Tag Archives: Manolo Blahnik

Outfit: Things are getting busy

Wearing: Trousers: Revolve, Shoes: Manolo Blahnik, Bag: Chanel, Sunglasses: Celine, Top: Revolve

Today I said I will listen to my body and rest. I wanted to relax, drink tea, spend time with my little Liam and whilst he is sleeping again (although I meditated)I struggled to sleep and started to edit, answer emails and you know…

Time is going so fast and everything I start to plan content for the next few weeks and there are two things coming up and that is Black Friday and Christmas. How is it even possible everything comes around so quickly? I will be going to Czech to spend some time with my family in November and that means even more thorough planning so you can imagine my mind is about to explode. LOL

I am trying to prepare content in advance, keep writing my book and keep filming vlogs as a part of Vlogtober so lot of things going on. And on the top of it there are some amazing events going on which you always see on my channel so make sure to subscribe not to miss out on anything. I will be organising amazing Charlotte Tilbury calendar giveaway soon so if you subscribe you know you have a chance to participate.

Dneska jsem si rikala, ze budu brat veci s lehkosti, odpocivat, popijet caj a proste relaxovat s Liamkem. A ted kdyz si spi a ja si dala kratsi meditaci (bylo to treba), tak misto toho abych spala, jsem zacala editovat fotografie, psat, odpovidat na emaily a vsak to znate. Proste mi to neda.

Cas bezi tak rychle a co se tyce prace tak uz mi v hlave a taky v emailech porad naskakuje Black Friday a Vanoce. A pred Vanoci je to v blogovani vzdy frmol, coz mozna vite. Vzhledem k tomu, ze se chystam v Listopadu do CR musim maknout jeste vice, protoze si musim veci lepe naplanovat a to zabere jeste vice casu a energie. Zkratka planovat predem neni zadna sranda a do toho jakoby se pytel roztrhl s uzasnyma akcema. Vse se snazim dokumentovat ve vlozich v ramci vlogtober, takze pokud jste nejste prihlaseni k odberu, urcite to udelejte. Budu totiz poradat giveaway o tento uzasny adventni kalendar Charlotte Tilbury. 

A v neposledni rade jsem vas chtela znovu poprosit o hlasy v Czech social Awards, kde jsem nominovana ve dvou kategoriich a hlasovat muzete tady. Dekuju. 

Love Glamazon xoxo

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Outfit: Revolve Around The World

Wearing: Shoes: Manolo Blahnik, Top: Revolve, Trousers: Revolve, Bag: Chanel, Sunglasses: Pretty Little Thing

Revolve is one cool, fun and great brand bringing the best to its fan and buyers. And when it comes to influencers they really do go and create dreamy trips, fabulous events and just do the best they can for their ambassadors. I was so happy to be part of their London fun few weeks ago so if you have not seen the video from the party have a look.

And this look only shows how chic the Revolve brands can be too. I am totally loving the top and the trousers as they are both so versatile and I know I will get a lot wear out of them.

And the best news is that it is now much easier to shop at Revolve if you are in UK so do not hesitate and sort out that summer wardrobe right away.

Revolve je skvela znacka, ktera prinasi porad nove a nove uzasne modely a nakupovat na jejich e-shopu je proste radost. A co se tyce jejich spolupraci s influencery tak do toho opravdu davaji maximum. Jejich press tripy i akce jsou jako ze sna a jejich PR tym proste maka jako blazen a to je posouva dal a dal. Pokud jste nevideli moje video z Londynske party, tak se urcite podivejte tady.

Tento outfit je jenom dukazem, ze representuji skvele znacky, ktere vytvari krasne kousky. Ja jsem se tentorkat rozhodla pro docela nadcasovou klasiku, protoze vim, ze jak tyhle kalhoty, tak i top urcite vynosim. 

A navic pro vsechny v Britanii je ted mnohem jednodussi nakupovat na jejich e-shopu. Nejsem si jista, zda to same plati pro CR, ale urcite se podivejte. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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Outfit: Suited

Wearing: Bag: Staud, Shorts: Storets, Blazer: Storets, T-shirt: River Island, Sunglasses: Le Specs, Necklace: Pandora, Shoes: Manolo Blahnik

There are times when people are not sure what to wear in the city on a hotter day. Some women just feel that floaty dresses may be too much whilst other want to look nice and still have that sophisticated look.

I have an answer for all of you and that is a suit like this. Throw on a pair of smart shorts with interesting blazer and you are ready to go. I am confident this would be great outfit for many occasions whether that is more or less formal event.

So put on that new cute suit and rock it down the street in your favourite city.

Mozna se obcas stava, ze damy zijici ve meste se nemuzou rozhodnout co na sebe, kdyz je teplo a presto chteji vypadat elegantne. Nekdo zkratka neni na rozevlate sate ve meste, ale spousta z nich chce vypadat sofistikovane a elegantne. Ja mam reseni a to takovyto oblek, ktery ma misto kalhot kratasy.

Jsem z tohoto kompletu nadsena a myslim, ze se hodi na spoustu prilezitosti. Kazdopadne vzdy dostanu nespocet komplimentu a moc rada tuto kombinaci nosim.

Takze se niceho nebojte, najdete si svuj vysneni oblek a noste ho hrde a s usmevem.

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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Outfit: Lace Self-Portrait Dress

Wearing: Dress: Self-Portrait via LuisaviaRoma, Shoes: Manolo Blahnik via LuisaviaRoma, Sunglasses: Chloe, Bag: Cult Gaia

I do not think I met many people that would say they do not like Self-Portrait. Honestly this brand does make so many stunning designs and they are so consistent and hardly making it wrong.

I am totally loving this white dress and it is currently on alongside some other amazing pieces from this brand. So get yourself some beautiful bargain as well.

I am currently almost finished packing for our holidays and to be quite frank I cannot wait to get a bit of sunshine lot of good food and relax. Although, it may not be that relaxing with the little one. LOL

Myslim, ze neznam cloveka, ktery by rekl, ze Self-Potrait stoji za starou belu. Opravdu tato znacka proste dela krasne kousky obleceni a hlavne kazdou sezonu. Pokazde se muzete tesit na zajimave kousky, krasne zpracovane a kvalitne usite kolekce. 

Tyhle saty jsou momentalne ve sleve a je to opravdu prekrasny model. Na leto jsou jako delane, krajka nema chybu a jsou vysoce kvalitni. 

Ja momentalne dobaluju poslednich par veci na dovolenou a nemuzu se dockat trosku slunicka a klidu. I kdyz teda nevim nevim s tim nasim malym prckem. To moc klidu asi cekat nemuzu. LOL 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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