Tag Archives: Temperley

Outfit: There are still some amazing influencer communities

Wearing: Bag: Chloe, Shoes and Skirt: Zara, Sunglasses: Skinny Dip, Blazer: Charlotte London, Belt: Temperley

If you are a blogger yourself or just a follower you may have heard stories. There are stories about influencers being jealous, stories about backstabbing and you see friendships come and go. I am not the type that will be talking much about this on my platforms as I am trying firstly stay away from it and secondly talk as positive as possible on my social channels.

There are times when I attend a party and you can almost sense the tension, then there are times when somebody I have known for years even didn’t bother to say hello when we were at the same party. Well, that tells something about them doesn’t it? However I have recently attended an event and the scene and the girls were totally knew to me. It was lot of originally Dubai based influencers that are currently in London and I could not get over how supportive and friendly everybody was. I felt so good in their company and just watched them networking and having the best time. I started to chat to a photographer who I have known for several years and we agreed that it is honestly amazing and agreed that Irish influencers are the same. To be fair I feel like that about Irish people in general. I have recently started to follow several Irish youtubers and the support they get from people, amongst themselves and also in media is unreal. I am amazed by Irish media and TV how much attention they give even to micro influencers. It is absolutely amazing and motivating for the girls.

Anyway, It is fantastic to see there are still strong blogging communities that support each other and can push themselves forward together.

Jestli uz jste bloger ci ctenar, mozna take vite nejaky ten pribeh o obcasne nenavisti a zasti mezi blogery. Ano priznavam, ze existuji, ale ja se jim snazim vyhybat a veci moc neresit. Pratelstvi mezi blogery se tvori, ale take muzou rychle odeznit. No co vam budu povidat. Mela jsem situace, kdy se dala atmosfera na akcich krajet, nebo kdy me nekdo nepozdravil, prestoze ho znam nekolik let. 

Minuly tyden jsem ale navstivila akci, kde jsem znala dva lidi a zbytek pro me byl uplne novy. Byly to influencerky zejmena z Dubaje a z Arabske blogovaci sceny a byla jsem mile prekvapena. Vsichni byli moc pratelsti, navzajem se podporovali a musim rict, ze jsem si tuto atmosferu opravdu uzivala. Uz par let znam fotografku, co na akci fotila a uplne se mnou souhlasila a dodala, ze Irske blogerky to maji uplne stejne. A vite co, ma asi pravdu. Irove jsou obecne velmi pratelsti lide a ja jsem nedavno zacala sledovat nekolik Irskych youtuberu a fascinuje me obrovska podpora sledovatelu, Irskych medii a podpora mezi sebou. Uplne nejvice me opravdu fascinuje podpora casopisu a televize v Irsku. A nebavim se o podpore top influenceru, ale micro influenceru a je opravdu uzasne to sledovat. 

Je skvele videt, ze existuji blogerske sceny, kde se podporuji navzajem a rostou tak vsichni spolecne a posouvaji dal jeden druheho. 


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Outfit: Sock boots trend

Pictures: Derek Bremner for APT

Wearing: Boots: Russell & Bromley, Bag: Aspinal, Sunglasses: Dior, Belt: Temperley: Skirt: Zara, Blazer: Zara

Shall I admit that only two minutes ago I had colander on my head? Well, maybe not but Liam keeps taking stuff out of the cupboards and puts things like pans all over the house. To be honest I find it hilarious even though my place does not look very tidy these days. LOL

Well, that is life with kids and even though one day you wear the latest trends like these sock boots the next day you may end up with a piece of banana on the pocket of your jeans. So unpredictable. LOL

You honestly never know what to expect with kids. I am just heading out and I should defo check if there is no milk in my shoes or something. LOL

Mam se priznat k tomu, ze jsem mela jeste pred chvili na hlave cednik? Asi ne co? Liam porad “kramari” a moje hrnce a veci vubec konci na nejmene ocekavanych mistech. Ochranne pojistky jsem dala spis jenom tam, kam jsem mela pocit, ze to bylo treba, ale ty hrnce mu zkratka nebudu odpirat, kdyz ho to tak bavi.

A to je zivot s detma, ze? Jeden den muzete mit na sobe horky trend jako treba tyhle “sock boots” (premyslim jak se to preklada do cestiny – ponozkove kozacky zni docela uchylne ne? ) a druhy den vyjdete z domu a zjistite, ze mate kousek rozplkleho bananu na dzinech. Haha 

Tak a ted se chystam ven, tak si zkontroluju, zda nemam v bote vylite mleko. S nima clovek nikdy nevi. Hezky den. 

Love Glamazon xoxo


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