Category Archives: Inspiration

Outfit: When something bad can lead to something good!!

Outfit: Shoes: Balenciaga, Blazer: Zara, T:shirt: Zara, Bag: Chanel, Sunglasses: Celine

You know those days when something bad happen and it does not have to be something awful but maybe you miss a train or your friend cancels on you again! Well, sometimes or actually very often bad things can lead to good things. Imagine you miss a train but then you let your boss know and you get a pass to work from home. Well, not so bad after all, is it?

Well, why am I even mentioning this? The story is that my husband broke his ankle last week at football. It is not the end of the world but he has to work so this morning  he went to catch a train in the rain with bag over the shoulder and walking slowly with his crutches. Hard I know. Then I got a message which I did not want…you will have to drive and pick me up at the station tonight and you will be dropping me off in the morning..!! Oh no!!

The reason why I mentioned is that I have been putting off driving on the left side for years. I used to be a decent driver but not here!!! To be fair it was one of my resolutions for this year to start to drive here but I am so terrified I swear. I genuinely believe that this is the moment. The moment when I have no excuse and just have to deal with it. It is that bad situation that will lead into something good! I will finally start to drive.

And I just did!! I did my short drive with my left leg shaking like mad but I am so proud of myself! LOL

Znate to, kdyz se stane neco spatneho a nemusi to byt neco katastrofalniho…ale treba vam ujede vlak pred nosem, nebo kamaradka zrusi veceri! Uz po treti!! Ne vzdy ale spatne veci vedou k dalsim spatnym vecem, naopak! Casto mohou spatne veci vest k tem dobrym a je to jedina mozna cesta, jak vas donutit neco udelat nebo se dostat na spravnou cestu. Kdyz vam ujede vlak a zavolate do prace, ze se tak stalo, treba vam zrovna sef rekne, ze mate pracovat z domu. Ta spatna vec, ktera se udala v sedm rano, ma ihned lepsi vyhlidky.

No a proc o tom pisu? Muj manzel si na fotbale minuly tyden zlomil kotnik. No co vam budu povidat. Neni to konec sveta, ale take zadne terno. A protoze v Britanii je system tak jak je, tak se uz v pondeli vydal do prace, v rani spicce, v desti, o berlich s taskou pres rameno, nadopovany ibuprofenem a poslal mi zpravu. Budes pro me muset prijet autem vecer na vlakovou zastavku, jinak to nedam. A budes me tam muset rano vozit. Cozeeee? 

A proc to zminuju v dnesnim clanku? No protoze se uz roky odhodlavam, ze zacnu v Britanii ridit, ale mam z te druhe strany zkratka respekt a navic jsem vysla hodne ze cviku. Prakticky ridim akorat jednou za rok a to na Morave po okoli a to neni tak narocne. No co vam budu povidat, od rana na to myslim, ale vim, ze prave tato situace me konecne donuti a posune dal. 

Zkratka citim, ze tato “spatna” situace je prave ta, ktera me konecne donuti, se k tomu odhodlat. Bylo to totiz moje letosni predsevzeti, ze tady konecne zacnu ridit. 

A prave jsem se vratila z prvni mini jizdy. Noha se mi na spojce kmitala jako blazen, ale zvladla jsem to a jsem na sebe pysna! LOL 


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Outfit: There are still some amazing influencer communities

Wearing: Bag: Chloe, Shoes and Skirt: Zara, Sunglasses: Skinny Dip, Blazer: Charlotte London, Belt: Temperley

If you are a blogger yourself or just a follower you may have heard stories. There are stories about influencers being jealous, stories about backstabbing and you see friendships come and go. I am not the type that will be talking much about this on my platforms as I am trying firstly stay away from it and secondly talk as positive as possible on my social channels.

There are times when I attend a party and you can almost sense the tension, then there are times when somebody I have known for years even didn’t bother to say hello when we were at the same party. Well, that tells something about them doesn’t it? However I have recently attended an event and the scene and the girls were totally knew to me. It was lot of originally Dubai based influencers that are currently in London and I could not get over how supportive and friendly everybody was. I felt so good in their company and just watched them networking and having the best time. I started to chat to a photographer who I have known for several years and we agreed that it is honestly amazing and agreed that Irish influencers are the same. To be fair I feel like that about Irish people in general. I have recently started to follow several Irish youtubers and the support they get from people, amongst themselves and also in media is unreal. I am amazed by Irish media and TV how much attention they give even to micro influencers. It is absolutely amazing and motivating for the girls.

Anyway, It is fantastic to see there are still strong blogging communities that support each other and can push themselves forward together.

Jestli uz jste bloger ci ctenar, mozna take vite nejaky ten pribeh o obcasne nenavisti a zasti mezi blogery. Ano priznavam, ze existuji, ale ja se jim snazim vyhybat a veci moc neresit. Pratelstvi mezi blogery se tvori, ale take muzou rychle odeznit. No co vam budu povidat. Mela jsem situace, kdy se dala atmosfera na akcich krajet, nebo kdy me nekdo nepozdravil, prestoze ho znam nekolik let. 

Minuly tyden jsem ale navstivila akci, kde jsem znala dva lidi a zbytek pro me byl uplne novy. Byly to influencerky zejmena z Dubaje a z Arabske blogovaci sceny a byla jsem mile prekvapena. Vsichni byli moc pratelsti, navzajem se podporovali a musim rict, ze jsem si tuto atmosferu opravdu uzivala. Uz par let znam fotografku, co na akci fotila a uplne se mnou souhlasila a dodala, ze Irske blogerky to maji uplne stejne. A vite co, ma asi pravdu. Irove jsou obecne velmi pratelsti lide a ja jsem nedavno zacala sledovat nekolik Irskych youtuberu a fascinuje me obrovska podpora sledovatelu, Irskych medii a podpora mezi sebou. Uplne nejvice me opravdu fascinuje podpora casopisu a televize v Irsku. A nebavim se o podpore top influenceru, ale micro influenceru a je opravdu uzasne to sledovat. 

Je skvele videt, ze existuji blogerske sceny, kde se podporuji navzajem a rostou tak vsichni spolecne a posouvaji dal jeden druheho. 


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How to afford luxury for less?

Wearing: Bag: YSL, Boots: Oliver Sweeney via Brand Alley, Dress: Alexa Chung via Brand Alley, Jacket: Zara, Sunglasses: Dior

Perhaps you are one of those people that is sometimes wondering how do other people afford luxury and premium high-street clothes? Well, not everybody shops latest collections for full prices. Trust me. People have their own tricks how to snap great and good quality items for much less.

You have several options…firstly you can shop in the sales which is the obvious tip. Secondly you can shop at sample sales which can be tricky unless you become a sample sale pro and you have the patience for it. You can also snap your dream items in pre-loved shops or you can make things easy for yourself and you can shop in outlet stores or online shopping destinations that offer things on constant sale. That is how I got this gorgeous Alexa Chung dress and my new boots. Both come from Brand Alley which is a fantastic shopping destination and you can even get brands like Balenciaga, Stella McCartney or Chloe.

It is a great way how to build up good quality wardrobe and it will not affect your bank balance as much. And we all want that, don’t we?

Mozna se obcas ptate, jak je mozne, ze si nekdo muze dovolit designerske kousky a nebo drazsi retezce? Ne vsichni nakupuji za plnou cenu a nejnovejsi kolekce. Je spousta lidi, kteri maji ruzne triky na to jak si dovolit drazsi kousky. Ja si za plnou cenu kupuju hlavne veci, ktere casto nejdou koupit jinak a nebo taky veci, ktere me chytly za srdce tak, ze nemam vychodisko. LOL 

Pri nakupovani vyhodne mate nekolik moznosti. Ta prvni je jasna a to nakupovat ve slevach. Dalsi moznosti jsou sample sales. Na ty je treba trosku praxe a hlavne trpelivost. Dalsi zpusob je urcite nakupovat veci z druhe ruky. Uz i v Cesku se nachazi spousta obchodu, kde se daji poridit nosene designerske kousky. A jednou z moznosti jsou ruzne outlety jako napriklad Brand Alley tady v Britanii. Odtud mam nove saty Alexa Chung a tyhle nove boty.  Oboji by dohromady za plnou cenu vysly asi na 500 -600 £, ale tady je najdete za zlomek puvodni ceny. Coz je vzdy dobra zprava. 

V dnesni dobe je uz opravdu spousta moznosti a tak i vy si muzete poridit kvalitni kousky za mnohem mene a postupne si obohacovat satnik.


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5 Hacks to look slimmer

Wearing: Trousers: Couturissimo, Shoes and Blazer: Zara, Belt: Gucci, Sunglasses: Skinny Dip

Some people will always want to look slimmer whilst some are maybe fighting to put on some weight and no matter how hard they try it does not work for them. Anyway, this articles is for those who want some tips to look slimmer instantly. It is not about diets or working out but simply giving you few hacks how to work with your body shape and how to style your clothes. There is a full video here which you can watch and really see how changing certain things can make a difference. It is simple little do’s and dont’s video. So here are some tips I wanted to share with you.

Find out your body shape and dress accordinglyHere is an online calculator where you put in your measurements and it will tell you what body shape you are. Then just look what suits each body shapes and what are dos and dont’s. It will really help you to look leaner and slimmer. And before you get sad if you get shape like pear or apple do not be sad. Just google famous celebrities and will realise how many amazing women with amazing bodies are the same body type. Mine is for example Cameron Diaz or Nicole Kidman. Yay.

Go high-waisted – Remember that high-waisted skirts, trousers, jeans or shorts will help you to keep everything in, make your legs look longer and your love handles will stay in place. As much as I love the 90’s jeans style down at your hips I know they are not very forgiving sadly.

Wear Black – I feel so silly to put this one in as it is so obvious however it does work. Imagine you gained few pounds and you find a dress of your dreams. One is in light colour the other is black. Guess which one will make you look slimmer :) ? Also, overall black outfits are the best and safe choice.

Wear Flares – Flares are coming and going but to be fair they will never be out of fashion. Look at Rachel Zoe she has been wearing them forever. And she knows they look fab. They will give your body right proportions and your legs will look so much longer.

Belt your dresses and blazers and don’t leave your heels at home – If you work with your belts in the right way it can do wonders. So belt that baggy dress or oversized blazer. Not only it will look super chic but also give your body some shape. It works for my body shape and I can’t get enough. Also remember how long your legs looked in those high heels? Well, it is because heels always make you look slimmer. So lets drop the comfort and be glam for a change.

If you want to find out more feel free to watch my full video. So let’s get slimmer instantly all together.

Jsou lide, kteri vzdy budou chtit byt a vypadat hubenejsi a  jsou take lide, kteri chteji pribrat a mohou se snazit jak chteji a nejde jim to. Tento clanek je pro tu prvni skupinu. Chtela jsem s vami sdilet par tipu jak vypadat stihleji bez diet a cviceni. Je to casto o tom se spravne oblekat, vyuzit dobrych stylingovych tipu a take se oblekat podle typu vasi postavy. Muzete se podivat na cele video, kde uvidite jak vse vypada v praxi. 

Zjistete typ vasi postavy a oblekejte se podle toho – Zadejte vase miry do teto kalkulacky a ta vam vypocita jaky jste typ postavy. Pak uz si jenom staci vyhledat jak se nejlepe oblekat vasemu typu postavy. Verte mi, ze znat tvar vasi postavy a vyuzit rad z internetu vam pomuze  vypadat stihleji. 

Noste kalhoty, kratasy a sukne s vysokym pasem – Prestoze mam rada dziny z devadesatek, ktere spadaji na boky, vim, ze odhali vse co nechceme. Cokoli s vyssim pasem vse krasne udrzi a navic vam to i opticky prodlouzi telo a nohy. 

Noste cernou barvu – Je mi to az trapne to zminovat, protoze je to takova klasika, ale vsichni vime, ze to zabira. Predstavte si, ze v obchode uvidite saty snu v bile barve a hned vedle toho v cerne. Vite, ze jste v posledni dobe nabrali par kilo. V kterych budete asi vypadat lepe? Co myslite? Navic celocerne outfity opravdu vypadaji vyborne. 

Noste zvony – Zvony vlastne nikdy nevyjdou z mody. Ano jako vetsi trend prichazi a odchazi, ale skvely priklad je napriklad Rachel Zoe. Ta je nosi odjakziva a proste vi, ze vypadaji dobre. Vyvazi krasne proporce vaseho tela a prodlouzi nohy. Co vic si prat? 

Pouzivejte spravne pasky a nezapomente si doma podpatky – Zalezi na typu postavy, ale memu typu sedi pasky v pase. Zvyrazni to co mi nebylo dano a vse hned vypada lepe. A podpatky vas krasne protahnou. Obcas je treba odhodit pohodli a chvili to vydrzet. 

A pokud chcete vedet vice a videt, jak to vse vypada v realu, tak si pustete jiz zminene video. 
