Boden, Jacket: Shein, Jeans: Topshop, Top: Uniqlo, Hat: Asos 

Today is officially meant to be the most depressing day of the year Blue Monday. And if you read articles about it you will find some tips how to fight it. Well, I will not lie the weather isn’t the best however I have had a great and very productive day so far so it is probably about fighting it and doing things you love, working out, ticking off the boxes from your to do list.

I have pretty much done everything out of the above. The only thing I have not done so far is to watch some series or fun movie as simply I said to myself no TV until I manage to do work that has to be done.

However I cannot wait for tonights nice dinner I will cook and some great TV series. Sometimes life is all about the small pleasures. I hope you are all fighting Blue Monday in the best possible way. And perhaps you may want to watch my latest video here. This is how I want to postpone Botox :)

Dneska je udajne oficialne nejvic depresivni den v roce, kteremu se rika Blue Monday. Kdyz si tento termin hodite do googlu, vyskoci na vas clanky s tipy, jak s timto dnem zatocit. Ja vam nebudu lhat, pocasi je tady v Londyne nic moc, ale ja jsem mela prozatim opravdu produktivni den. Pracuju, cvicila jsem, upekla zdravejsi verzi brownies, sprcha, pletova maska, prochazka s Liamkem a postupne si odskrtavam veci ze seznamu. Tak to mam rada.

Vetsina tech clanku vam radi, ze mate cvicit, nebo si pustit hezky film. Ale ja se rozhodla dneska opravdu zabrat a tak TV bude jedine az to vsechno stihnu. Takze i s takovym ponurnym dnem se da zatocit a tesim se na vecer az si presne neco hezkeho pustim a dame s muzem dobrou veceri. Zivot je hezkych malickostech, nemyslite? 

Tak Vam preju taky uspesny a radostny den a at se u vas zadny Blue Monday nekona.  A kdyz se vam bude chtit, mrknete na nejnovejsi video o tom, jak chci co nejvice oddalit botox :) 

Love Glamazon xoxo

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