Wearing: Bag: Valentino, Shoes: Valentino, Jeans: Zara, Jacket: Shein, Sunglasses: Rayban, T-shirt: Gap
Blazers have always been a big part of my wardrobe. They can change any outfit within a second. This time I opted for a slightly different design. You may have seen this blazer in a different outfit.
When the weather gets warmer it is my go to thing and I start to become a bit of a blazer addict. Not that I would have huge collection of blazers but I think that women should have nice blazers at least in basic colours like black, nude, white or navy blue. At the moment I am really thinking about purchasing a classic Balmain blazer but still not sure. The price isn’t that easy to justify so lets see.
And definitely let me know what is on your wish list these days?
Saka vzdy mely cestne misto v mem satniku. Je to urcite jeden ze zakladnich kousku satniku a dokazou zmenit outfit behem vteriny. Tentokrat jsem zvolila trosku vyraznejsi design, ktery jste mohli videt v predchozim postu.
S prichodem teplejsiho pocasi se ze me stava trosku zavislak a mam chut si porad kupovat nova a nova saka, ktere stejne nemam moznost vynosit. LOL Ale zakladni barvy jako cerna, namornicka modra, bila ci kremova se vzdy hodi a je dobre par hezkych sacek v satniku mit. Momentalne jsem zamilovana do sak Balmain a prestoze jsou opravdu drahe, myslim, ze by to byla dobra investice. No uvidime.
Muj whishlist je jako vzdy nekonecny.
A co vy? Co je na vasem wishlistu?
Love Glamazon xoxo
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