Sunny Garden

What a gorgeous sunny morning! Going for brunch on a day like this is honestly a big pleasure. I am wearing a new chunky knit and it made me thinking how beautiful are just simple classic things.
I read this article the other day about bloggers and fashionista that are trying to get an attention with crazy outfit that are not even nice anymore. How they were ridiculous combinations to become the IT people and if you look at gorgeous simple timeless things you realise you do not need all that all.

Dnesni rano bylo nadherne. V takove dny chodim rada na brunch a uzivam si to na maximum, jeste kdyz se donutim jit si trochu zabehat, ze si tu velkou porci nemusim tak vycitat. Kdyz tak koukam na tyhle fotky, uplne jsem se zamilovala do tohoto noveho svetru a premyslim o tom, ze jednoduche a nadcasove veci jsou proste nejlepsi.
Nedavno jsem narazila na clanek o blogerech, kteri behem tydnu mody nosi nenositelne a kycovite kombinace ve snaze upoutat pozornost. A rikam si, ze by se cely blogersky svet mel asi probrat, protoze blogu uz je tolik, ze je tezke upoutat a noseni silenych kombinaci, ktere uz ani nejsou pekne asi nebude ta prava cesta k uspechu. Vzdyt prece v jednoduchosti je krasa ne?

Love Glamazon xoxo

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Wearing: Zara Leather Pants, Aldo Shoes, Atmosphere Jumper, Marc Jacobs Clutch, Hat via TkMaxx

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