Category Archives: Lifestyle

Merry Christmas Everyone

You cannot beat the atmosphere of Christmas and it is truly the most wonderful time of the year. This year I am somewhere warm so wanted share the Christmas I know with you via these gorgeous pictures.

I wish you lovely holiday and lots of love.

Myslim, ze Vanocni atmosfera je neprekonatelna. Vanoce jsou pro me nejkrasnejsim obdobim v celem roce. Tentokrat jsem se vydala do exotiky a uz ted vim, ze mi klasicke Vanoce budou chybet. A tak chci sdilet alespon tyhle krasne fotografie a poprat vam vsem krasne proziti svatku.

Love Glamazon xoxo


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Home Decor

I can spend days searching lovely images on pinterest (you can follow me evaglamazon). One of my favourite boards is definitely home decor.
Creating cosy home with small touches like candles, throws or cushions can be fun.
I put together some great products and inspiration for you. These lovely items are not only for yourself but surely would make a great present for others.

And it is truly great to make your home cosy. This is the best time of the year when you appreciate it. Christmas is all about warmth and comfort of your own houses.

Dokazu travit hodiny brouzdanim na pinterestu (najdete me pod evaglamazon) a hledanim inspirace. Jedna z mych oblibenych nastenek je urcite vybaveni domu.
Strasne rada menim doplnky ve svem byte, protoze prave tyhle drobnosti jako svicny, polstare, deky dokazou zmenit tvar vaseho domova.
A tak jsem dala dohromady mensi inspiraci. Hodi se jak pro vas tak pro druhe jako darek.

A hlavne ted o Vanocich jsem rada, ze se muzu uvelebit na pohovce a uzivat si teplo domova.

Love Glamazon xoxo

Life: Mornings in Paris

6 My last trip to Paris was typical girly weekend and unlike during Fashion Week I actually had lot of time to enjoy myself and have lazy mornings in bed. I stayed again in a lovely boutique hotel near Arch de Triomphe – Monhotel.

It is a real luxury for me to spend mornings like this. When I  wake up I start with cup of coffee in the bed and do a bit  of blogging, reading and just relaxing. And I actually can afford to have a bath without feeling stressed and thinking about my agenda. I cannot express how much this means to me as I am always on the go.

And hotel breakfasts are one of my favourite things in the world. I wont lie…I always eat way too much as I  feel I need to try everything. However, it is holidays after all so why the hell not? Mornings like this are the best moments and I wish I could have this more often.

I would love to hear from you about your mornings when you are away?

Pri me posledni navsteve Parize jsem narozdil od Fashion Weeku nemusela nikam spechat. Byl to takovy skvely holcci vikend a uplne nejvic jsem si uzivala rana. To je pro me luxus. Opet jsem se ubytovala v butikovem hotelu Monhotel, ktery je kousek od Arch de Triomphe.  Misto toho abych spechala jsem si kazde rano udelala kavu a stravila alespon hodinu v posteli. Cetla jsem si casopis nebo blogovala a uzivala si ten pocit, ze nemusim nikam spechat.

A dalsim luxusem je pro me moznost si dat velkou vanu plnou bublin s tim pocitem, ze nemam pred sebou kopu prace nebo dalsi schuzku. Opravdu silene relaxujici moment. A obcas si ve svem uspechanem zivote preju tohle mit alespon trikrat tydne. Budu skromna…haha

A samozrejme jak vite, tak hotelove snidane si uzivam na maximum. Priznavam se, ze tim, ze chci vzdy zkusit vsechno se vzdy prejidam, ale kde jinde bych to mela delat nez na dovolene, nemyslite?

A jak prozivate rana vy, kdyz jste na vylete ci dovolene? 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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L’Oiseau Blanc

It would not be a proper girly weekend in Paris without a good dinner, champagne and super chic setting. On Friday we put on our highest heels, curled our locks and headed to an amazing restaurant L’Oiseau Blanc.  

Situated at the rooftop of The Peninsula hotel we knew we were going to get top class views. And a spot like this deserves a good outfit right? I put on my favourite Temperley dress and Christina opted for sparkles and sky high heels. And dressed like this I already had a feeling that we were going to have the best time.

The menu changes all the time so we knew we were going to be surprised with the latest dishes on offer. I went for scallops (the mushroom sauce with it was everything), lamb as a main and same dessert as Christina. And that dessert could not be any “sweeter”. The wings were definitely my favourite part! The chef Sidney Redel deserves lot of praise.

The theme of the restaurant really goes all the way. Whether you are looking at your plate or around and even in the bathroom. This is what I call clever design.

We had a truly great time and the staff was so professional. It was hard to leave when you can sip delicious red wine, chat and look at the Eiffel tower. However, all the things come to an end so we left with satisfied taste buds and still so much to talk about.

And I cannot forget the live proposal we saw in the restaurant. The good news is she said Yes.

Thank you Paris and L’Oiseau Blanc for a fantastic evening. 

To by nebyla ani poradna damska jizda, kdybychom si v Parizi nezasli na dobrou veceri a sampanske a samozrejme s vyhledem na Eifelovku. V patek vecer jsem se vydala s kamaradkou do L’Oiseau Blanc. A takove misto vyzaduje i spravy outfit. Ja jsem si dala starsi, ale velmi oblibene saty Temperley a Christina se rozhodla pro trpytive saty a vysokanske podpatky (nechapu jak to ta holka dela v nich chodit).

Menu jez restaurace nabizi se neustale meni, takze vyber jidla byl do poslednich chvile prekvapeni. Vetsinou se podivam na menu online nez jdu do restaurace, ale tady to zkratka nejde. O to mam ale vetsi zazitek, bavi me sezonni menu a je u nich jistejsi, ze jidla jsou pripraveny s cerstvych potravin. Vybrala jsem si musle jako predkrm a jehneci jako hlavni chod. A desert jsem mela stejny jako Christina. Strasne rada bych vam rekla nazev, ale byl hrozne dlouhy a opravdu si to nepamatuju. Vypada ale vyborne, nemyslite? 

A nelepsi bylo, ze jsem videla zadost o roku v primem prenosu. Myslim, ze mladik si nemohl vybrat lepsi misto a navic rekla Ano. Krasny vecer v Parizi jak ma byt! 

Love Glamazon xoxo
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