Rose Youth Elixir by Gentle & Rose/New Routine

As you know me I am always trying out new products and experimenting. During pregnancy and now breastfeeding I have been avoiding retinol as it is simply not safe for the baby and during pregnancy can affect negatively baby’s development.

However I am always on a lookout for Retinol alternative that are safe and deliver great skin. I have recently included several products from Gentle and Rose to my skincare routine and one of my favourite products is more kind and natural retinol alternative Rose Youth Elixir. In general serums and extra skin products are one of my favourite to use especially if they have a soft and silky consistency that give my skin light feel and softer texture. The youth elixir is for people like myself that are trying to find solution for wrinkles, fine lines, discolouration, saggy skin and tired looking skin. And I have been really loving using it and seeing the results. My skin has been looking very tired, lacking glow which is definitely affected by lack of sleep with a newborn and also in general due to getting older. Using the youth elixir I noticed more natural glow to the skin. Even after applying you see beautiful reflection. The makeup sits very well after using it but your skin looks much more even and glowy without any foundation.

One of the best things about the elixir is that it is 99,8 % natural. It contains my favourite hyaluronic acid, rosa damascena and also bakuchiol. This is a great combination of hydration and natural retinol alternative.

I also have to mention the packaging of this product. The bottles are very elegant and chic. The serum has a very handy applicator that helps you apply product directly on the skin. They look great on a dressing table or bathroom shelve.

Jak asi vite, rada zkousim nove kosmeticke produkty a myslim, ze je celkove dobre plet trenovat. Behem tehotenstvi a ted pri kojeni se vyhybam retinolu, ktery muze ovlivnit vyvoj dite.

A tak stale hledam nove alternativy retinolu, ktere mohu pouzivat a ktere mi dodaji hezkou texturu pleti. V poslednich par tydnech jsou zkousela nekolik produktu od Gentle & Rose a musim rict, ze Rose Youth Elixir je z nich asi ten nejoblibenejsi. Obecne rada pouzivam sera. Toto se zameruje na vrasky, hyperpigmentaci a unavenou a povolenou pokozku. Jiz za par tydnu jsem moc spokojena s vysledky. Serum krasne plet rozzari a to je hodne potreba po prerusovanem spanku, ktery je u maminek na dennim poradku. Jedna z nejlepsich veci na tomto produktu je, ze je prirodni z 99,8 % a obsahuje kyselinu hyaluronovou, ruzi z Damasku a bakuchiol.

Libi se mi take velmi sik baleni, ktere vypada vyborne jak v koupelne tak na kosmetickem stolku. Elixir ma skvely aplikator, kterym nanesete par kapek primo na plet a muzete vmasirovat produkt do pokozky.

Je to opravdu prijemny produkt, ktery dodava pleti zar a hydrataci.


Paid partnership with Gentle & Rose

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