Category Archives: Lifestyle

Tourist in Hamburg

Wearing: Zara Jeans and Blazer, Celine Sunglasses, Gap Shirt and Louis Vuitton Bag and Asos Earrings

I am just back from a long weekend in Hamburg and it was beautiful. As always I wanted to expore a bit around the city and enjoy the local food (so diet move over please).
When I go away for a long weekend I usually pack into my hand luggage so I normally wear basic pieces that are easy to combine and practical shoes and bag. That would explain white shirts and plain tops you normally see. I will definitely share more with you from this lovely weekend and want to let you know that I am almost ready for another weekend away so glamazon travels continues.

Have a fantastic Monday my dears!

Prave jsem se vratila z prodlouzeneho vikendu v Hamburgu. Ti co sleduji instagram to uz asi vi a taky uz jste urcite videli par fotografii. Jako vzdy jsem chtela videt trosku z mesta a taky si uzit dobre jidlo (takze opet zadna dietka).
Kdyz se cystam na prodlouzeny vikend, tak se vetsinou balim do prirucniho zavazadla a balim si jednoduche a prakticke a kombinovatelne veci, takze na me vetsinou uvidite zakladni barvy a praktickou kabelku. Zadne zazraky necekejte.

Pomalu uz se chystam na dalsi prodlouzeny vikend, takze Glamazon na cestach ma pokracovani.

Preji vsem krasne pondeli.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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Rachel Zoe – Living in Style

Well, I hope most of you know Rachel Zoe. I am confident that fashion lovers will know her well. I watched all series of her show and I love it and I sometimes watch it again. She has got great style, is an icon in a fashion world and she is sooo funny. I litteraly laugh at her humour.
What I love about her she reminds me of myself in a lot of ways. She is very organised and active, she does not waste a minute of her time and she constantly complaints she is busy but at the same time she wants to do it. Well, that is ME. Always on the go and doing more things to move forward. (I would just say she looks a bit better when she does it. LOL)
When I ordered her latest book Living in Style I could not wait to read it and I must say I was not dissapointed.

Rachel is fantastic, honestly. She gave me so many ideas and tips. I do not want to give you too many hints as you should read it yourself but I must say just by reading it I feel more glamorous. I love that feeling and I have the same opinion about so many things in fashion. However, the number one I want to share with you as the fact she respects other people’s style. And I am so with her on this. It does not mean that when I wear a different style it is bad. We need to stay ourselves and follow our inner feelings in order to dress well. The best suggestions she gave was to create a list with pictures of women whos style you like and find things you like. This is how you can find out what you actually and truly love and identify your style. So ladies, let’s do this and finally find ourselves and stay glam!

Pokud mate opravdu radi modu, asi budete znat jmeno Rachel Zoe. Ja ji miluju a sledovala jsem vsechny episody jeji show. Prislo mi, ze ten jeji zivot s ni uplne prozivam (nechci znit fanaticky, ale je to tak). Prijde mi, ze je neskutecne vtipna a vubec cely jeji pristup k mode je neskutecny. Ja mam proste rada lidi, kteri si dokazi vybudovat skvelou karieru a pokud jsou to zeny, tak mi to imponuje jeste vice. Pred Rachel vylozene smekam klobouk, protoze je presne idealem, kdy zvladla vybudovat modni imperium a jeste stihla i rodinu.

Kdyz jsem si nedavno objednala jeji posledni knihu Living in Style, tak jsem nedockave vyhlizela balicek z Amazonu. Rachel mi v hodne vecech pripomina sebe samou. Ja jsem docela aktivni clovek, porad neco vymyslim a planuju a muj zivot je o dobrem planovani, protoze chci vsechno stihnout. A taky porad nadavam kolik toho mam, ale pritom me to bavi a clovek si proste takovy zivot sam vytvari. A to presne je Rachel. Pokud jeji show znate, tak vite o cem mluvim. Jeji dramaticke momenty, kdy musi do druheho dne byt na druhe strane sveta a zaroven stylovat nekoho v LA jsou fakt zabavne.

Knizka me hrozne dostala a je v ni spousta skvelych tipu. Uz jenom kdyz ji ctu, tak mam pocit, ze muj zivot je vice glamorous. Miluju presne ty drobne tipy, ktere ctenarum dava. Nekdy staci jenom cervena rtenka a je to. A nejvice me nadchnul tip na to jak najit vlastni styl. Sestavit si seznam lidi, jejichz styl se vam libi a najit kousky a samy sebe prave podle nich. Je opravdu dulezite naslouchat sam sobe a ne si koupit neco, pokud si nejste jisti. Je dobre riskovat, ale pouze ze spravnych duvodu. A je jedna vec ve ktere s ni naplno souhlasim a to je, ze je treba respektovat jine styly. Jiny styl neznamena spatny. Nechci uz prozrazovat vice a urcite si knihu prectete. Preji hodne zdaru s hledanim sveho stylu a skveleho pocitu.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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Prague Voyeur Emil Hakl


When I got a text message from lovely friend Veronika that she is coming to London with her boyfriend I got excited. You may know her from some of my previous posts (here, here and here) and you may remember she works as a model and has worked for Celine for number of seasons. I got excited not only that I will see her as she no longer lives in London but especially as they invited me to her boyfriend’s performance called Listovani. You probably realised by now that her boyfriend is an actor.

It is a very exciting project that he took on with his colleagues and they perform certain parts of various books on the stage. Three actors does not seem enough but I am telling your right now they do it so well. They went for the book written by Emil Hakl – Prague Voyeur and I am honestly saying the truth. It was amazing, it captured the mood of the 90’s where the plot was set and it was absolutely hilarious. Good acting is a real talent to have. I guess it must be very hard to pick the “right parts” but to me it all made sense. It was witty and captivating. There were some English speakers in the audience but no worries as the performance was accompanied by subtitles. I loved every single bit of it and thank you guys for inviting me.

Kdyz mi minuly tyden prisla smska od kamaradky Verce, ze prijede do na par dni do Londyna, tak jsem jasala. Urcite si ji mozna pamatuje z mych predchozi postu (tady, tady a tady). Veronika pracuje jako modelka a nekolik let pracovala pro popularni modni dum Celine. Ano vsichni jsme tenkrat ochali nad jeji sbirkou satu, botu a kabelek. A predstavte si, ze se tu ukaze na 48 hodin a zase dostala nove sako! Jak to ta holka jenom dela. Hmm.

Jenomze ja mela z smsky radost dvounasobnou, protoze Verca prijela se svym pritelem kvuli predstaveni, ktere se rozhodli predstavit v Londyne. Pro ty co to nevi,tak Vercin pritel je herec a momentalne pracuje se svymi kolegy na skvelem projektu Listovani. No a opravdu vam nelzu bylo to uzasne. Na predstaveni v Londyne si vybrali knihu od Emila Hakla – Intimni Stranka Sabriny B. A budu si ji ted asi muset precist. Lukas, Vera a Pavel proste dokonale vystihli naladu knizky a zpracovani bylo vyborne. A predstavte si, ze nechybely ani titulky pro Anglicky mluvici obecenstvo!

Sedla jsem si do prvni rady a myslim, ze si asi vsichni rikali, co se ta zenska rehta na cele kolo. Ale proste to neslo. Tohle scenicke cteni bylo vtipne, poutave a zabavne. Urcite bych sla na Listovani znovu a jsem rada, ze jsem sla a ze jsem je oba videla.

A co vy? Nechystate se na Listovani? Nebo uz jste mozna byli?

Love Glamazon xoxo

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First BBQ of the season

Wearing: Asos Shirt and Celine Sunglasses, Kat is wearing Tom Ford Sunglasses and Zara Dress

Yes, we did it. First BBQ of the season and it was fantastic. It may be crazy for some people that as soon as the bar hits 17 degrees we take the barbeque out however you have to enjoy every bit of sun in London.

I would describe Saturday as the perfect afternoon outside. We had the best steak you can get in Notting Hill or te be more precise in London, we had gorgeous sausages and the best part was that gorgeous mouthwatering Haddock. And you cannot have a perfect afternoon without a great bubbles. We went for a tasty Crémant de Limoux ‘Les Graimenous Brut’ 2011 and it complimented the food in the best possible way. Delicious dry vintage wine complimented by strawberries and great food. Oh, life you are sweet! We talked, we laughed and we ate so much that I could not move properly for few hours after that. I totally forgot in that eating maddness I said I was going to be good with food.

Well, life is too short to be on a diet, right?!

A je to za nama. Prvni grilovani sezony a bylo to uzasne, stejne jako kazda barbecue. Mozna si poklepete na celo, ale Londynane proste vyuziji kazdeho slunecniho paprsku a neni nic lepsiho nez sedet na zahrade, popijet dobre vino a jist dobre jidlo.

Sobota byla uzasna. Dali jsme si nejlepsi steak, ktery je k dostani v Notting Hill nebo abych byla presna, mozna i v celem Londyne. Nechybely ani dobre grilovaci klobasy a uplne nejlepsi byla grilovana treska. Popijeli jsme vynikajici Crémant de Limoux ‘Les Graimenous Brut’ 2011 a clovek se citil pomalu jako v nebi. Co vic si prat, ze? Jedla jsem tak, ze jsem ke konci malem praskla a uplne jsem zapomela na to, ze jsem vlastne chtela jist zdrave a lehce. No pokud nepocitam ten dort na zaver ,tak to nebylo az strasne. Kvalitni maso a ryba a hodne zeleniny.

A navic zivot je kratky, tak by se mel uzivat ne?!

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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