I am enjoying my stay in Czech so much that I decided to extend the stay for another two weeks. Yay. That is unheard of LOL. However, summer here is just on another level. Firstly my best friend is staying here too so I have the best company ever and secondly everything we do reminds me of my childhood. Whether it is just getting fresh cucumbers from the garden or the apricots harvest…it is all so simple yet so lovely. We have bbq each evening and I am seriously loving the life right now.
Everything in the countryside is just so much slower than London and even I get to wear even simple clothes like shorts and t-shirts I still love to glam up in a dress like this.
So life is great and we are happy. I hope you are having the best summer too.
Ja si ten pobyt na Morave tak uzivam, ze jsem si zmenila letenky a poletim zpet az za dva tydny. To by clovek necekal co? Ale kdyz to leto v Cesku je tak super. Za prve moje kamaradka Iva je tady taky a za druhe vse co delame mi pripomina detstvi. Uz jenom to, ze si jdete kazdy den utrhnout okurky do zahrady, nebo posbirat merunky nebo prochazite prirodou a kolem baliky slamy. Je to fakt krasa. A taky si kazdy den grilujeme, sedime venku na zahrade.
A prakticky se vubec nelicim, coz uvidite v mem vlogu, ktery ted striham. Pro jistotu se prihlaste k odberu tady, at vam neunikne. No a taky je skvele, ze si chodim oblecena zcela obycejne po vetsinu casu. I kdyz na takoveto krasne saty si urcite cas udelam kdekoli LOL.
I will never forget my first Ermanno Scervino show during Milan Fashion Week. It was mind blowing, the dresses, the models, the vibe and the front row crowd. I loved every single moment and it was my favourite show of that week. And since then I really fell in love with the brand and their direction.
So when I saw this tunic I fell in love. I adore its blue colour, the sleeves and it is so timeless and so perfect for days and evening at the seaside. It really is a stunning piece.
Who wouldn’t love to stroll well dressed in a lovely seaside town and just to watch the world go by:)
Nikdy nezapomenu na svou prvni show Ermanno Scervino behem Milanskeho tydne mody. Bylo to dech berouci od satu, pres molo az po osobnosti sedici v prvni rade. V ten moment jsem si jejich veci zamilovala a mam moc rada jejich celkovy styl a proud, kterym jejich znacka miri.
A kdyz jsem uvidela tuto tuniku, zamilovala jsem. Ma nadhernou modrou barvu, prekrasne detaily na rukavu a je urcite i nadcasova. Myslim, ze je to kousek na nekolik sezon a hodi se jak na den tak na vecer. Diky sve kvalite si ji urcite muzete dat i do restaurace nekde na promenade a vychutnat si v ni treba sklenicku vina ci veceri.
No komu by se nelibilo si uzivat prochazku u more v krasnem obleceni a jenom tak pozorovat sve jak plyne kolem.
Chloe is a brand that has always been close to my heart. They work with beautiful fabrics, create stunning boho pieces as well as chic clothing and have a strong presence amongst A-listers. I owe three Chloe bags and wanted to share with you my latest obsession. I have been eyeing these oversized round sunglasses for a while. Chloe Carlina is an absolutely stunning model of sunnies that are going to stay around for a while. I love the simplistic light lenses and the chic effect they have on each outfit. And they really evoke 70’s fashion which is one of my favourite fashion eras.
Anyway as you can see they work well with more tailored outfit as well. One would expect me to style them with gorgeous floaty dresses and white lace however I feel they are quite versatile. And although you may say there is now huge trend of micro sunglasses I feel this model is going strong and will stay around as an ultimate classic piece.
I am sure I am taking these with me on holidays in Montenegro. The rustic Montenegro villages will go hand in hand with my Chloe sunnies :)
Chloe je znacka, ktera mi byla vzdy blizka. Mam od nich tri kabelky a jejich navrhy jsou muj salek caje. Je to znacka, ktera tvori nadherne kolekce casto s nadechem boho, ale i sik kousky. My poslednim ulovkem jsou tyhle bryle, ktere jsou ted momentalne ve sleve. Uz jsem si je zkousela loni na letisti a nemohla jsem se rozhodnout a tentokrat jsem konecne udelala rozhodnuti, ze musi byt moje. Prestoze momentalni trend jsou spise micro bryle, tak mam pocit, ze tyhle velke bryle jsou a budou takovou tou stalou klasikou.
Hrozne me na nich velikost a take jen jemne zabarvene skla. Evokuji ve me 70. leta, coz je jedna z mych nejoblibenjsich er, co se mody tyce. Jak vidite, pusobi hezky i s elegantnejsim outfit, i kdyz si je vetsina z vas predstavuje asi s maxi saty. Urcite je na me uvidite casto a ti co me sledujete na Instagramu (evglamazon) vite, ze jsem je mela na sobe ted prakticky kazdy den.
A musi se mnou jet i na dovolenou do Cerne Hory :)
Instagram is a platform that most people love and where lot of people look for inspiration including me. I can openly say that I rarely look how I would style things in magazines. I go online and social platforms to look for the best places to eat, trending items, travel destinations and pretty much everything else.
Interestingly although so many people use Instagram including my friends I get to ask often what is that Liketoknowit and what is that little heart in the circle on my photographs. Well Liketoknowit is an app that is part of Reward style. Reward style is one of the largest affiliate networks that gathers influencers and enables us to get a tiny commission if we influence a sale of a product. Trust me the price of the item we are wearing or promoting does not change. So you are not affected. In my opinion if I find something I love thanks to other influencer I am absolutely up for giving them a small reward (and plus it does not come out of your pocket anyway). That is called business. I may have not found the item at all so it is perfectly fine.
If you want to know what I am wearing on my Instagram pictures or are curious about other influencers you can usually tell either by hashtags or the little heart in a circle on the pictures. That means that the influencer is using Liketoknowit. You can simply download liketoknowit app and follow me there (evglamazon) and every time you like my outfit or certain item just take a screenshot of the Instagram image. You can go back to it anytime and save time asking over and over again where is the skirt from, what lipstick are you wearing etc.
You save so much time and energy by one download and by following your favourite people on the Liketoknowit app.
So happy shopping!!
Instagram je aplikace, kterou spousta lidi miluje a hleda v ni inspiraci a to vcetne me. Muzu vam otevrene rict, ze uz se temer vubec nedivam na to jak nastylovat obleceni a na novinky v mode a kosmetice v casopisech. Na Instagramu vyhledavam zajimava mista, dobre restaurace, trendy, typy na styling, kosmetiku a taky destinace na dovolenou.
A prestoze tolik lidi Instagram pouziva, tak i moji pratele se obcas zeptaji, co je to to Liketoknowit a jak to funguje a taky co je to male srdicko v kolecku, ktere mam tak casto na fotografiich. Liketoknowit je system a aplikace, ktera spada pod tzv. Reward style, coz je affiliate platforma. Reward style shromazduje influencery a diky nim pokazde, kdyz influenceri ovlivni prodej urciteho produktu, ziskavaji influenceri maly podil z prodeje. Opravdu se jedna o par korun za produkt, takze takove ty obavy jak nekteri maji, ze kdo vi kolik jim za to tricko da ci neda, mit clovek nemusi. Pokud to teda nekoho trapi. Cena produktu se pro nakupujiciho vubec nemeni. To male procento, ktere influencer dostane jde z kapsy firmy, ktera produkt prodava. Ja osobne jsem stastna, kdyz diky nekomu objevim neco super, takze to, ze mu firma zaplati par korun z toho, ze me ovlivnil v nakupu je v naprostem poradku.
A jak tedy na to? Pokud pouzivate Instagram a chcete vedet co mam ja, ci jini blogeri na fotografiich, tak je to zcela jednoduche. Fotografie oznacene v rohu dole malym srdickem v kolecku jenom znaci, ze influencer pouziva Liketoknowit a ze se muzete dozvedet, kde dane produkty koupit. Takze si muzete stahnout na mobilu aplikaci Liketoknowit a pokazde, kdyz se vam nejaky outfit libi udelat screenshot dane fotografie. V aplikaci liketoknowit staci sledovat influencera, v mem pripade me najdete jako evglamazon a u kazde fotky z instagramu vzdy najdete i linky na jednotlive produkty.
Je to opravdu jednoduche, rychle a prakticke. Sledovatele pak nemusi psat v komentarich odkud je ta sukne, odkud je kabelka atd. Tyhle dotazy a komenty jsou casto prehlednutelne a navic diky jednomu stahnuti aplikace si muzete uz navzdy usetrit cas a uz se nemusite ptat se vsech vasich oblibencu odkud jsou jednotlive produkty.