I stopped counting how many weeks we have been staying in isolation. And to be fair I quickly got used to this new normality. I can also confidently say I do shop much less. There is always something positive about any situation. LOL
One thing that I am constantly browsing would be cute hoodies and sweatshirts as I can wear those now and also when lock down is over. And why not to share some of my favourites. Amongst all those sales and discounts you will surely find some amazing buy.
Uz jsem prestala pocitat kolikaty tyden jsme v izolaci. A abych byla uprimna nejak jsem si na tu nasi novou normalitu i zvykla. Ma to i sve vyhody a jednou z nich je, ze urcite mene nakupuju. Presto me ale neustale laka si prohlizet hezke mikiny, ktere muzu nosit jak v izolaci, ci na na nase povolene vychazky, tak i pozdeji, az budeme mit vice flexibility a svobody.
A tak jsem vybrala par kousku, ktere se mi libi a treba mezi tema slevama a slevovyma kuponama taky nejakou krasku ukoristite.
The biggest shopping week of the year is here. I feel the buzz is getting bigger and bigger each year. I sometimes feel myself a bit lost in the sea of offers, sales and discount codes but let’s face it so many of dreamy items from investment items to more trendy pieces are discounted. It is perfect week to snap designer bag for less, new TV you wanted all year long or treat yourself to a piece of jewellery. And it is the best time of the year to do Christmas shopping. If you get organised (read my guide to Black Friday shopping here) you can get everything you need during Cyber Week.
So I am bringing my personal selection of fab items, discount codes and offers to you!!! You can go through all the offers and edits below.
Happy shopping
Nejvetsi nakupni tyden roku je tady – Cyber Week. Pripada mi, ze silenstvi je kazdy rok vetsi a vetsi. A kazdy rok se sama vice a vice ztracim v zaplave slevovych kodu, akci a vyprodeju. Kazda firma se snazi vyuzit faktu, ze lidi blazni a nakupuji. Ale na druhou stranu je to opravdu super tyden na to ulovit vysnene kousky, at uz je to nova televize ci draha kabelka. Ale muze to byt i svetr z retezce, ktery je zkratka tento tyden v akci. No a hlavne, kdyz si vse poradne naplanujete, muzete nakoupit Vanocni darky za mene a s predstihem. Napsala jsem cely clanek o tom jak nakupovat a nezblaznit se z toho behem cyber tydne.
A tak i tento rok vam prinasim clanek plny skvelych veci, slev, akci a slevovych kodu.
Cyber week is finally here and that means lot of shopping, lot of offers and discount codes. I have selected my personal favourite early offers so you can get ahead and do your Christmas shopping or simply treat yourself. I have done smaller edits for your as well. If you feel a bit overwhelmed make sure you read my Black Friday how to shop smart guide here. There will be more articles coming your way later on this week with more amazing discount codes and offers so stay tuned.
Happy shopping.
Cyber Week je tady a to znamena, ze se poradne rozsoupneme a budeme nakupovat a to ve slevach. Prinasim vam prvni slevove kody a akce, ktere uz zacinaji dnes. Muzete koupit treba Vanocni darky nebo jenom tak neco pro sebe. A pokud je toho na vas moc a nevite co prvni, urcite si prectete muj clanek o tom jak nakupovat chytre v obdobi cerneho patku. A koncem tydne vas ceka dalsi clanek a dalsi slevove kody.
Every real fashionista on the planet is probably aware that if there is one hot brand and hard to get pieces it is a current collection of Bottega Veneta. It has always been a beautiful brand and their iconic clutches always been on the spotlight. However with the recent influence of ex Celine Daniel Lee you can tell it is currently the IT brand.
Influencers, celebrities are carrying the oversized pouches and eagerly trying to get them in all colours. The plain and quilted mules are also constantly sold out and waiting lists are longer than my hair. The ready to wear is also in demand and basically Bottega Veneta is the brand that everybody wants. It is what Dior or Gucci was few seasons ago.
I am just waiting how quickly will the high-street brands start to bring Bottega Veneta inspired pieces to their stores. I guess it will not be long. So if you fancy a piece yourself you can shop some great pieces below.
Kazdy spravny modni milovnik vi, ze Bottega Veneta je momentalne na vrcholu modnich domu. Ano, vzdy to byla takova klasika a ja si i pred lety prala jejich ikonicke psanicko, ale nyni kdyz jejich kreativni reditel prinesl nadech modniho domu Celine, se dostala uplne na vrchol.
Na urcite modely jejich psanicek, kabelek a botu je cekaci listina a influenceri prahnou prave po tech, ktere jsou tezce k dostani. A Bottega je vlastne tim, co byla pred par lety znacka Gucci ci Dior. A tak to v mode chodi.
Jenom cekam kazdym dnem, kdy retezce zacnou predstavovat kousky, ktere budou inspirovany prave soucasnou kolekci. A myslim, ze to bude velmi brzo a i tyhle kousky budou ihned vyprodane. Bottega se slavi obrovskemu uspechu a zaziva velky boom a to je jenom dukazem, ze spravny navrhar muze vzdy udelat divy.