I clearly remember when I was pregnant that the closer to the due date I was, the more frustrated I got because of our flat. I felt nothing was ready and I felt I need to finish things, change them, improve and welcome baby Liam to a stunning new clean home. Then I found out it is an actual thing called Nesting. Not all women have to go through that but there are loads that experience this urge to improve their homes.
Well, no wonder. Firstly your life will change massively and you will probably spend more time home than ever and secondly your priorities will change and there is a new addition to your family. That means more things from clothes to toys and also you will have more and more visitors. The entire life as you knew it will be different and even if you want it or not you have to adjust things in your home.
I am huge fan of decor and especially when it is chic and practical at the same time. If you are a new mum or mum to be you have to think about practicality as well as design and they can go hand in hand. And if you live in a smaller flat like me you have to think about furniture and decor even more. So I thought about what would I advice any new or mum to be to get for their homes. We all have different views but I would go for these 5 items.
Top 5 picks to make life of a mum comfortable, easy and keep the touch luxury
- Comfortable bed with storage and bonus points for stunning design – You will spend lot of time in bed at least first few weeks so make sure your choice is the best. You will also lack sleep for the few months so the right choice of bed is crucial to make those few hours of sleep very comfortable.
- Day bed for your spare room or nursery – That is one of the first things I got for my house and there are so many reasons for that. Firstly you and your partner may need to sleep in separate rooms (not all men want to end up tired at work every day). Secondly you may use it for yourself when you are starting to teach baby to sleep in their own room. Thirdly you can use it for guests that come to your place. And if you chose a day bed with storage you can use it for bedding, toys, clothes or anything really. And I know few of my friends then ended up using it for kids when they grew up as their bed for the bedroom. What a great investment.
- Foot Stool ideally with storage – Imagine that you have to nurse every two to three hours in average. Who would not like a bit of comfort whilst doing it and what better way to do it than with your feet up.
- Comfortable chair for nursing and bonus points if it looks great – I have been looking for a nice feature chair that I could use as a nursing chair for a long time. We all have different tastes but I tend to find the actual nursing chairs not that great. So why not to go for a lovely design and comfortable chair and it is another excuse how to bring a lovely piece to your family home.
- Dining table and ideally extendable – With a new arrival you will probably have to shift your life a bit. It can mean that you will host dinners instead of going out or you have visitors and family over for lunch. So a lovely dining table where you can fit few people is a key for me. And if it is extendable you do not need to worry if you have have few more guests.
Whatever your priorities are we all want to make sure we make family life happy, comfortable and easy. So make sure that your next home purchase is the right one for you.
Pamatuju si, ze kdyz jsem byla tehotna, ze cim vice se blizil termin porodu tak tim vice jsem stresovala ohledne naseho bytu. Manzel si vzdy chce delat vse sam a dopada to tak, ze ziju permanentne v prachu a obklopena naradim ( a to si nedelam srandu). A o to vic jsem snila o tom, ze privedu Liama domu do krasneho, utulneho cisteho bytu. Chtela jsem vse menit a upravovat. S uklidem mi pomohla maminka, ale doted si preju si poridit par novych kousku domu, ktere by se mi hodily vice nez drive. A ono je to vlastne i normalni ukaz u zen v ocekavani tzv. Nesting, ze maji potrebu upravovat svuj dum, uklizet, vylepsovat apod.
Nektere veci jsem si jiz splnila a nektere jsou stale na mem wish listu. Clovek si az pozdeji uvedomi, ze zivot se mu trosku zmeni. Neni to nic strasneho, ale jsou to veci jako potreba vice ulozneho prostoru, chcete pohodli a zaroven i hezke veci, protoze doma travite s ditetem jako matka vice casu. Neni nad to si poridit hezke a prakticke veci a ktere kousky jsou teda podle mne dobre? Vetsina z toho vychazi hlavne z faktu, ze ziju v mensim byte, ktery ma dve loznice, obyvaci pokoj a kuchyn, takze o nakupuju nabytku musim premyslet dvounasob.
- Dobra a hezka postel idealne s uloznym prostorem. Prvnich par dni jsem stravila v posteli. Za prve po porodu vas vse boli, zvykate si a take hodne kojite a tak je skvele mit hezkou a pohodlnou postel a kdyz ma ulozny prostor tak je to nejlepsi varianta.
- Rozkladaci denni postel tzv. day bed idealne s uloznym prostorem. To byla jedna z veci, kterou jsem poridila do vedlejsiho pokoje jeste pred narozenim Liama. Za prve ji muzu pouzivat ja az si bude zvykat na svuj pokojik, nebo tam muzeme spat i ted (kdyz se potrebuje manzel vyspat) a v neposledni rade slouzi jako postel pro hosty. Vybrala jsem rozkladaci s uloznym prostorem a pocitam s tim, ze v budoucnu muze slouzit i jako postel pro deti.
- Stolicka/Lenoska pod nohy – V prumeru vas ceka kojeni kazde dve az tri hodiny a proc si u toho neudelat pohodli. Ja uz svou mam a ta ma ulozny prostor, ale pokud doma zadnou nemate, urcite je to dobra investice.
- Hezke a pohodlne kreslo na kojeni – Tohle jsem hledala pekne dlouho a konecne nasla. Opravdova kojici kresla se mi designove nelibi a tak jsem chtela takove, ktere bude pohodlne a hezke a bude hezky zapadat do naseho interieru.
- Velky jidelni stul idealne rozkladaci – S prichodem miminka se mozna zmeni i vas spolecensky zivot a je skvele napriklad poradat vecere u vas. Muzete pozvat pratele uz kdyz je miminko male. A take musite pocitat s tim, ze vas ceka hodne navstev, alespon z pocatku.
At uz mate priority stejne ci odlisne, je treba o investicich do vaseho domova hodne premyslet, aby vam nove veci proste vyhovovaly.
Love Glamazon xoxo