May 2020 be the best year yet

Wearing: Bag: Fendi, Earrings: Missoma, Top: River Island, Trousers: Zara, Coat: H&M, Boots: River Island 

Here we are again we are closing the door behind another year and this time even another decade. It sounds quite scary to think that. I usually write about things I have achieved but to be frank this time I can do the summary just for myself. Instagram is flooded with Instagram stories of each blogger sharing what they have achieved and I am all up for celebrating success. However, I feel like it can give you more if you sit down and write down everything you are proud of just for yourself. It helps you with positive start and realise that you are GOOD ENOUGH.

The only few things I will mention is that I loved spending time with my son Liam, I started to write for ELLE and the book I have contributed to was published. So I can finally say I am a writer too although my other book is still in the process. Strangely at start of the year I had no idea about number two and three and see what life can throw your way.

2019 for me was a year of searching, learning and thinking. I really want to focus 2020 more on me, feelings, dreams but still give plenty of time to my family. I want to chose well what I spend my time on and who with. I want to surround myself with the people that inspire me, love me and I love them and give me joy. I want to spend time on activities that I love and make me feel good. And I mainly I want to be myself. I am so tired of all these profiles and people on social media that are not themselves. You have to own who you are, be true to yourself and that is what matters.

So may 2020 be the best year yet for all of us.

A je to tady. Zavirame dvere za dalsim rokem a tentokrat nechci clanek jako predchozi leta, kdy jsem shrnula, co mi rok prinesl. Tentokrat si sve uspechy a radosti sepisu sama pro sebe. Uz jenom z toho duvodu, ze kazdy bloger na Instagramu ma desitky stories, kde oslavuje sve uspechy. A to je v poradku, ale mam pocit, ze socialni online svet je v tyto dny zaplaveny a ze opravdu staci si v tichosti sepsat, co nam radostneho predchozi rok prinesl. A to udelam i ja. Pomuze nam to vstoupit pozitivne do dalsiho roku a desetileti. 

Jedine tri veci ktere zminim jsou, ze jsem milovala kazdicky moment s Liamem, ze me bavi pozorovat jak se meni, roste a jak nam dokaze vykouzlit usmev na rtech i v ty pochmurnejsi dny. Dalsi veci ktere zminim jsou, ze jsem zacala psat pro digitalni verzi Ceske ELLE a take jsem se stala spoluautorkou teto knihy. Tyto dve veci by me na zacatku roku 2019 ani ve snu nenapadly. A podivejte, co zivot dokaze cloveku hodit pod nohy. 

2019 byl rok, kdy jsem hodne premyslela, analyzovala, cetla motivacni knihy a hledala to, co me naplni. Snazila jsem se najit odpoved na to, zda jsem na spravne ceste, hodne meditovala a kladla si hodne otazek. A zjistila jsem jednu vec, ze chci v zivote mit ty lidi, kteri me posouvaji dal, maji me radi a ja mam rada je, inspiruji me a davaji mi neco pozitivniho. Chci dal pracovat na svych snech, ale chci take travit kvalitni cas se svou rodinou. Chci rozdavat radost, inspirovat a byt proste stastna. A hlavne chci byt sama sebou. Uz jsem unavena ze vsech tech profilu a lidi na socialnich mediich, co maji nasazenou masku, neukazuji svou pravou tvar a statisice lidi jim to vlastne veri. Chci byt sama sebou a byt na to pysna.

A Vam preju, at je rok 2020 ten nejlepsi. 



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