Tag Archives: Givenchy

Outfit: Orange is the new black ?

Wearing: Boots: Givenchy via Luisa Via Roma, Bag: Stella McCartney, Sunglasses: Nelly, Top: COS, Jeans: Zara, Sleeveless Jacket: PINKO 

Orange is the new black is favourite series of many people – NOT mine! However this orange top with great details on the sleeve really got my attention when I saw it and I love it. The colour is not something I would go for often however it is a great change.

And as you can see on my social media I have been wearing my new Givenchy boots a lot. However, there is always a but…now I feel I need more handbags to go with them. What do we think of this Valentino bag?

Last night I went to an amazing dinner with Google and had such a good time. They were introducing new product – Google Home and I am over the moon as I will be gifted one as well as I got invited to Google offices here in London. How amazing is that? Well, maybe not for everybody but I am delighted and cannot wait to show you more. I will definitely share more on my social channels and Insta stories. If you do not follow me, you can find me as evglamazon.

Orange is the new black neni muj oblibeny serial, ale kdyz jsem uvidela tento uzasny oranzovy top, okamzite me zaujal. Neni to barva pro kterou bych mela slabost, ale obcas se hodi si poridit neco trosku jineho, ze? 

Strasne se mi libi detaily na rukavech. No a jak jste si asi vsimly na mych socialnich siti, nemuzu se nabazit techto kozacek Givenchy. Ted mam ale porad pocit, ze k nim potrebuju vice kabelek. Co rikate na tuhle

Vcera jste mozna videli na mych Insta stories, ze jsem byla na veceri s Google. Google predstavoval jejich novinku Google Home, ktery se mi teda hrozne moc libi. A sama tomu nemuzu verit, ale Google me pozval do jejich kancelari tady v Londyne a dokonce mi Google Home daruje. Mozna je to pro nekoho normalni, ale me to teda dostalo a mam opravdu silenou radost. A urcite vam potom vse ukazu alespon an Insta stories. Takze pokud me nesledujete, najdete me tam jako evglamazon. 

Love Glamazon xoxo


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Outfit: Givenchy Biker Boots

Boots: Givenchy via Luisa Via Roma, Jeans: Topshop, Bag: Lulu Guinness, Top: H&M, Necklace: Pandora, Cardigan: Shein

For those who follow my new Youtube channel it is not going to be surprise I finally got my hands on these stunning Givenchy boots. I have revealed these in my latest unboxing video.

And I will not going to lie and say that I instantly fell in love. They are cool, edgy, timeless and super comfortable. I was quite worried as they do not seem to be a soft type of boot that will adapt however they took me by surprise. And they were comfortable even when I wore them first time. It is not the case that I just jump in the cab and walk in to a coffee shop and that’s it. I actually walk around while pushing the pram. Just a dream pair of boots.

I ordered these at one of my favourite online shopping destinations Luisa Via Roma. They must have fantastic buyers as the selection of brands is really varied but at the same time very often you can buy the latest IT items that are sold everywhere else.

I know I will wear these to death and especially with London weather … you may wear these all summer no problem. They also do have other colours so definitely check them out.

Pro ty, kteri sleduji ma videa na youtube nebude prekvapenim, ze jsem si konecne poridila tyhle uzasne kotnickove kozacky od Givenchy. Ty jsem nedavno odhalila v tomto videu.

Nebudu vam lhat a musim prohlasit, ze to byla laska na prvni pohled. Jsou cool, nadcasove a navic (to je priorita) strasne pohodlne. Kdyz jsem je poprve vyzkousela, trosku jsem se bala. Je to takova ta pevna bota, co pusobi trvde, ale byla jsem prijemne prekvapena, protoze i pri prvnim noseni byly extremne pohodlne a chodim v nich docela daleko. Neni to tak, ze skocim do taxiku, projdu se do restaurace a tim to padne. Mam je na nohou treba cely den. 

Ja jsem si tyhle poridila na e-shopu Luisa Via Roma, coz je jedna z mych oblibenych nakupnich destinaci online. Jejich buyers maji uzasny vkus a najdete tam jak mene proflaknute znacky, tak i casto IT kousky, ktere jsou kdekoli jinde vyprodane. 

Opravdu se vidim, ze tyhle boty budu nosit se vsim moznym a hlavne tady v Londyne, kde pocasi nekdy prekvapi i v lete. Navic jsou dostani i v jinych barvach, takze se urcite podivejte.

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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